
#region Globals from all three scripts
# Service Names
$TransportServiceName    = "MsExchangeTransport"
$MessageTracing          = "MSMessageTracingClient"
$EdgeSync                = "MsExchangeEdgeSync"
$Script:OriginalPref     = $ErrorActionPreference

$Script:ExchangeServer   = $null
$Script:TransportService = $null
$Script:HubTransport     = $null
$Script:Entered          = $false

$Component = "HubTransport"
$Requester = "Maintenance"

$Target = $env:COMPUTERNAME

$Script:LogFileName = $null
$Script:TransportMaintenanceLogPrefix = 'TransportMaintenance'
$Script:TransportMaintenanceLogNameFormat = "{0}\TransportMaintenance-{1}-{2}.log"
$Script:ServerInMM = "ServerInMM"
$Script:AllotedTimeExceeded = "AllotedTimeExceeded"
$Script:NoProgressTimeout = "NoProgressTimeout"
$Script:UnredirectedMessageEventId = 100
$Script:UndrainedDiscardEventEventId = 101
$Script:MaxWaitForOtherWorkflow = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 30
$Script:TransportMaintenanceSync = $null
$Script:ExchangeVersion = ""

$ServiceState = $null

#region New Code or Wrappers
Begin maintenance script for HUB components.

The name of the machine being put into maintenance.


function Start-TransportMaintenance
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Target = $env:COMPUTERNAME,


        [boolean]$LoadLocalShell = $false,

    if ($LoadLocalShell -eq $true)

    $Script:LogInfo = @{
        Target = $Target

        Write-Verbose "Starting non-fatal Transport maintenance tasks for '$Target' on $($env:ComputerName)" 
        if(-not (Init-TransportMaintenance -Target $Target))

        # Log the BeginTM/start event
        $beginTMLog = Create-LogEntry -Source $Target -Stage BeginTM
        Log-EventOfEntry -Event Start -Entry $beginTMLog -Reason $Script:LogInfo

        Perform-RemoteMaintenance -Target $Target -MessageRedirectExclusions $MessageRedirectExclusions -ExcludeLocalSiteFromMessageRedirect:$ExcludeLocalSiteFromMessageRedirect

        Write-Warning "At least one non-fatal tasked failed. Ignoring and continuing deployment. Error was $_"
            Log-EventOfEntry -Event Completed -Entry $beginTMLog -Reason $Script:LogInfo

Performs End Maintenance of HubTransport


function Stop-TransportMaintenance
        [boolean]$LoadLocalShell = $false

    if ($LoadLocalShell -eq $true)

    $ServiceState = "Online"


function AddExchangeSnapinIfRequired
    if ((Get-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
        Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

#region From TransportBeginMaintenance.ps1
# Initializes logging, validates if the current server
# Target server for the operation.
# True if the initialization is successful and caller should continue the MM process.
# Else, returns false and caller should NOT continue with the MM.
function Init-TransportMaintenance
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    Initialize-TransportMaintenanceLog -Server $Target
    $Script:ExchangeServer = Get-ExchangeServer $Target
    if(-not $Script:ExchangeServer)
        Write-Verbose "$Target is not an exchange server"
        $Script:LogInfo.Add('ExchangeServer', 'False')
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Target -Stage BeginTM -Reason $Script:LogInfo
        return $false
    $Script:TransportService = Get-Service `
        -ComputerName $Script:ExchangeServer.Fqdn `
        -Name $TransportServiceName `
        -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if(-not $Script:TransportService)
        Write-Verbose "MSExchangeTransport service is not found on $Target"
        $Script:LogInfo.Add($TransportServiceName, 'NotFound')
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Target -Stage BeginTM -Reason $Script:LogInfo
        return $false
    $Script:HubTransport = Get-ComponentState -Server $Target
    if(-not $Script:HubTransport)
        Write-Verbose "Unable to find HubTransport's ServerComponentState from $($env:ComputerName) for $Target."
        $Script:LogInfo.Add('HubTransport', 'NotFound')
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Target -Stage BeginTM -Reason $Script:LogInfo
        return $false
    $Script:Entered = $true
    return $true

# Fully drains the Transport and put HubTransport component state to Inactive
# Target server for the operation.
# None
function Perform-FullyDrainTransport
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Target = $env:COMPUTERNAME,


    #drain active messages
    Drain-ActiveMessages -Server $Target -TransportService $script:TransportService
    # redirect the remaining messages
    $activeServers = Redirect-Messages -Server $Target -MessageRedirectExclusions $MessageRedirectExclusions -ExcludeLocalSite:$ExcludeLocalSiteFromMessageRedirect

    # Drain the discard events
        Drain-DiscardEvents -Primary $Target -ShadowServers $activeServers | out-null
        Write-Verbose "Unable to find other active servers in this DAG. Skip draining of discard event."
    Write-Verbose "Setting HubTransport component state to Inactive"
    Set-ComponentState -Server $Target -State Inactive
    Log-InfoEvent -Source $Target -Stage RestartTransport -Reason  @{ComponentState = 'Inactive'}

# Perform the Remote Maintenance stage
# Target server for the operation.
function Perform-RemoteMaintenance
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Target = $env:COMPUTERNAME,


    if(($Script:TransportService.Status -ne "Running") -or `
        ($Script:HubTransport.State -ne "Active"))
        $Script:LogInfo.Add('MsExchangeTransport', $Script:TransportService.Status)
        $Script:LogInfo.Add('HubTransport', $Script:HubTransport.State)
        $Script:LogInfo.Add('Reason', 'Skipped')
        Perform-FullyDrainTransport -Target $Target -MessageRedirectExclusions $MessageRedirectExclusions -ExcludeLocalSiteFromMessageRedirect:$ExcludeLocalSiteFromMessageRedirect


#region From TransportEndMaintenance.ps1
# Main entry point for the script.
function Main-HUBEndMaintenance
    $reasons = @{
        ServiceState = $ServiceState
        Initialize-TransportMaintenanceLog -Server $Target
        $TransportService = get-service $TransportServiceName -errorAction silentlyContinue
        if(-not $TransportService)
            Write-Verbose 'MSExchangeTransport service is not found'
            $reasons.Add('MsExchangeTransport', 'NotFound')
            Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Target -Stage EndTM -Reason $reasons

        $endMMLog = Create-LogEntry -Source $Target -Stage EndTM

        Log-EventOfEntry -Event Start -Entry $endMMLog -Reason $reasons
        if($ServiceState -eq "Online")
        # All other parameter combinations indicate 'Inactive' state.
            Log-EventOfEntry -Event Completed -Entry $endMMLog -Reason $reasons

