
    AllNodes = @(
        #Settings under 'NodeName = *' apply to all nodes.
            NodeName        = '*'

            #CertificateFile and Thumbprint are used for securing credentials. See:
            #The location on the compiling machine of the public key export of the certfificate which will be used to encrypt credentials
            CertificateFile = 'C:\publickey.cer' 

            #Thumbprint of the certificate being used for encrypting credentials
            Thumbprint      = '39bef4b2e82599233154465323ebf96a12b60673' 

        #Individual target nodes are defined next
            NodeName      = 'e15-1'
            Role          = 'FirstDAGMember'
            DAGId         = 'DAG1' #Used to determine which DAG settings the servers should use. Corresponds to DAG1 hashtable entry below.

            NodeName      = 'e15-2'
            Role          = 'AdditionalDAGMember'
            DAGId         = 'DAG1'

            NodeName    = 'e15-3'
            Role        = 'AdditionalDAGMember'
            DAGId       = 'DAG1'

            NodeName    = 'e15-4'
            Role        = 'AdditionalDAGMember'
            DAGId       = 'DAG1'

    #Settings that are unique per DAG will go in separate hash table entries.
    DAG1 = @(
            ###DAG Settings###
            DAGName                              = 'TestDAG1'           
            AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers          = 4     
            AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume       = 2
            DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses = '',''     
            WitnessServer                        = 'e14-1.mikelab.local'

            #xDatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork params
            #New network params
            DAGNet1NetworkName                   = 'MapiNetwork'
            DAGNet1ReplicationEnabled            = $false
            DAGNet1Subnets                       = '',''

            DAGNet2NetworkName                   = 'ReplNetwork'
            DAGNet2ReplicationEnabled            = $true
            DAGNet2Subnets                       = '',''

            #Old network to remove
            OldNetworkName                       = 'MapiDagNetwork'