Configuration CreateAndConfigureDAG { param ( [PSCredential]$ShellCreds ) Import-DscResource -Module xExchange Node $AllNodes.NodeName { #Thumbprint of the certificate used to decrypt credentials on the target node LocalConfigurationManager { CertificateId = $Node.Thumbprint } } #This section only configures a single DAG node, the first member of the DAG. #The first member of the DAG will be responsible for DAG creation and maintaining its configuration Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq 'FirstDAGMember'}.NodeName { $dagSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.DAGId] #Look up and retrieve the DAG settings for this node #Create the DAG xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroup DAG { Name = $dagSettings.DAGName Credential = $ShellCreds AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers = $dagSettings.AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume = $dagSettings.AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume AutoDagDatabasesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeDatabases' AutoDagVolumesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeVolumes' DatacenterActivationMode = "DagOnly" DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses = $dagSettings.DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses ManualDagNetworkConfiguration = $true ReplayLagManagerEnabled = $true SkipDagValidation = $true WitnessDirectory = 'C:\FSW' WitnessServer = $dagSettings.WitnessServer } #Add this server as member xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupMember DAGMember { MailboxServer = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ShellCreds DAGName = $dagSettings.DAGName SkipDagValidation = $true DependsOn = '[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroup]DAG' } #Create two new DAG Networks xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork DAGNet1 { Name = $dagSettings.DAGNet1NetworkName Credential = $ShellCreds DatabaseAvailabilityGroup = $dagSettings.DAGName Ensure = 'Present' ReplicationEnabled = $dagSettings.DAGNet1ReplicationEnabled Subnets = $dagSettings.DAGNet1Subnets DependsOn = '[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupMember]DAGMember' #Can't do work on DAG networks until at least one member is in the DAG... } xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork DAGNet2 { Name = $dagSettings.DAGNet2NetworkName Credential = $ShellCreds DatabaseAvailabilityGroup = $dagSettings.DAGName Ensure = 'Present' ReplicationEnabled = $dagSettings.DAGNet2ReplicationEnabled Subnets = $dagSettings.DAGNet2Subnets DependsOn = '[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupMember]DAGMember' #Can't do work on DAG networks until at least one member is in the DAG... } #Remove the original DAG Network xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork DAGNetOld { Name = $dagSettings.OldNetworkName Credential = $ShellCreds DatabaseAvailabilityGroup = $dagSettings.DAGName Ensure = 'Absent' DependsOn = '[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork]DAGNet1','[xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork]DAGNet2' #Dont remove the old one until the new one is in place } } #Next we'll add the remaining nodes to the DAG Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq 'AdditionalDAGMember'}.NodeName { $dagSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.DAGId] #Look up and retrieve the DAG settings for this node #Can't join until the DAG exists... xExchWaitForDAG WaitForDAG { Identity = $dagSettings.DAGName Credential = $ShellCreds } xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroupMember DAGMember { MailboxServer = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ShellCreds DAGName = $dagSettings.DAGName SkipDagValidation = $true DependsOn = '[xExchWaitForDAG]WaitForDAG' } } } if ($ShellCreds -eq $null) { $ShellCreds = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter credentials for establishing Remote Powershell sessions to Exchange' } ###Compiles the example CreateAndConfigureDAG -ConfigurationData $PSScriptRoot\CreateAndConfigureDAG-Config.psd1 -ShellCreds $ShellCreds ###Sets up LCM on target computers to decrypt credentials. Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path .\CreateAndConfigureDAG -Verbose ###Pushes configuration and waits for execution Start-DscConfiguration -Path .\CreateAndConfigureDAG -Verbose -Wait |