# checks and enable the submission queue if needed. This should be successful in
# the first iteration. However, we allow the service to have up to 5 minutes to return
# the submission queue.
function Enable-SubmissionQueue
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $PollingFrequency = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10),
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5)
    $endTime = (Get-Date) + $Timeout
    $submissionQName = $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\Submission"
    while ($true)
        $submissionQ = Get-Queue $submissionQName -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
        if ($submissionQ)
            if($submissionQ.Status -eq 'Suspended')
                    Resume-Queue $submissionQName -confirm:$false
                    Log-InfoEvent -source $env:COMPUTERNAME -stage SubmissionQueueCheck -Reason @{EnableSubmissionQueue = 'Succeeded'}
                    return $true
                    Log-InfoEvent -source $env:COMPUTERNAME -stage SubmissionQueueCheck -Reason @{EnableSubmissionQueue = 'Failed'}
                    return $false
            Log-SkippedEvent -source $env:COMPUTERNAME -stage SubmissionQueueCheck -Reason @{EnableSubmissionQueue = $submissionQ.Status}
            return $true
        if ((Get-Date) -gt $endTime)
            Log-InfoEvent -source $env:COMPUTERNAME -stage SubmissionQueueCheck -Reason @{EnableSubmissionQueue = 'QueueNotFound'}
            return $false
            Sleep -Seconds $PollingFrequency.Seconds

# Sets the Transport Component State to 'Active' and starts the appropriate services.
function Set-TransportActive
    Write-Output "Enter [Set-TransportActive]"
    $currentServerComponentState = Get-ServerComponentState -Identity $env:COMPUTERNAME -Component $Component
    $transportService = Get-WmiObject win32_service -filter "name = 'MSExchangeTransport'"

    if($currentServerComponentState.State -eq "Active" `
         -and $transportService -ne $null `
         -and $transportService.StartMode -eq "Auto" `
         -and $transportService.State -eq "Running")
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $env:COMPUTERNAME -Stage StartTransport -Reason @{ComponentState = 'Active'}
        # Set component state to 'Active'
        Set-ComponentState -Component $Component -State "Active" -Requester $Requester | out-null 
        # Restart transport
        Set-ServiceState -ServiceName $TransportServiceName -State "Stopped" -LoggingStage StopTransport -StartMode "Auto" -ThrowOnFailure
        Set-ServiceState -ServiceName $TransportServiceName -State "Running" -LoggingStage StartTransport -ThrowOnFailure

    # Enable the submission queue if needed. In case of failure, we will have to put
    # the service back to inactive
    if (-not (Enable-SubmissionQueue))
    # Set MSExchangeEdgeSync service start mode to Auto and restart.
    Set-ServiceState -ServiceName $EdgeSync -State "Stopped" -LoggingStage StopEdgeSync -StartMode "Auto"
    Set-ServiceState -ServiceName $EdgeSync -State "Running" -LoggingStage StartEdgeSync
    # Do not change the start mode for MSMessageTracingClient
    # MSMessageTracingClient service is disabled in some test topologies
    # so only start the service, if it is NOT Disabled.
    Set-ServiceState -ServiceName $MessageTracing -State "Running" -LoggingStage StartMessageTrace

    Write-Output "Exit [Set-TransportActive]"

# Sets the Transport Component State to 'Inactive' and starts the appropriate services.
function Set-TransportInactive
    Write-Output "Enter [Set-TransportInactive]"

    $currentServerComponentState = Get-ServerComponentState -Identity $env:COMPUTERNAME -Component $Component
    $transportService = Get-WmiObject win32_service -filter "name = 'MSExchangeTransport'"

    if($currentServerComponentState.State -eq "Inactive" `
        -and $transportService -ne $null `
        -and $transportService.StartMode -eq "Auto" `
        -and $transportService.State -eq "Running")
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $env:COMPUTERNAME -Stage StartTransport -Reason @{ComponentState = 'Inactive'}
       # Set component state to 'Inactive'
       Set-ComponentState -Component $Component -State "Inactive" -Requester $Requester | out-null
       Set-ServiceState -ServiceName $TransportServiceName -State "Running" -LoggingStage StopTransport -StartMode "Auto" -ThrowOnFailure
    Write-Output "Exit [Set-TransportInactive]"

#region From DatacenterDeploymentTransportLibrary.ps1

# Get servers in the dag that contains the specified server
# .PARAMETER server
# Server whose dag's members is retrieving.
# .PARAMETER ExcludeLocalSite
# Whether to exclude the servers on the same site
# array of servers in the dag.
function Get-ServersInDag
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose "$server - Retrieving the DAG for the target server"
    $exchangeServer = (Get-ExchangeServer $server)
    if ($exchangeServer -eq $null)
        Write-Warning "Could not get the exchange server. Skipping redirect."
        return $null

    if ($exchangeServer.IsMailboxServer -eq $false)
        Write-Warning "Could not find the mailbox server. Skipping redirect."
        return $null

    $dag = (Get-MailboxServer $server).DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
    if ($dag -eq $null)
        Write-Warning "Could not find the DAG for the target server. Skipping redirect."
        return $null
    Write-Verbose "$server - Retrieving other hub transport servers in the DAG - $dag"

    $dagServers = @((Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup $dag).Servers | %{if($_.Name){$_.Name}else{$_}} | ?{$_ -ne $server})

    if($dagServers -ne $null)
        #Filter out servers who are in the local site, if $ExcludeLocalSite
        if ($ExcludeLocalSite)
            for ($i = $dagServers.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--)
                $dagServerProps = $null
                $dagServerProps = Get-ExchangeServer $dagServers[$i]

                if ($dagServerProps -ne $null -and $dagServerProps.Site -eq $exchangeServer.Site)
                    $dagServers = $dagServers | where {$_ -ne $dagServers[$i]}

        #Filter out additional exclusions
        if ($AdditionalExclusions -ne $null)
            foreach ($exclusion in $AdditionalExclusions)
                $dagServers = $dagServers | where {$_ -notlike $exclusion}

    if (-not $dagServers)
        Write-Warning "Could not find servers in the DAG that do not meeting exclusion criteria."

    return $dagServers

# Selects the active servers from the specified array of servers.
# Active servers are those that have EdgeTransport running.
# .PARAMETER $Servers
# Array of servers
# Array of active servers
function Get-ActiveServers
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $activeServers = $Servers | `
        ?{(Get-ServerComponentState -Identity $_ -Component HubTransport).State -eq 'Active' } | `
        %{ `
            $xml = [xml](Get-ExchangeDiagnosticInfo -Process "EdgeTransport" -server $_ -erroraction SilentlyContinue)
            if($xml -and $xml.Diagnostics.ProcessInfo)
                Write-Output $_

    return $activeServers

# Get version for exchange installed on the server
# .PARAMETER server
# Server whose version is being retrieved.
# version string.
function Get-ExchangeVersion
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose "$server - Retrieving version for the target server"

    $serverVersion = (Get-ExchangeServer $server).AdminDisplayVersion

    if ($serverVersion -eq $null)
        Write-Warning "Could not find exchange version."
        return $null

    $versionString = [string]::Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", `
                                     $serverVersion.Major.ToString("D2"), `
                                     $serverVersion.Minor.ToString("D2"), `
                                     $serverVersion.Build.ToString("D4"), `
    return $versionString

# Get the list of files that are in the Maintenance Log folder
# .PARAMETER $TransportService
# Transport Service object retrieved from Get-TransportService of the current server
# This object holds configuration and size limits of the Maintenance Log folder
# The path to the log folder adjusted for remote logging.
# Array of file objects of files that are in the Maintenance Log folder
function Get-TransportMaintenanceLogFiles()
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Object] $TransportService,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $LogPath

