[CmdletBinding()] param() if (!$PSScriptRoot) # $PSScriptRoot is not defined in 2.0 { $PSScriptRoot = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) } $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $RepoRoot = (Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot\..).Path Write-Host $RepoRoot -ForegroundColor Green $ModuleName = 'MSFT_xDhcpServerAuthorization' Import-Module (Join-Path $RepoRoot "DSCResources\$ModuleName\$ModuleName.psm1") -Force; Describe 'xDhcpServerAuthorization' { InModuleScope $ModuleName { ## Mock missing functions function Get-DhcpServerInDc { } function Add-DhcpServerInDc { } ## function Remove-DhcpServerInDc { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $someValue ) } ## Test TargetResource parameters with Ensure = 'Present' $testPresentParams = @{ Ensure = 'Present'; DnsName = ''; IPAddress = ''; } ## Test TargetResource parameters with Ensure = 'Absent' $testAbsentParams = @{ Ensure = 'Absent'; DnsName = ''; IPAddress = ''; } ## Authorised server list with authorised $fakeDhcpServersPresent = @( @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; }, @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; }, @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; } ) ## Authorised server list with not authorised $fakeDhcpServersAbsent = @( @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; }, @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; } ) ## Authorised server list with mismathed DnsName, but matched IPAddress $fakeDhcpServersMismatchDnsName = @( @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; }, @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; }, @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; } ) ## Authorised server list with mismathed IPAddress, but matched DnsName $fakeDhcpServersMismatchIPAddress = @( @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; }, @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; }, @{ IPAddress = ''; DnsName = ''; } ) Context 'Validate Get-IPv4Address method' { It 'Returns a IPv4 address' { $result = Get-IPv4Address; $result -match '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+' | Should Be $true; } } #end context Validate Get-IPv4Address method Context 'Validate Get-Hostname method' { It 'Returns at least the current NetBIOS name' { $hostname = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostname(); $result = Get-Hostname; $result -match $hostname | Should Be $true; } } #end context Validate Get-Hostname method Context 'Validate Get-TargetResource method' { Mock Assert-Module { }; It 'Returns a [System.Collection.Hashtable] type' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersPresent; } $result = Get-TargetResource @testPresentParams; $result -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns Ensure is Present when DHCP server authorization exists' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersPresent; } $result = Get-TargetResource @testPresentParams $result.Ensure | Should Be 'Present'; } It 'Returns Ensure is Absent when DHCP server authorization does not exist' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { } $result = Get-TargetResource @testPresentParams; $result.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent'; } } #end Context Validate Get-TargetResource method Context 'Validate Test-TargetResource method' { Mock Assert-Module { }; It 'Returns a [System.Boolean] type' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersPresent; } $result = Test-TargetResource @testPresentParams; $result -is [System.Boolean] | Should Be $true; } It 'Fails when DHCP Server authorization does not exist and Ensure is Present' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersAbsent; } Test-TargetResource @testPresentParams | Should Be $false; } It 'Fails when DHCP Server authorization does exist and Ensure is Absent' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersPresent; } Test-TargetResource @testAbsentParams | Should Be $false; } It 'Fails when DHCP Server authorization does exist, Ensure is Present but DnsName is wrong' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersMismatchDnsName; } Test-TargetResource @testPresentParams | Should Be $false; } It 'Fails when DHCP Server authorization does exist, Ensure is Present but IPAddress is wrong' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersMismatchIPAddress; } Test-TargetResource @testPresentParams | Should Be $false; } It 'Passes when DHCP Server authorization does exist and Ensure is Present' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersPresent; } $result = Test-TargetResource @testPresentParams $result -is [System.Boolean] | Should Be $true; } It 'Passes when DHCP Server authorization does not exist and Ensure is Absent' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersAbsent; } $result = Test-TargetResource @testAbsentParams $result -is [System.Boolean] | Should Be $true; } } #end Context Validate Test-TargetResource method Context 'Validate Set-TargetResource method' { Mock Assert-Module { }; It 'Calls Add-DhcpServerInDc when Ensure is Present' { Mock Add-DhcpServerInDC { } Set-TargetResource @testPresentParams; Assert-MockCalled Add-DhcpServerInDC -Scope It; } It 'Calls Remove-DhcpServerInDc when Ensure is Present' { Mock Get-DhcpServerInDC { return $fakeDhcpServersPresent; } Mock Remove-DhcpServerInDC { } Set-TargetResource @testAbsentParams; Assert-MockCalled Remove-DhcpServerInDC -Scope It; } } #end Context Validate Set-TargetResource method } #end InModuleScope } |