
Configuration InstallExchange

    Import-DscResource -Module xExchange
    Import-DscResource -Module xPendingReboot

    Node $AllNodes.NodeName
        #Copy the Exchange setup files locally
        File ExchangeBinaries
            Ensure          = 'Present'
            Type            = 'Directory'
            Recurse         = $true
            SourcePath      = "$($Node.FileServerBase)\E2K13CU8"
            DestinationPath = 'C:\Binaries\E2K13CU8'
            Credential      = $FileCopyCreds

        #Check if a reboot is needed before installing Exchange
        xPendingReboot BeforeExchangeInstall
            Name      = "BeforeExchangeInstall"

            DependsOn = '[File]ExchangeBinaries'

        #Do the Exchange install
        xExchInstall InstallExchange
            Path       = "C:\Binaries\E2K13CU8\Setup.exe"
            Arguments  = "/mode:Install /role:Mailbox,ClientAccess /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms"
            Credential = $InstallCreds

            DependsOn  = '[xPendingReboot]BeforeExchangeInstall'

        #This section licenses the server
        xExchExchangeServer EXServer
            Identity            = $Node.NodeName
            Credential          = $InstallCreds
            ProductKey          = $Node.ProductKey
            AllowServiceRestart = $true

            DependsOn           = '[xExchInstall]InstallExchange'

        #See if a reboot is required after installing Exchange
        xPendingReboot AfterExchangeInstall
            Name      = "AfterExchangeInstall"

            DependsOn = '[xExchInstall]InstallExchange'

if ($InstallCreds -eq $null)
    $InstallCreds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter credentials for Installing Exchange"

if ($FileCopyCreds -eq $null)
    $FileCopyCreds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter credentials for copying Exchange setup files from the file server"

###Compiles the example
InstallExchange -ConfigurationData $PSScriptRoot\ExchangeSettings-Lab.psd1 -InstallCreds $InstallCreds -FileCopyCreds $FileCopyCreds

###Pushes configuration and waits for execution
#Start-DscConfiguration -Path .\InstallExchange -Verbose -Wait -ComputerName XXX