    $logFilesMatch = "{0}\{1}*.log" -f $LogPath, $Script:TransportMaintenanceLogPrefix
    return @(Get-Item $logFilesMatch -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

# Ensures the current Maintenance log file stay within the limit specified in the TransportService object.
# Creates and initializes the log file to be ready for accepting logs.
# The path to the log folder adjusted for remote logging.
# .PARAMETER $TransportService
# Transport Service object retrieved from Get-TransportService of the current server
# This object holds configuration and size limits of the Maintenance Log folder
function Configure-TransportMaintenanceLog
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Object] $TransportService,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $LogPath

    $maxFileSize = $TransportService.TransportMaintenanceLogMaxFileSize.Value.ToBytes()

    if($Script:LogFileName -and $Script:LogStream)
        if((Get-Item $Script:LogFileName).Length -lt $maxFileSize)
            $Script:LogFileName = $null
            $newestLog = $null
        $newestLog = Get-TransportMaintenanceLogFiles -TransportService $TransportService -LogPath $LogPath | `
                        sort LastWriteTime -Descending | `
                        Select -First 1

    if(-not $newestLog -or $newestLog.Length -ge $maxFileSize)
        $instance = 0
            $newLogFileName = $Script:TransportMaintenanceLogNameFormat -f `
                                $LogPath, `
                                [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), $instance

            $existedLogFile = Get-Item -Path $newLogFileName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if(-not $existedLogFile)
        $newLogFileName = $newestLog.FullName

    $Script:LogFileName = $newLogFileName

# Removes old log files from the Maintenance Log directory to stay within the age limit specified
# in the TransportService object
# The path to the log folder adjusted for remote logging.
# .PARAMETER $TransportService
# Transport Service object retrieved from Get-TransportService of the current server
# This object holds configuration and size limits of the Maintenance Log folder
function Enforce-TransportMaintenanceLogMaxAge
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Object] $TransportService,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $LogPath

    $maxLogAge = [TimeSpan]$TransportService.TransportMaintenanceLogMaxAge
    [DateTime]$rolloutTime = (Get-Date) - $maxLogAge

    Get-TransportMaintenanceLogFiles -TransportService $TransportService -LogPath $LogPath | `
        ? {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $rolloutTime} | `
        % {Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName}

# Removes old log files from the Maintenance Log directory to stay within total size limit specified
# in the TransportService object
# The path to the log folder adjusted for remote logging.
# .PARAMETER $TransportService
# Transport Service object retrieved from Get-TransportService of the current server
# This object holds configuration and size limits of the Maintenance Log folder
function Enforce-TransportMaintenanceLogMaxDirectorySize
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Object] $TransportService,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $LogPath

    $maxDirectorySize = $TransportService.TransportMaintenanceLogMaxDirectorySize.Value.ToBytes()
    $maxFileSize = $TransportService.TransportMaintenanceLogMaxFileSize.Value.ToBytes()

    $files = Get-TransportMaintenanceLogFiles -TransportService $TransportService -LogPath $LogPath | Sort LastWriteTime
    $directorySize = $files | Measure-Object Length -Sum | %{ $_.Sum }

    $i = 0
    $desiredSize = $maxDirectorySize - $maxFileSize
    while ($directorySize -ge $desiredSize)
            if($files[$i].FullName -ne $Script:LogFileName)
                $directorySize -= $files[$i].Length
                Remove-Item -Path $files[$i].FullName

# Get the adjusted logging path for remote or local logging.
# .PARAMETER $TransportService
# Transport Service object retrieved from Get-TransportService of the current server
# This object holds configuration and size limits of the Maintenance Log folder
# .PARAMETER $Server
# Server name of the log folder
# The path to the log folder adjusted for remote or local logging depending on the specified $Server.
function Get-MaintenanceLogPath
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Object] $TransportService,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [String] $Server = $env:ComputerName
    if(-not $TransportService.TransportMaintenanceLogPath)
        $logPath = Join-Path (Split-Path ($TransportService.QueueLogPath) -Parent) "TransportMaintenance"
        $logPath = $TransportService.TransportMaintenanceLogPath.PathName
    if($server -eq $env:ComputerName)
        return $logPath

    $drive = [IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($logPath)
    $share = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -ComputerName $server -Filter "Path = '$drive\'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $remotePath = "\\{0}\{1}\{2}" -f `
            $server, `
            $share.Name, `
        return $remotePath
        return $logPath

# Initializes the Maintenance Log and ensures the log directory conforms with limits
# set in Transport Service. This function must be called by Begin/End MM script before
# performing any MM tasks to ensure log file is created properly.
# Name of Server to write the maintenance log to
function Initialize-TransportMaintenanceLog()
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [String] $Server = $env:ComputerName

    #read MM log limits
    $transportService = Get-TransportService -Identity $Server

    # only configure the logging if we have the setting from Transport Service
    $hasMaintenanceSettings = $transportService.PsObject.Properties.Match('TransportMaintenance*')
    if($hasMaintenanceSettings.Count -gt 0)
        if(-not $transportService.TransportMaintenanceLogEnabled)
            $Script:LogFileName = $null

        $logPath = Get-MaintenanceLogPath -Server $Server -TransportService $transportService

        if(Test-Path $logPath)
            Enforce-TransportMaintenanceLogMaxAge -TransportService $transportService -LogPath $logPath
            Enforce-TransportMaintenanceLogMaxDirectorySize -TransportService $transportService -LogPath $logPath
                New-Item $logPath -Item Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message
                $Script:LogFileName = $null

        $Script:ExchangeVersion = Get-ExchangeVersion $Server
        Configure-TransportMaintenanceLog -TransportService $transportService -LogPath $logPath

