# # xComputer: DSC resource to rename a computer and add it to a domain or # workgroup. # function Get-TargetResource { [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateLength(1,15)] [ValidateScript({$_ -inotmatch'[\/\\:*?"<>|]' })] [string] $Name, [string] $DomainName, [string] $JoinOU, [PSCredential] $Credential, [PSCredential] $UnjoinCredential, [string] $WorkGroupName ) $convertToCimCredential = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_Credential -Property @{Username=[string]$Credential.UserName; Password=[string]$null} -Namespace root/microsoft/windows/desiredstateconfiguration -ClientOnly $convertToCimUnjoinCredential = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_Credential -Property @{Username=[string]$UnjoinCredential.UserName; Password=[string]$null} -Namespace root/microsoft/windows/desiredstateconfiguration -ClientOnly $returnValue = @{ Name = $env:COMPUTERNAME DomainName = GetComputerDomain JoinOU = $JoinOU CurrentOU = Get-ComputerOU Credential = [ciminstance]$convertToCimCredential UnjoinCredential = [ciminstance]$convertToCimUnjoinCredential WorkGroupName= (gwmi WIN32_ComputerSystem).WorkGroup } $returnValue } function Set-TargetResource { param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateLength(1,15)] [ValidateScript({$_ -inotmatch'[\/\\:*?"<>|]' })] [string] $Name, [string] $DomainName, [string] $JoinOU, [PSCredential] $Credential, [PSCredential] $UnjoinCredential, [string] $WorkGroupName ) ValidateDomainOrWorkGroup -DomainName $DomainName -WorkGroupName $WorkGroupName if ($Credential) { if ($DomainName) { if ($DomainName -eq (GetComputerDomain)) { # Rename the computer, but stay joined to the domain. Rename-Computer -NewName $Name -DomainCredential $Credential -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Renamed computer to '$($Name)'." } else { if ($Name -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) { # Rename the comptuer, and join it to the domain. if ($UnjoinCredential) { Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainName -Credential $Credential -NewName $Name -UnjoinDomainCredential $UnjoinCredential -Force } else { if ($JoinOU) { Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainName -Credential $Credential -NewName $Name -OUPath $JoinOU -Force } else { Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainName -Credential $Credential -NewName $Name -Force } } Write-Verbose -Message "Renamed computer to '$($Name)' and added to the domain '$($DomainName)." } else { # Same computer name, and join it to the domain. if ($UnjoinCredential) { Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainName -Credential $Credential -UnjoinDomainCredential $UnjoinCredential -Force } else { if ($JoinOU) { Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainName -Credential $Credential -OUPath $JoinOU -Force } else { Add-Computer -DomainName $DomainName -Credential $Credential -Force } } Write-Verbose -Message "Added computer to domain '$($DomainName)." } } } elseif ($WorkGroupName) { if($WorkGroupName -eq (gwmi win32_computersystem).WorkGroup) { # Rename the comptuer, but stay in the same workgroup. Rename-Computer -NewName $Name Write-Verbose -Message "Renamed computer to '$($Name)'." } else { if ($Name -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) { # Rename the computer, and join it to the workgroup. Add-Computer -NewName $Name -Credential $Credential -WorkgroupName $WorkGroupName -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Renamed computer to '$($Name)' and addded to workgroup '$($WorkGroupName)'." } else { # Same computer name, and join it to the workgroup. Add-Computer -WorkGroupName $WorkGroupName -Credential $Credential -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Added computer to workgroup '$($WorkGroupName)'." } } } elseif($Name -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) { if (GetComputerDomain) { Rename-Computer -NewName $Name -DomainCredential $Credential -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Renamed computer to '$($Name)'." } else { Rename-Computer -NewName $Name -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Renamed computer to '$($Name)'." } } } else { if ($DomainName) { throw "Missing domain join credentials." } if ($WorkGroupName) { if ($WorkGroupName -eq (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Workgroup) { # Same workgroup, new computer name Rename-Computer -NewName $Name -force Write-Verbose -Message "Renamed computer to '$($Name)'." } else { if ($name -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) { # New workgroup, new computer name Add-Computer -WorkgroupName $WorkGroupName -NewName $Name Write-Verbose -Message "Renamed computer to '$($Name)' and added to workgroup '$($WorkGroupName)'." } else { # New workgroup, same computer name Add-Computer -WorkgroupName $WorkGroupName Write-Verbose -Message "Added computer to workgroup '$($WorkGroupName)'." } } } else { if ($Name -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) { Rename-Computer -NewName $Name Write-Verbose -Message "Renamed computer to '$($Name)'." } } } $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1 } function Test-TargetResource { [OutputType([System.Boolean])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateLength(1,15)] [ValidateScript({$_ -inotmatch'[\/\\:*?"<>|]' })] [string] $Name, [string] $JoinOU, [PSCredential]$Credential, [PSCredential]$UnjoinCredential, [string] $DomainName, [string] $WorkGroupName ) Write-Verbose -Message "Validate desired Name is a valid name" Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if computer name is $Name" if ($Name -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) {return $false} ValidateDomainOrWorkGroup -DomainName $DomainName -WorkGroupName $WorkGroupName if($DomainName) { if(!($Credential)) { throw "Need to specify credentials with domain" } try { Write-Verbose "Checking if the machine is a member of $DomainName." return ($DomainName.ToLower() -eq (GetComputerDomain).ToLower()) } catch { Write-Verbose 'The machine is not a domain member.' return $false } } elseif($WorkGroupName) { Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if workgroup name is $WorkGroupName" return ($WorkGroupName -eq (gwmi WIN32_ComputerSystem).WorkGroup) } else { ## No Domain or Workgroup specified and computer name is correct return $true; } } function ValidateDomainOrWorkGroup($DomainName, $WorkGroupName) { if ($DomainName -and $WorkGroupName) { throw "Only DomainName or WorkGroupName can be specified at once." } } function GetComputerDomain { try { return ([System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetComputerDomain()).Name } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] { Write-Debug 'This machine is not a domain member.' } } function Get-ComputerOU { $ou = $null if (GetComputerDomain) { $dn = $null $dn = ([adsisearcher]"(&(objectCategory=computer)(objectClass=computer)(cn=$env:COMPUTERNAME))").FindOne().Properties.distinguishedname $ou = $dn -replace '^(CN=.*?(?<=,))', '' } return $ou } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |