[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xDatabase")] class MSFT_xDatabase : OMI_BaseResource { [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Credentials to Connect to the sql server")] String Credentials; [Required, ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] String Ensure; [Write, Description("Sql Server Name")] String SqlServer; [Required, ValueMap{"2008-R2","2012","2014"}, Values{"2008-R2","2012","2014"}, Description("Sql Server Version For DacFx")] String SqlServerVersion; [Write, Description("Path to BacPac, if this is specified resore is performed")] String BacPacPath; [Key, Description("Name of the Database")] String DatabaseName; [Write, Description("Path to DacPac, if this is specified dacpac deployment is performed")] String DacPacPath; [Write, Description("DacPac Application Name for Registration")] String DacPacApplicationName; [Write, Description("DacPac Application Version for Registration")] String DacPacApplicationVersion; }; |