# Change the running state of a service
# .PARAMETER $ServiceName
# Name of the service to change the state of
# .PARAMETER $Server
# Server where the service is running on
# New state of the service, can be Stopped, Running, Paused, or NoChange
# .PARAMETER $StartMode
# Change the startMode if necessary before changing its running state
# .PARAMETER $WaitTime
# Maximum wait time for the service to change its state
# .PARAMETER $LoggingStage
# If provide, a log entry is added to MM log on start and complete of the state change
# .PARAMETER $ThrowOnFailure
# Whether to throw on failures
# True if successful, false otherwise.
function Set-ServiceState
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("NoChange", "Stopped", "Running", "Paused")]
        [string]$State = "NoChange",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("NoChange", "Auto", "Automatic", "Manual", "Disabled")]
        [string]$StartMode = "NoChange",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $WaitTime = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5),
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $LoggingStage,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $ThrowOnFailure
    $service = Get-WmiObject win32_service -filter "name = '$ServiceName'" -ComputerName $Server
    if(-not $service)
            Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Server -Stage $LoggingStage -Reason @{$ServiceName = 'NotFound'}
            throw "Service $ServiceName not found on $Server."
    # Check and change the StartMode if necessary
    if($StartMode -eq "Auto")
        $StartMode = "Automatic"
    if(($StartMode -ne "NoChange") -and ($service.StartMode -ne $StartMode))
        $service.ChangeStartMode($StartMode) | Out-Null
        if($StartMode -eq "Disabled")
            $State = "Stopped"
    # Determine if the start/stop/restart action is needed
    if($State -eq "NoChange" -or $service.State -eq $State)
        $logEntry = Create-LogEntry -Source $Server -Stage $LoggingStage
        Log-EventOfEntry -Event Start -Entry $logEntry
            $service.StopService() | Out-Null
            if($service.State -eq "Paused")
                $service.ResumeService() | Out-Null
                $service.StartService()| Out-Null
            if($service.State -eq "Running")
                $service.PauseService() | Out-Null
                # service is stopped, start it up first
                $service.StartService() | Out-Null
                if($WaitTime -eq [TimeSpan]::Zero)
                    $startupWaitTime = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5
                    $startupWaitTime = $WaitTime
                Wait-ServiceState `
                    -ServiceName $ServiceName `
                    -Server $Server `
                    -State "Running" `
                    -WaitTime $startupWaitTime `
                # pause now
                $service.PauseService() | Out-Null
    if($WaitTime -gt [TimeSpan]::Zero)
        Wait-ServiceState `
            -ServiceName $ServiceName `
            -Server $Server `
            -State $State `
            -WaitTime $WaitTime `
        Log-EventOfEntry -Event Completed -Entry $logEntry -reason @{'MaxWaitMinutes' = $WaitTime.TotalMinutes}

# Create a log entry object to be used in logging with various events and reasons
# Name of the computer that originates this logging
# Logging stage
# Id of this log entry
# Value for the count column, meaning of this count varies with id and stage
# Log Entry object which can be use Log-EventOfEntry & Log-SkippedEvent
function Create-LogEntry
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Source,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Stage,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Id,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $Count = -1

    $logProps = @{
        Source = $Source
        Stage = $Stage
        Id = $Id
        Count = $Count
        Created = Get-Date

    return New-Object PsObject -Property $logProps

# Add a log entry of certain event to the current log file
# Event to be logged. For Completed event, the duration is automatically
# computed from the time LogEntry was created
# Log Entry, created by Create-LogEntry
# Reason of this event
function Log-EventOfEntry
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Event,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Object] $Entry,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [hashtable] $Reason

    if($Event -eq "Completed")
        $duration = (Get-Date) - $Entry.Created

        $Reason.GetEnumerator() |  `
            sort Key | % {
                    $ReasonStr += '; '

                $ReasonStr += "{0}={1}" -f $_.Name,$_.Value

    $msg = [string]::Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5:g},{6},{7},{8}", `
                        (Get-Date), `
                        $Entry.Source, `
                        $Entry.Stage, `
                        $Event, `
                        $Entry.Id, `
                        $duration, `
                        $(if($Entry.Count -ne -1){$Entry.Count} else {""}), `
                        $ReasonStr, `

    Write-Verbose $msg
    if(-not $Script:LogFileName)

    $maxTries = 3
    while($maxTries -gt 0)
            Add-Content -Path $Script:LogFileName -Value $msg -ErrorAction Stop
        catch [IO.DriveNotFoundException]
            # we stop logging if log causes exception
            $Script:LogFileName = $null
            Write-Verbose $_.Exception.Message
            # we may have other MM workflow accessing the log file
            # delay 1 sec and try again
            sleep 1

# Log a Skipped event to the current log file
# Name of the computer that originates this logging
# Logging stage
# Id of this log entry
# Value for the count column, meaning of this count varies with id and stage
# Reason of this event

function Log-SkippedEvent
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Source,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Stage,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Id,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $Count,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [hashtable] $Reason

    $entry = Create-LogEntry -Source $Source -Stage $Stage -Id $Id -Count $Count
    Log-EventOfEntry -Event Skipped -Entry $entry -Reason $Reason

# Log an Info event to the current log file
# Name of the computer that originates this logging
# Logging stage
# Id of this log entry
# Value for the count column, meaning of this count varies with id and stage
# Reason of this event

function Log-InfoEvent
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Source,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Stage,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Id,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $Count,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [hashtable] $Reason

    $entry = Create-LogEntry -Source $Source -Stage $Stage -Id $Id -Count $Count
    Log-EventOfEntry -Event Info -Entry $entry -Reason $Reason

# Used by Wait-EmptyEntries.
# Takes a hash table by the entry's id. Remove any entry that's not found in ActiveEntries.
# .PARAMETER ActiveEntries
# Array of active entries
# .PARAMETER DetailLogging
# Whether to log progress of each entry.
# .PARAMETER Tracker
# Tracking hash table to be updated
# returns True if at least an entry removed. Otherwise returns False.
function Remove-CompletedEntries
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [HashTable] $Tracker,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Object[]] $ActiveEntries = @(),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $DetailLogging = $true

    $progressMade = $false

    $activeIds = $ActiveEntries | %{$_.Id}
    $completedKeys = $tracker.Keys | ? {$activeIds -notcontains $_}
    $completedKeys | %{
        # update entry
        $entry = $Tracker[$_]
        $entry.LogEntry.Count = 0

            Log-EventOfEntry -Event Completed -Entry $entry.LogEntry

        # remove completed entry from tracking
        $progressMade = $true

    return $progressMade

# Used by Wait-EmptyEntries.
# Takes a hash table by the entry's id. Adds/Updates any entry that's found in ActiveEntries.
# .PARAMETER Tracker
# Tracking hash table to be updated
# Name of server, for logging purpose, which GetEntries Scriptblock is retrieving data from
# Name of the Stage of the overall BeginMM process, for logging purpose
# .PARAMETER DetailLogging
# Whether to log progress of each entry.
# .PARAMETER ActiveEntries
# Array of active entries
# Returns True if at least an entry is updated or created. Otherwise returns False.
function Update-EntriesTracker
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [HashTable] $Tracker,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Source,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Stage,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $DetailLogging = $true,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Object[]] $ActiveEntries = @()

    $progressMade = $false

    # Update the tracker hash table; Create new entries as needed
    $ActiveEntries | %{
        if(-not $tracker.ContainsKey($_.Id))
            $logEntry = Create-LogEntry -Source $Source -Stage $Stage -Id $_.Id -Count $_.Count

            $trackEnty = New-Object PsObject -Property @{
                LogEntry = $logEntry
                LastUpdated = Get-Date

            $tracker.Add($_.Id, $trackEnty)

