
function Invoke-DBMaint
    Implements full database maintenance.
    Implements full database maintenance.
    Pipe ServerName
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "ALL" -Action "BKP_DB" -BackupOn c:\Temp -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "SYSTEM" -Action "BKP_DB" -BackupOn c:\Temp -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "USER" -Action "BKP_DB" -BackupOn c:\Temp -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "USER" -Action "BKP_LOG" -BackupOn c:\Temp -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "USER" -Action "IDX_ALL" -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "USER" -Action "IDX_REBUILD" -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "USER" -Action "IDX_REORG" -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "USER" -Action "STATS_FULL" -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "USER" -Action "STATS_SAMPLE" -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "USER" -Action "CHECK_DB" -ReportOn c:\Temp
    Invoke-DBMaint -server R2D2 -Databases "DELHIST" -Action "DEL_HIST" -ReportOn c:\Temp -RemoveDataBackupsMSDB 10 -RemoveOldBackups 10
    get-content c:\temp\servers.txt | Invoke-DBMaint -Databases "USER" -Action "CHECK_DB" -ReportOn c:\Temp

    param (
            [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server] $Server,
            [Parameter(position=1,Mandatory = $true )]
            [ValidateSet("ALL", "USER", "SYSTEM","DELHIST")]
            [string]     $Databases ,
            [Parameter(position=2,Mandatory = $true )]
            [String]      $Action ,

            [Parameter(position=3,Mandatory = $false )]
            [string]     $UserName = "" ,
            [Parameter(position=4,Mandatory = $false )]
            [string]     $Password = "" ,
            [Parameter(position=5,Mandatory = $false )] 
            [ValidateScript({Test-Path -path $_})]
            [String]     $BackupOn = "c:\temp",
            [Parameter(position=6,Mandatory = $false )]
            [ValidateScript({Test-Path -path $_})]
            [String]     $ReportOn = "",
            [Parameter(position=7,Mandatory = $false )]
            [System.Int32]     $RemoveOldBackups = 0,
            [Parameter(position=8,Mandatory = $false )]
            [System.Int32]  $RemoveOldBackupsReports = 0,
            [Parameter(position=9,Mandatory = $false )]
            [System.Int32]  $RemoveDataBackupsMSDB = 0
                function Write-ScriptLog
                    if ($ReportOn -ne "")
                        {    Add-Content -Path (Join-Path $ReportOn "Invoke_DBMaint_$($ServerName)_$($date).log") -Value  $msg}
                    Write-Output $msg    
                function Invoke-DBMaintBackup 
                    param ($Action,$Databases,$ReportOn,$date,$dbs,$servername)
                    [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupActionType] $actionbkp = "Database"
                    $incremental = $false
                    switch ($Action)
                        'BKP_DB'   {$extension = ".bak"}
                        'BKP_FILE' {$extension = ".bak";  $actionbkp = "File" }
                        'BKP_LOG'  {$extension = ".trn";  $actionbkp = "Log"  } 
                        'BKP_DIFF' {$extension = "_Diff.bak" ;  $incremental = $true }
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("Operation executed : BACKUP $($actionbkp) - Databases : $($databases) - Differential : $($incremental)") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("`n") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    $dbs |    foreach { 
                                            $InitialTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                            $DbName = $_.name
                                            if ($incremental)
                                                { Invoke-SqlBackup -sqlserver $_.parent -dbname $_.name -action $actionbkp -incremental   -filepath (join-path $BackupOn "$($ServerName )$($_.name)$(get-date -format yyyyMMddhhmmss)$extension") -force }
                                                { Invoke-SqlBackup -sqlserver $_.parent -dbname $_.name -action $actionbkp  -filepath (join-path $BackupOn "$($ServerName )$($_.name)$(get-date -format yyyyMMddhhmmss)$extension") -force }
                                            $endtime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                            Write-ScriptLog -msg $("Initial Time : $($initialtime) End Time : $($endtime) .Backup $($actionbkp) for server $($ServerName) Database $($DbName) to $($BackupOn) completed.") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                                        } catch {
                                            Write-ScriptLog -msg $("$(get-date -format yyyy/MM/dd) : Backup $($actionbkp) FAILED for server $($ServerName) Database $($DbName). Error details $($error[0])") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                function Invoke-DbMaintIndexes
                    param ($Action,$Databases,$ReportOn,$date,$dbs,$servername)
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("Operation executed : Index $($action) - Databases : $($databases)") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("`n") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    $dbs |    Get-SqlTable | Get-SqlIndex |  foreach { 
                                        $index = $_
                                        Get-SqlIndexFragmentation $index | foreach { 
                                                # If frag > 10 and < 30 and pages > 1000 , or choose reorg
                                                if (($_.AverageFragmentation -ge  10 -and $_.AverageFragmentation -le 30  -and $_.Pages -ge 1000) -or $action -eq "IDX_REORG")
                                                        $InitialTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                                        Invoke-SqlIndexDefrag $index
                                                        $endtime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                                        Write-ScriptLog -msg $("Initial Time : $($initialtime) End Time : $($endtime) .Server $($index.Server) Database $($index.$DbName) Table $($index.table) Index $($index.name) Avg Fragmentation $($_.AverageFragmentation) | Reorganize Completed." ) -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                                                # if frag > 30 and pages > 1000 or chosse rebuild
                                                elseif (($_.AverageFragmentation -gt 30 -and $_.Pages -ge 1000) -or $action -eq  "IDX_REBUILD")
                                                        $InitialTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                                        Invoke-SqlIndexrebuild $index 
                                                        $endtime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                                        Write-ScriptLog -msg $("Initial Time : $($initialtime) End Time : $($endtime) .Server $($ServerName) Database $($index.DbName) Table $($index.table) Index $($index.name) Avg Fragmentation $($_.AverageFragmentation)| Rebuild Completed.")  -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                                            } catch {
                                                Write-ScriptLog $("$(get-date -format yyyy/MM/dd) : Index Action FAILED for server $($ServerName) Database $($index.DbName) Table $($index.table) Index $($index.name) . Error details $($error[0])") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)                                                }

                function invoke-dbmaintStats 
                    param ($Action,$Databases,$ReportOn,$date,$dbs,$servername)
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("Operation executed : Update Statistics $($action) - Databases : $($databases)") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("`n") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    $dbs |    Get-SqlTable | Get-SqlStatistic | foreach { 
                                            $table = $_
                                                $InitialTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                                if ($Action -eq "STATS_FULL")
                                                    { Update-SqlStatistic -statistic $_ -scanType "FullSCAN" }
                                                    { Update-SqlStatistic -statistic $_ }
                                                $endtime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                                Write-ScriptLog -msg $("Initial Time : $($initialtime) End Time : $($endtime) .Server $($ServerName) Database $($Table.DbName) Table $($Table.table) | Statistics Updated.") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                                            } catch {
                                                Write-ScriptLog -msg $("$(get-date -format yyyy/MM/dd) : Statistics Update FAILED for server $($ServerName) Database $($Table.DbName) Table $($Table.table) . Error details $($error[0])")  -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)

                function invoke-dbmaintcheckdb
                    param ($Action,$Databases,$ReportOn,$date,$dbs,$servername)
                    Write-ScriptLog $("Operation executed : DBCC CHECKDB - Databases : $($databases)") -date $($date)  -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("`n") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    $dbs |    foreach {
                                        $Database = $_
                                            $InitialTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                            Invoke-SqlDatabaseCheck $Database
                                            $endtime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                                            Write-ScriptLog $("Initial Time : $($initialtime) End Time : $($endtime) .Server $($ServerName) Database $($Database.Name) | CHECKDB Completed." ) -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                                        } catch {
                                            Write-ScriptLog $("$(get-date -format yyyy/MM/dd) : CHECKDB FAILED for server $($ServerName) Database $($Database.Name) . Error details $($error[0])") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)

                function invoke-dbmaintHKMSDB
                    param ($RemoveDataBackupsMSDB,$ReportOn,$server,$servername)
                    Write-ScriptLog $("Operation executed : Housekeeping MSDB Days $($RemoveDataBackupsMSDB)") -date $($date)  -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("`n") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    $Dtfinal = (Get-Date) - (New-TimeSpan -Days $RemoveDataBackupsMSDB)
                        $InitialTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                        $endtime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                        Write-ScriptLog $("Initial Time : $($initialtime) End Time : $($endtime) .Server $($ServerName) | Housekeeping MSDB Completed." ) -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)

                    } catch {
                        Write-ScriptLog -msg $($Error[0]) -date $($date)  -reporton $($ReportOn)
                function invoke-dbmaintremoveoldbackups
                    param ($RemoveOldBackups,$date,$BackupOn,$ReportOn,$servername)
                    Write-ScriptLog $("Operation executed : Removing Old Backups Days $($RemoveOldBackups)") -date $($date)  -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("`n") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)

                        #Only strings match $servername AND not match .log
                        $InitialTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                        Get-ChildItem $($BackupOn) | Where-Object {$_.name -match "(.*$servername.*)[^\.log]" -and (get-date).subtract($_.LastWriteTime).days -ge $RemoveOldBackups  } |  remove-item  -Force
                        $endtime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                        Write-ScriptLog $("Initial Time : $($initialtime) End Time : $($endtime) .Server $($ServerName) | Removing Old Backups Completed." ) -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)

                    }catch {
                        Write-ScriptLog  $("$(get-date -format yyyy/MM/dd) : Remove Old Backups FAILED for server $($ServerName) . Error details $($error[0])") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                function invoke-dbmaintremoveoldbackupsreports
                    param ($RemoveOldBackupsReports,$date,$ReportOn,$servername)
                    Write-ScriptLog $("Operation executed : Removing Old Reports Days $($RemoveOldBackupsReports)") -date $($date)  -reporton $($ReportOn)
                    Write-ScriptLog -msg $("`n") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)
                        $InitialTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                        #Only strings match $servername AND match .log
                        Get-ChildItem $($ReportOn) | Where-Object { $_.name -match "(.*$servername.*)(\.log)" -and (get-date).subtract($_.LastWriteTime).days -ge $RemoveOldBackupsReports } | remove-item -force 
                        $endtime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"
                        Write-ScriptLog $("Initial Time : $($initialtime) End Time : $($endtime) .Server $($ServerName) | Removing Old Eeports Completed." ) -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)

                    }catch {
                        Write-ScriptLog $("$(get-date -format yyyy/MM/dd) : Remove Old Backups Reports FAILED for server $($ServerName) . Error details $($error[0])") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)

                #Set Action Preference
                $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
                $date = get-date -format yyyyMMddhhmmss
                if ($Databases -eq "DELHIST" -or $Action -eq "DEL_HIST")
                    {$Action = "DEL_HIST";$Databases = "DELHIST"}
                    $ServerName = ((( $server -replace '\\','_') -replace '\[','') -replace '\]','')
                    #Clean error
                    #Try connect to the server
                    if ($UserName -eq "" -and $Password -eq "")
                        {$server = Get-SqlServer -sqlserver $server}
                        {$server = Get-SqlServer  -sqlserver $server -username $UserName -password $Password}

                    #Verify wich databases will be used
                    switch ($Databases)
                        'All' { $dbs = Get-SqlDatabase $server -force | Where-Object {$_.name  -notmatch "tempdb"}}
                        'System' { $dbs = Get-SqlDatabase $server -force | where {$_.IsSystemObject -and $_.name  -notmatch "tempdb"} }
                        'User' { $dbs = Get-SqlDatabase $server | Where-Object {$_.name -notmatch "tempdb"} }
                    # Only Backups
                    if ($Action -match "^BKP_DB$|^BKP_LOG$|^BKP_FILE$|^BKP_DIFF$")
                    {    invoke-dbmaintbackup $Action $Databases $ReportOn $date $dbs $servername }
                    #Reindex or Rebuild. Use fragmentation >= 10 and <=30 Reorg and update stats. > 30 Rebuild. Only indexes with pagecount > 1000
                    if ($Action -match "^IDX_ALL$|^IDX_REBUILD$|^IDX_REORG$")
                    { invoke-dbmaintindexes $Action $Databases $ReportOn $date $dbs $servername    }
                    #Stats Sample or Full
                    if ($Action -match "^STATS_SAMPLE|^STATS_FULL$")
                    {    invoke-dbmaintStats    $Action $Databases $ReportOn $date $dbs $servername    }    
                    if ($Action  -eq "CHECK_DB")
                    {    invoke-dbmaintcheckdb    $Action $Databases $ReportOn $date $dbs $servername }    

                    #Housekeeping MSDB
                    if (($Action -eq "DEL_HIST" -and $RemoveDataBackupsMSDB -gt 0)  -or $RemoveDataBackupsMSDB -gt 0 )
                    { invoke-dbmaintHKMSDB $RemoveDataBackupsMSDB $ReportOn $server $servername }     
                    if ($RemoveOldBackups -gt 0)
                    { invoke-dbmaintremoveoldbackups $RemoveOldBackups $date $BackupOn $ReportOn $servername }
                    if ($RemoveOldBackupsReports -gt 0 -and $ReportOn -ne "" )
                    { invoke-dbmaintremoveoldbackupsreports $RemoveOldBackupsReports $date $ReportOn $servername }
                } catch {
                            Write-ScriptLog $("$(get-date -format yyyy/MM/dd) :Invoke-DBMaint FAILED for server $($ServerName) . Error details $($error[0])") -date $($date) -reporton $($ReportOn)