                Log-EventOfEntry -Event Start -Entry $logEntry

            $progressMade = $true
            $trackingEntry = $tracker[$_.Id]
            $drainRateProp = $_.PsObject.Properties.Match('DrainRate')
            if((($drainRateProp.count -gt 0) -and ($_.DrainRate -gt 0)) -or `
               (($drainRateProp.count -eq 0) -and ($trackingEntry.LogEntry.Count -ne $_.Count)))
                $trackingEntry.LogEntry.Count = $_.Count
                $trackingEntry.LastUpdated = Get-Date
                $progressMade = $true

    return $progressMade

# Implements a generic wait function for entries returned by a scriptblock to go
# to zero or abort when time allow exceed or no progress was made.
# Each entry is tracked individually.
# .PARAMETER GetEntries
# ScriptBlock to be called every PollingFrequency interval with GetScriptArgs arguments
# to retrieve an array of entries with count
# Name of the Stage of the overall BeginMM process, for logging purpose
# .PARAMETER DetailLogging
# Whether to log progress of each entry.
# .PARAMETER GetEntriesAgrs
# Parameters for the GetEntries script block
# Name of server, for logging purpose, which GetEntries Scriptblock is retrieving data from
# .PARAMETER PollingFrequency
# Frequency of polling queues for status
# .PARAMETER Timeout
# Timeout not to exceed
# .PARAMETER NoProgressTimeout
# Timeout for when no progress is made
# .PARAMETER ThrowOnTimeout
# Whether to throw error on timeout
# Returns the remaining count of messages in the queues. When the wait ends with overall timeout
# or no progress timeout, this function returns a non-zero value.
function Wait-EmptyEntries
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ScriptBlock] $GetEntries,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Stage,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $DetailLogging = $true,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [object[]] $GetEntriesArgs = @(),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Source = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $PollingFrequency = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $NoProgressTimeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $ThrowOnTimeout

    $tracker = @{}
    $endTime = (Get-Date) + $Timeout
    $summaryLog = $null
    $firstTime = $true

        $progressMade = $false
        $activeEntries = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $GetEntries -ArgumentList $GetEntriesArgs | ? {$_.Count -gt 0}

            if($DetailLogging -and -not $ActiveEntries)
                Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Source -Stage $Stage -Reason @{Reason = 'Not needed'}
                $startCount = 0
                $startCount += $activeEntries | Measure-Object -Sum -Property Count | % {$_.Sum}

                $summaryLog = Create-LogEntry -Source $Source -Stage $Stage -Count $startCount
                Log-EventOfEntry -Event Start -Entry $summaryLog

            $firstTime = $false

        $foundCompleted = Remove-CompletedEntries `
            -Tracker $tracker `
            -ActiveEntries $activeEntries `

        if(-not $activeEntries)

        $foundUpdate = Update-EntriesTracker `
            -Tracker $tracker `
            -ActiveEntries $activeEntries `
            -Source $Source `
            -Stage $Stage `

        if((Get-Date) -gt $endTime)
            Write-Verbose "$Source - $Stage Time-out occurred. Wait aborted!"
            $Reason = $Script:AllotedTimeExceeded
        elseif($foundCompleted -or $foundUpdate)
            $remaningCount = $activeEntries | Measure-Object -Sum -Property Count | % {$_.Sum}
            Write-Verbose "$Source - $Stage Progress made. $remaningCount items remain."
            # checking if it's been too long since progress was made
            $recentEntries = $tracker.Values | ? {((Get-Date) - $_.LastUpdated) -lt $NoProgressTimeout}
            if(-not $recentEntries)
                Write-Verbose "$Source - $Stage NoProgressTimeout occurred. Wait aborted!"
                $Reason = $Script:NoProgressTimeout

        Sleep -Seconds $PollingFrequency.Seconds

    $remainingCount = 0
    $remainingCount += $activeEntries | Measure-Object -Sum -Property Count | % {$_.Sum}

        $tracker.Values | %{ Log-EventOfEntry -Event Completed -Entry $_.LogEntry -Reason @{Reason = $reason} }
        $summaryLog.Count = $remainingCount

            Log-EventOfEntry -Event Completed -Entry $summaryLog -Reason @{Reason = $reason}
            Log-EventOfEntry -Event Completed -Entry $summaryLog

        throw New-Object System.TimeoutException "Time-out reached."

    return $remainingCount

# Waits for the draining of Remote SMTP Relay queues, MapiDelivery queues and Submission queue.
# Monitors and waits for all messages to be drained before returning. Will throw
# TimeoutException if time-out is reached or if no progress is made in NoProgressTimeout.
# Target server for the operation.
# .PARAMETER QueueTypes
# Array of DeliveryTypes defined in:
# If null specified, all queue types are included in the wait. This function implicitly
# includes Submission queue and excludes Poison queue.
# .PARAMETER ActiveMsgOnly
# Whether to wait for active messages or all messages.
# Whether the wait is for the natural draining or the redirection
# .PARAMETER PollingFrequency
# Frequency of polling queues for status
# .PARAMETER Timeout
# Timeout not to exceed
# .PARAMETER NoProgressTimeout
# Timeout for when no progress is made
# .PARAMETER ThrowOnTimeout
# Whether to throw error on timeout
# Returns the remaining count of messages in the queues. When the wait ends with overall timeout or no progress timeout,
# this function returns a non-zero value.
function Wait-EmptyQueues
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$Server = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [String[]] $QueueTypes = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool] $ActiveMsgOnly = $false,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Stage = "QueueDrain",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $PollingFrequency = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $NoProgressTimeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $ThrowOnTimeout

    $getQueueEntries = `
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$Server = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $filter = "{MessageCount -gt 0 -and DeliveryType -ne 'ShadowRedundancy' -and NextHopDomain -ne 'Poison Message'}"
        $queues = get-queue -server $Server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -filter $filter | `
            ?{ $QueueTypes -eq $null -or $QueueTypes -contains $_.DeliveryType }

        $entries = $queues | %{
                $count = $_.MessageCountsPerPriority | Measure-Object -Sum | %{$_.Sum}
                $count = $_.MessageCount

            $queueInfo = `
                Id = $_.Identity
                Count = $count
                DrainRate = $_.OutgoingRate
            New-Object PsObject -Property $queueInfo

        return $entries

    Write-Verbose "$Server - Start waiting for $Stage..."

    $remaining = Wait-EmptyEntries `
                -GetEntries $getQueueEntries `
                -GetEntriesArgs $Server,$queueTypes,$ActiveMsgOnly `
                -Source $Server `
                -Stage $Stage `
                -DetailLogging:$false `
                -PollingFrequency $PollingFrequency `
                -TimeOut $TimeOut `
                -NoProgressTimeout $NoProgressTimeout `

    Write-Verbose "$Server - Wait for $Stage ended with $remaining items remain."

    return $remaining

# returns the pending discard events from a specified server
# Target server for the operation.
# If detail is specified, Discard Ids are included in the discard information returned.
# Returns array of discard events count of each shadow server. When -Detail present,
# DiscardIDs of each shadow server are also returned.
function Get-DiscardInfo
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        $argument = 'verbose'
        $argument = 'basic'

    $shadowInfo = [xml](Get-ExchangeDiagnosticInfo -Server $Server -Process edgetransport -Component ShadowRedundancy -argument $argument)

    $discardInfo = $shadowInfo.Diagnostics.Components.ShadowRedundancy.ShadowServerCollection.ShadowServer | `
        ? {$_.ShadowServerInfo.discardEventsCount -gt 0 } |
        % {
            $infoProps = `
                Id = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($_.Context))
                Count  = $_.ShadowServerInfo.discardEventsCount
                DiscardIds = @()
                $infoProps.DiscardIds = $_.ShadowServerInfo.discardEventMessageId

            new-object psobject -Property $infoProps

    return $discardInfo

# Waits for discard events to be consumed by shadow servers
# Monitors and waits for all discard events to be consumed by shadow servers before returned.
# Will throw TimeoutException if timeout is reached or if no progress is made in NoProgressTimeout.
# Target server for the operation.
# .PARAMETER ActiveServers
# Array of active servers whose discard events are waiting to be drained
# .PARAMETER PollingFrequency
# Frequency of polling queues for status
# .PARAMETER Timeout
# Timeout not to exceed
# .PARAMETER NoProgressTimeout
# Timeout for when no progress is made
# .PARAMETER ThrowOnTimeout
# Whether to throw error on timeout
# Returns the remaining count of discard events. When the wait ends with timeout exceeded or no progress
# this functions returns a non-zero value.
function Wait-EmptyDiscards
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$Server = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string[]]$ActiveServers = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $PollingFrequency = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $NoProgressTimeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $ThrowOnTimeout

    Write-Verbose "$Server - Start waiting for ShadowDiscardDrain..."

    # log the undrainable entries
    $discardInfo = Get-DiscardInfo -server $Server
    $notDrainable = $discardInfo | ? {$ActiveServers -notcontains $_.Id.Split('.')[0]} | %{
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Server -Stage ShadowDiscardDrain -Id $_.Id `
            -Count $_.Count -Reason @{Reason = $Script:ServerInMM}

    # wait for discard events to be drained
    $getDiscardInfo = `
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [string]$Server = $null,

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [string[]]$ActiveServers = $null

        $discardInfo = Get-DiscardInfo -server $Server
        $discardInfo | ? {$ActiveServers -contains $_.Id.Split('.')[0]}

    $remaining = Wait-EmptyEntries `
                    -GetEntries $getDiscardInfo `
                    -GetEntriesArgs $Server,$ActiveServers `
                    -Source $Server `
                    -Stage ShadowDiscardDrain `
                    -PollingFrequency $PollingFrequency `
                    -TimeOut $TimeOut `
                    -NoProgressTimeout $NoProgressTimeout `

    Write-Verbose "$Server - ShadowDiscardDrain ended with $remaining items remain."

    return $remaining

# Waits for the event log StartScanForMessages (id = 17008) to be logged to Windows Event Log
# This tells that the bootscanner had completed counting for the outstanding items and
# start boot-scanning messages
# .PARAMETER ServerFqdn
# Fqdn of the server
# .PARAMETER PollingFrequency
# Frequency of polling for event
# .PARAMETER Timeout
# Timeout not to exceed
# .PARAMETER NoProgressTimeout
# Timeout for when no progress is made
# .PARAMETER ThrowOnTimeout
# Whether to throw error on timeout
# none
function Wait-BootLoaderCountCheck
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $PollingFrequency = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $NoProgressTimeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $ThrowOnTimeout

    $waitBootScanningEvent =
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [string]$fqdn = $null,

            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [DateTime]$StartTime = $null

        $bootScanningEvent = @{
            LogName = 'Application'
            ProviderName = 'MsExchangeTransport'
            Id = 17008
            StartTime = $StartTime

        $event = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $ServerFqdn -FilterHashtable $bootScanningEvent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            # return null to complete the wait
            return $null
            $bootScanningEvent = `
                Id = "TransportQueueDatabase"
                Count = 1
            New-Object PsObject -Property $bootScanningEvent

    $server = $ServerFqdn.split('.')[0]
    $xml = [xml](Get-ExchangeDiagnosticInfo -Process "EdgeTransport" -server $server -erroraction SilentlyContinue)
        $processStartTime = [DateTime]($xml.Diagnostics.ProcessInfo.StartTime)
        $remaining = Wait-EmptyEntries `
                        -GetEntries $waitBootScanningEvent `
                        -GetEntriesArgs $ServerFqdn,$processStartTime `
                        -Source $server `
                        -Stage BootLoaderCountCheck `
                        -PollingFrequency $PollingFrequency `
                        -TimeOut $Timeout `
                        -NoProgressTimeout $NoProgressTimeout `

# Waits for the 'BootLoader Outstanding Items' perfcounter to go down to 0
# .PARAMETER ServerFqdn
# Fqdn of the server
# .PARAMETER PollingFrequency
# Frequency of polling for event
# .PARAMETER Timeout
# Timeout not to exceed
# .PARAMETER NoProgressTimeout
# Timeout for when no progress is made
# .PARAMETER ThrowOnTimeout
# Whether to throw error on timeout
# none
function Wait-BootLoaderSubmitCheck
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $ServerFqdn,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $PollingFrequency = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $NoProgressTimeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $ThrowOnTimeout

    $getOutstandingItems =
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [string]$fqdn = $null

        $counter = Get-Counter `
            -Counter "\MSExchangeTransport Database(other*)\BootLoader Outstanding Items" `
            -ComputerName $fqdn `
            -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $counterInfo = `
                Id = "BootLoaderOutstandingItems"
                Count = $counter.CounterSamples[0].RawValue
            $counterInfo = `
                Id = "BootLoaderOutstandingItems"
                Count = 1

        return New-Object PsObject -Property $counterInfo

    $server = $ServerFqdn.split('.')[0]
    $remaining = Wait-EmptyEntries `
                    -GetEntries $getOutstandingItems `
                    -GetEntriesArgs $ServerFqdn `
                    -Source $server `
                    -Stage BootLoaderSubmitCheck `
                    -PollingFrequency $PollingFrequency `
                    -TimeOut $Timeout `
                    -NoProgressTimeout $NoProgressTimeout `

    return $remaining

# If the process has been running for more than 30 mins, then this function returns immediately.
# Otherwise, wait for the bootscanner to complete up to 30 minutes or the specified timeout, whichever
# less.
# Target server for the operation.
# .PARAMETER MaxBootLoaderProcessTimeout
# Max time for the BootLoader to completely bootscanning all the unprocessed messages.
# .PARAMETER PollingFrequency
# Frequency of polling queues for status
# .PARAMETER Timeout
# Timeout not to exceed
# .PARAMETER NoProgressTimeout
# Timeout for when no progress is made
# .PARAMETER ThrowOnTimeout
# Whether to throw error on timeout
# Returns the remaining count of the outstanding items in the BootLoader. When the wait ends with
# timeout exceeded or no progress, this function returns a non-zero value.
function Wait-BootLoaderReady
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string]$Server = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan]$MaxBootLoaderProcessTimeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 30),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $PollingFrequency = (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 10),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $Timeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $NoProgressTimeout = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $ThrowOnTimeout

    Write-Verbose "$Server - Waiting for BootLoader to be ready..."

    $exchangeServer = Get-ExchangeServer $Server
    if(-not $exchangeServer)
        Write-Warning "Could not get the exchange server. Skip waiting for BootLoader."
        return 0

    $retry = 5
    while ($true)
            $xml = [xml](Get-ExchangeDiagnosticInfo -Process "EdgeTransport" -server $Server -erroraction SilentlyContinue)
            $processLifeTime = [TimeSpan]($xml.Diagnostics.ProcessInfo.LifeTime)
            $processStartTime = [DateTime]($xml.Diagnostics.ProcessInfo.StartTime)
            if($retry -gt 0)
                Write-Verbose "$Server - Can not read the process lifetime. Sleep 20 to retry..."
                Sleep 20

    if(-not $processLifeTime -or -not $processStartTime)
        # EdgeTransport isn't running or Server isn't a HubTransport, nothing to wait here
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Server -Stage BootLoaderCountCheck -Reason @{Reason = 'EdgeTransportUnreachable'}
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Server -Stage BootLoaderSubmitCheck -Reason @{Reason = 'EdgeTransportUnreachable'}

        Write-Warning "$Server - EdgeTransport is not running or server $server is unreachable. Skipping waiting for BootLoader."
        return 0

    if($processLifeTime -gt $MaxBootLoaderProcessTimeout)
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Server -Stage BootLoaderCountCheck -Reason @{ProcessLifeTime = $processLifeTime}
        Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Server -Stage BootLoaderSubmitCheck -Reason @{ProcessLifeTime = $processLifeTime}

        Write-Verbose "$Server - EdgeTransport has been running for $processLifeTime. BootLoader is ready"
        return 0
    elseif ($MaxBootLoaderProcessTimeout - $processLifeTime -gt $Timeout)
        $waitTime = $Timeout
        $waitTime = $MaxBootLoaderProcessTimeout - $processLifeTime

    $msg = "$Server EdgeTransport has been running for $processLifeTime! Let's give BootLoader $waitTime to complete."
    Write-Verbose $msg

    $stopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

    Wait-BootLoaderCountCheck `
        -ServerFqdn ($exchangeServer.fqdn) `
        -PollingFrequency $PollingFrequency `
        -TimeOut $waitTime `
        -NoProgressTimeout $waitTime `

    $elapsed = $stopWatch.Elapsed
    $waitTime = $waitTime - $elapsed

    Wait-BootLoaderSubmitCheck `
        -ServerFqdn ($exchangeServer.fqdn) `
        -PollingFrequency $PollingFrequency `
        -TimeOut $waitTime `
        -NoProgressTimeout $NoProgressTimeout `

    Write-Verbose "$Server - BootLoader ended with $remaining items remain"
    return $remaining

# Put the MsExchangeTransport/EdgeTransport on the specified server to Draining
# mode WITHOUT changing the server component state. This is done by pausing the service.
# Server to drain the active messages from
# .PARAMETER TransportService
# Optional MsExchangeTransport service object.
function Drain-ActiveMessages
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [object] $TransportService

    Wait-BootLoaderReady -Server $Server

    if(-not $TransportService)
        $exServer = Get-ExchangeServer $Server
        Write-Verbose "$Server - Pausing the MsExchangeTransport service to stop accepting new traffic"
        $TransportService = get-service -ComputerName $exServer.Fqdn -Name MSExchangeTransport -errorAction silentlyContinue

        $TransportService.Pause() | Out-Null

    $queueTypes = @("SmtpDeliveryToMailbox", "SmtpRelayToRemoteAdSite", "SmtpRelayToDag", "SmtpRelayToServers", "Undefined")
    Wait-EmptyQueues -Server $server -QueueTypes $queueTypes -ActiveMsgOnly $true -Stage QueueDrain -Timeout 00:01:30

# Redirecting messages from the specified server to all other servers in its dag
# .PARAMETER server
# Server whose messages are being redirecting
# .PARAMETER ExcludeLocalSite
# Whether to redirect messages to servers at the same site
# .PARAMETER LogIfRemain
# Whether to write to window event log if there remaining message that can not be redirected
# Returns active servers in the dag
function Redirect-Messages
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Server,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch] $ExcludeLocalSite,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch] $LogIfRemain = $true,

    # get domain name of the server
    $fqdn = Get-ExchangeServer $Server | %{$_.Fqdn}
    $domainIndex = $fqdn.Indexof(".")
    $domain = $fqdn.SubString($domainIndex)

    $serversInDag = Get-ServersInDag -server $Server -ExcludeLocalSite:$ExcludeLocalSite -AdditionalExclusions $MessageRedirectExclusions
    if (-not $serversInDag -or $serversInDag.count -eq 0)
        Write-Warning "$Server - Could not find servers in the DAG to redirect messages to that do not meeting exclusion criteria. Skipping redirect."
        return $null

    $serversInDag = Get-ActiveServers $serversInDag
    $hubFqdns = $serversInDag | ? { $_ -ne $Server } | % { $_ + $domain }

    $verboseMessage = "$Server - Redirecting messages to " + [string]::Join(", ", $hubFqdns)
    Write-Verbose $verboseMessage

    Redirect-Message -Target $hubFqdns -Server $Server -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $timeOut = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 8)
    $remaining = Wait-EmptyQueues -Server $Server -Stage Redirect -Timeout $timeOut
    if($remaining -and $LogIfRemain)
        $message = "Transport service is going to Maintenance with $messageCount messages in its queues."
        Log-WindowsEvent -EventId $Script:UnredirectedMessageEventId -Message $message

    return $serversInDag

# Forcing heartbeats from other shadow servers in the dag to the primary
# Wait for all discard events to be drained by its shadow servers
# .PARAMETER primary
# Primary server
# .PARAMETER shadowServers
# Array of shadow servers
# .PARAMETER LogIfRemain
# Whether to log a windows event log if there is remains discard event that can't be drained.
# none
function Drain-DiscardEvents
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Primary,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String[]] $ShadowServers,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch] $LogIfRemain = $true

    $filter = "{DeliveryType -eq 'ShadowRedundancy' -and NextHopDomain -like '$Primary*'}"
    $ShadowServers | % {
        Write-Verbose "$Primary - Forcing heart-beat on server $_"
        Retry-Queue -server $_ -Filter $filter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Write-Verbose "$Primary - Waiting for the heartbeats to complete processing"
    $remaining = Wait-EmptyDiscards -Server $Primary -ActiveServers $ShadowServers -NoProgressTimeout (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 2)

    if($remaining -and $LogIfRemain)
        $message = "Transport service is going to Maintenance with $remaining unacknowledged discard events."
        Log-WindowsEvent -EventId $Script:UndrainedDiscardEventEventId -Message $message

function Unblock-SubmissionQueue
    Write-Verbose "Getting handles for Transport worker process and service"
    $TransportWorkerProcess=(get-process EdgeTransport)
    $TransportServiceProcess=(get-process MSExchangeTransport)
    $TransportService=(get-service MSExchangeTransport)

    ## Create the dump
    Write-Output "Sending trouble signal (204) to Transport Service"
    try { $TransportService.ExecuteCommand(204) } ## This could fail and its ok.
    catch { Write-Verbose ("Sending trouble signal (204) to Transport Service issued an error:"+$Error[0].ToString()) }

    Write-Verbose "Waiting 90s for the worker process to exit(Watson dump being created)"
    if ($TransportWorkerProcess.WaitForExit(90000))
        Write-Output "Worker process exited"
        Write-Warning "Worker process hasn't exited."

    ##Stop transport, one way or another
    Write-Output "Stopping Transport."
    try { $TransportService.Stop() } ## This could timeout and it's ok.
    catch { Write-Verbose ("Stopping Transport issued an error:"+$Error[0].ToString()) }

    Write-Verbose "Waiting for Transport to stop completely"
    while (-not $TransportServiceProcess.WaitForExit(30000))
        if(-not $TransportWorkerProcess.HasExited)
            Write-Warning "Transport worker process didn't stop yet. Killing the process"
            Write-Warning "Transport service didnt stop yet. Killing the process"
    $TransportService.WaitForStatus("Stopped") ## If it never stops the workflow will timeout and we should wake some people up.
    Write-Output "Transport is stopped."

    ## Starting transport will cause the dependencies to start.
    Write-Output "Starting Transport"
    try { $TransportService.Start() } ## This could timeout and its ok.
    catch { Write-Verbose ("Starting Transport issued an error:"+$Error[0].ToString()) }

    $TransportService.WaitForStatus("Running") ## If it never starts the workflow will timeout and we should wake some people up.

    Write-Output "Transport restarted."

# Sets specified component to state requested.
# Requested state for the component.
# .PARAMETER $Component
# Component to set.
# .PARAMETER $Requester
# Requester who set the state.
# The server to change the component state
function Set-ComponentState
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("Active", "Inactive")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Component = "HubTransport",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Requester = "Maintenance",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    Write-Verbose "Setting $Component state to $State"
    Set-ServerComponentState `
        -Identity $Server `
        -Component $Component `
        -Requester $Requester `
        -State $State `
        -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Gets state of the specified component of an exchange server
# .PARAMETER $Server
# Server to retrieve component state of
# .PARAMETER $Component
# Component to get.
function Get-ComponentState
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Component = "HubTransport"

    Write-Verbose "Getting $Component state of $Server"
    $serverComponentState = Get-ServerComponentState `
        -Identity $Server `
        -Component $Component `
        -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Write-Verbose "ServerComponentState of $Component is '$($serverComponentState.State)'"

    return $serverComponentState

# Change the running state of a service
# .PARAMETER $ServiceName
# Name of the service to change the state of
# .PARAMETER $Server
# Server where the service is running on
# New state of the service, can be Stopped, Running, Paused, or NoChange
# .PARAMETER $StartMode
# Change the startMode if necessary before changing its running state
# .PARAMETER $WaitTime
# Maximum wait time for the service to change its state
# .PARAMETER $LoggingStage
# If provide, a log entry is added to MM log on start and complete of the state change
# .PARAMETER $ThrowOnFailure
# Whether to throw on failures
# True if successful, false otherwise.
function Set-ServiceState
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("NoChange", "Stopped", "Running", "Paused")]
        [string]$State = "NoChange",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("NoChange", "Auto", "Automatic", "Manual", "Disabled")]
        [string]$StartMode = "NoChange",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $WaitTime = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5),
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $LoggingStage,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $ThrowOnFailure
    $service = Get-WmiObject win32_service -filter "name = '$ServiceName'" -ComputerName $Server
    if(-not $service)
            Log-SkippedEvent -Source $Server -Stage $LoggingStage -Reason @{$ServiceName = 'NotFound'}
            throw "Service $ServiceName not found on $Server."
    # Check and change the StartMode if necessary
    if($StartMode -eq "Auto")
        $StartMode = "Automatic"
    if(($StartMode -ne "NoChange") -and ($service.StartMode -ne $StartMode))
        $service.ChangeStartMode($StartMode) | Out-Null
        if($StartMode -eq "Disabled")
            $State = "Stopped"
    # Determine if the start/stop/restart action is needed
    if($State -eq "NoChange" -or $service.State -eq $State)
        $logEntry = Create-LogEntry -Source $Server -Stage $LoggingStage
        Log-EventOfEntry -Event Start -Entry $logEntry
            $service.StopService() | Out-Null
            if($service.State -eq "Paused")
                $service.ResumeService() | Out-Null
                $service.StartService()| Out-Null
            if($service.State -eq "Running")
                $service.PauseService() | Out-Null
                # service is stopped, start it up first
                $service.StartService() | Out-Null
                if($WaitTime -eq [TimeSpan]::Zero)
                    $startupWaitTime = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5
                    $startupWaitTime = $WaitTime
                Wait-ServiceState `
                    -ServiceName $ServiceName `
                    -Server $Server `
                    -State "Running" `
                    -WaitTime $startupWaitTime `
                # pause now
                $service.PauseService() | Out-Null
    if($WaitTime -gt [TimeSpan]::Zero)
        Wait-ServiceState `
            -ServiceName $ServiceName `
            -Server $Server `
            -State $State `
            -WaitTime $WaitTime `
        Log-EventOfEntry -Event Completed -Entry $logEntry -reason @{'MaxWaitMinutes' = $WaitTime.TotalMinutes}

# Wait for the state of a service to change to the specified state
# .PARAMETER $ServiceName
# Name of the service to wait for
# .PARAMETER $Server
# Server where the service is running on
# State to wait for
# .PARAMETER $WaitTime
# Maximum wait time for the service to change its state
# .PARAMETER $ThrowOnFailure
# Whether to throw on failures
# None
function Wait-ServiceState 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet("Stopped", "Running", "Paused")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [TimeSpan] $WaitTime = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5),
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $ThrowOnFailure
    $service = Get-Service -ComputerName $Server -ServiceName $ServiceName
    if(-not $service)
            throw "Service $ServiceName not found on $Server."
        $service.WaitForStatus($State, $WaitTime) | Out-Null
            throw $_

# Function to stop a service by killing the underlying process
# .PARAMETER $ServiceName
# Name of the service to stop
# .PARAMETER $StartMode
# Service startup mode to set after killing the service, default to 'Auto'
function Stop-ServiceForcefully
        [string]$ServiceName = $(throw "ServiceName required."),

        [ValidateSet("Auto", "Manual", "Disabled")]
        [string]$StartMode = "Auto"

    Write-Verbose "Stopping $ServiceName Service"
    Set-ServiceState -ServiceName $ServiceName -StartMode Disabled -WaitTime ([TimeSpan]::Zero)
    # Wait in case it needs time to take effect
    Wait-Event -Timeout 5

    $processFullPath = (Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT PathName FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name = '$ServiceName'").PathName.Replace('"','')
    $processName = (Split-Path $processFullPath -Leaf).Replace('.exe','')

    $process = Get-Process -Name $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($process -ne $null)
        Stop-Process $process -Force
        # we wait so that the next statement that sets the startup type back to automatic does not
        # take effect while the process is still being killed and cause SCM to start the service back up
        Wait-Event -Timeout 5
        Write-Verbose 'The service process was not running'
    Set-ServiceState -ServiceName $ServiceName -StartMode $StartMode -WaitTime ([TimeSpan]::Zero)

Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-TransportMaintenance
Export-ModuleMember -Function Stop-TransportMaintenance
Export-ModuleMember -Function Wait-BootLoaderReady