# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### <Script> ### <Author> ### Chad Miller ### </Author> ### <Description> ### Defines function wrappers around many of the RMO Classes ### </Description> ### <Usage> ### import-module repl ### </Usage> ### </Script> # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- try {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" -EA Stop} catch {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo"} try {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" -EA Stop} catch {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo"} $scriptRoot = Split-Path (Resolve-Path $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path) ####################### function Get-SqlConnection { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$sqlserver, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$username, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password ) Write-Verbose "Get-SqlConnection $sqlserver" if($Username -and $Password) { $con = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection") $sqlserver,$username,$password } else { $con = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection") $sqlserver } $con.Connect() Write-Output $con } #Get-ServerConnection ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a ReplServer. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplServer function gets the ReplServer specified. This is the top level object for RMO. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to Get-ReplServer .OUTPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationServer Get-ReplServer returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationServer object. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplServer "Z002\sql2K8" This command gets the ReplServer for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplServer "Z002\SQL2K8" sa Passw0rd This command gets the ReplServer for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication. .LINK Get-ReplServer #> function Get-ReplServer { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$replServer, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$username, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password ) [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection]$con = Get-SqlConnection $replServer $username $password Write-Verbose "Get-ReplServer $($con.ServerInstance)" $repl = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationServer") $con Write-Output $repl } #Get-ReplServer ####################### function Get-ReplLightPublication { #The following note appears in documentaton about this class "supports the SQL Server 2005 infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly #from your code. This is a bit a of problem as enumlightpublications() appears to be the only method to retrieve a list of publications from a #ReplicationServer. So this method will be used by Get-ReplPublication. param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $replServer ) switch ($replServer.GetType().Name) { 'String' { $repl = Get-ReplServer $replServer } 'ReplicationServer' { $repl = $replServer } default { throw 'Get-ReplLightPublication:Param `$replServer must be a String or ReplicationServer object.' } } Write-Verbose "Get-ReplLightPublication $($repl.Name)" #(Name of database, [1 = trans, 2 = merge, 3 = all], return hetro, return empty tran) $lightPub = $repl.enumlightpublications($null, 3, $true, $true) $lightPub | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name ConnectionContext -value $repl.ConnectionContext -passthru } #Get-ReplLightPublication ####################### function New-ReplTransPublication { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$databaseName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] $connectionContext, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$createSnapshotAgent ) Write-Verbose "New-ReplTransPublication $name" $pub = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.TransPublication") $name,$databaseName,$connectionContext,$($createSnapshotAgent.IsPresent) Write-Output $pub } #New-ReplTransPublication ####################### function New-ReplMergePublication { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$databaseName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] $connectionContext, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$createSnapshotAgent ) Write-Verbose "New-ReplMergePublication $name" $pub = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergePublication") $name,$databaseName,$connectionContext,$($createSnapshotAgent.IsPresent) Write-Output $pub } #New-ReplMergePublication ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a SubscriberSubscription. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription function gets the registiered subscribers of a subscrption on the specified ReplServer. .PARAMETER replServer ReplServer can be a string representing the server or a ReplicationServer object returned from Get-ReplServer. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription .OUTPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.SubscriberSubscription Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.SubscriberSubscription object. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription "Z002\sql2K8" This command gets the SubscriberSubscriptions for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription $(Get-ReplServer "Z002\SQL2K8" sa Passw0rd) This command gets the SubscriberSubscriptions for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication. .LINK Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription Get-ReplServer #> function Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription { #Note: This function is meant to be called on the subscriber. All other functions are called from the publisher/distributor param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $replServer ) switch ($replServer.GetType().Name) { 'String' { $repl = Get-ReplServer $replServer } 'ReplicationServer' { $repl = $replServer } default { throw 'Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription:Param `$replServer must be a String or ReplicationServer object.' } } Write-Verbose "Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription $($repl.Name)" $repl.EnumSubscriberSubscriptions($null,3) } #Get-ReplSubscriberSubscription ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a Publication. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplPublication function gets the publications on the specified ReplServer. .PARAMETER replServer ReplServer can be a string representing the server or a ReplicationServer object returned from Get-ReplServer. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to Get-ReplPublication .OUTPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.TransPublication or Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergePublication Depending on the publication type Get-ReplPublication returns either a Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.TransPublication or Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergePublication object .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublication "Z002\sql2K8" This command gets the publications for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublication $(Get-ReplServer "Z002\SQL2K8" sa Passw0rd) This command gets the publications for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication. .LINK Get-ReplPublication Get-ReplServer #> function Get-ReplPublication { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $replServer ) switch ($replServer.GetType().Name) { 'String' { $repl = Get-ReplServer $replServer } 'ReplicationServer' { $repl = $replServer } default { throw 'Get-ReplPublication:Param `$replServer must be a String or ReplicationServer object.' } } Write-Verbose "Get-ReplPublication $($repl.Name)" #Note: We are not creating a new publication, we are calling the respective Publication Constructor passing in #an existing publication. foreach ($lp in $(Get-ReplLightPublication $repl)) { switch ($lp.Type) { 'Transactional' { New-ReplTransPublication $lp.name $lp.PublicationDBName $lp.ConnectionContext } 'Merge' { New-ReplMergePublication $lp.name $lp.PublicationDBName $lp.ConnectionContext } } } } #Get-Publication ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a Subscription. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplSubscription function gets the subscriptions from the specified ReplServer. .PARAMETER replServer ReplServer can be a string representing the server or a ReplicationServer object returned from Get-ReplServer. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Publication You can pipe Publication objects to Get-ReplSubscription .OUTPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.TransSubscription or Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergeSubscription Depending on the publication type Get-ReplSubscription returns either a Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.TransSubscription or Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergeSubscription object .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublication "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-ReplSubscription This command gets the subscriptions for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublication $(Get-ReplServer "Z002\SQL2K8" sa Passw0rd) | Get-ReplSubscription This command gets the subscriptions for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication. .LINK Get-ReplSubscription Get-ReplServer #> function Get-ReplSubscription { #equivalent to executing sp_helpmergepublication or sp_helparticle param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $pub ) process { Write-Verbose "Get-ReplSubscription $($pub.Name)" switch ($pub.Type) { 'Transactional' { $pub.TransSubscriptions } 'Merge' { $pub.MergeSubscriptions } default { throw 'Get-ReplSubscription:Param `$pub must be a Publication object.' } } } } #Get-ReplSubscription ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Gets an Article. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplArticle function gets the Articles from the specified Publication. Equivalent to executing sp_helpmergepublication or sp_helparticle. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Publication You can pipe Publication objects to Get-ReplArticle .OUTPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.TransArticle or Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergeArticle Depending on the publication type Get-ReplArticle returns either a Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.TransArticle or Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergeArticle object .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublication "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-ReplArticle This command gets the Articles for all publications on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .LINK Get-ReplArticle Get-ReplPublication #> function Get-ReplArticle { #equivalent to executing sp_helpmergepublication or sp_helparticle param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $pub ) process { Write-Verbose "Get-ReplArticle $($pub.Name)" switch ($pub.Type) { 'Transactional' {$pub.TransArticles } 'Merge' {$pub.MergeArticles } default { throw 'Get-ReplArticle:Param `$pub must be a Publication object.' } } } } #Get-ReplArticle ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a ReplicationMonitor. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplMonitor function gets the ReplicationMonitor from the specified ReplServer. .PARAMETER replServer ReplServer can be a string representing the server or a ServerConnection object returned from Get-ReplServer. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to Get-ReplMonitor .OUTPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationMonitor Get-ReplMonitor returns Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationMonitor object .NOTES There is a basic hierarchy with replication monitoring ReplicationServer => PublisherMonitor => PublicationMonitor. In addition to returning higher level replication information, this function is used by Get-ReplPublisherMonitor and Get-ReplPublicationMonitor. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" This command gets the ReplicationMonitor for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplMonitor $(Get-ReplServer "Z002\SQL2K8" sa Passw0rd).ConnectionContext This command gets the ReplicationMonitor for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication. .LINK Get-ReplMonitor Get-ReplServer Get-ReplPublisherMonitor Get-ReplPublicationMonitor #> function Get-ReplMonitor { #There is a basic hierarchy with monitoring: #ReplicationServer => PublisherMonitor => PublicationMonitor param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $replServer ) switch ($replServer.GetType().Name) { 'String' { $con = Get-SqlConnection $replServer } 'ServerConnection' { $con = $replServer } default { throw 'Get-ReplMonitor:Param `$replServer must be a String or ServerConnection object.' } } Write-Verbose "Get-ReplMonitor $($con.ServerInstance)" $replMon = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationMonitor") $con Write-Output $replMon } #Get-ReplMonitor ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a PublisherMonitor. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplPublisherMonitor function gets the PublisherMonitor from the specified ReplServer. .PARAMETER replServer ReplServer can be a string representing the server or a ServerConnection object returned from Get-ReplServer. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to Get-ReplPublisherMonitor .OUTPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublisherMonitor Get-ReplPublisherMonitor returns Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublisherMonitor object .NOTES There is a basic hierarchy with replication monitoring ReplicationServer => PublisherMonitor => PublicationMonitor. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublisherMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" This command gets the PublisherMonitor for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublisherMonitor $(Get-ReplServer "Z002\SQL2K8" sa Passw0rd).ConnectionContext This command gets the PublisherMonitor for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication. .LINK Get-ReplPublisherMonitor Get-ReplServer Get-ReplMonitor #> function Get-ReplPublisherMonitor { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $replServer ) Write-Verbose "Get-ReplPublisherMonitor" $replMon = Get-ReplMonitor $replServer Write-Output $replMon.PublisherMonitors } #Get-ReplPublisherMonitor ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a PublicationMonitor. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplPublicationMonitor function gets the PublicationMonitor from the specified ReplServer. .PARAMETER replServer ReplServer can be a string representing the server or a ServerConnection object returned from Get-ReplServer. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to Get-ReplPublicationMonitor .OUTPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor Get-ReplPublicationMonitor returns Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor object .NOTES There is a basic hierarchy with replication monitoring ReplicationServer => PublicationMonitor => PublicationMonitor. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublicationMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" This command gets the PublicationMonitor for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublicationMonitor $(Get-ReplServer "Z002\SQL2K8" sa Passw0rd).ConnectionContext This command gets the PublicationMonitor for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication. .LINK Get-ReplPublicationMonitor Get-ReplServer Get-ReplPublisherMonitor Get-ReplMonitor #> function Get-ReplPublicationMonitor { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $replServer ) Write-Verbose "Get-ReplPublicationMonitor" $publisherMon = Get-ReplPublisherMonitor $replServer Write-Output $publisherMon.PublicationMonitors } #Get-ReplPublicationMonitor ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Calls the EnumPublications method on a PublisherMonitor object. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplEnumPublications function calls the EnumPublications method for the specified PublisherMonitor object. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublisherMonitor You can pipe PublisherMonitor objects to Get-ReplEnumPublications .OUTPUTS System.Data.DataRow Get-ReplEnumPublications returns an array of System.Data.DataRow objects .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublisherMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-ReplEnumPublications This command calls the EnumPublications method for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .LINK Get-ReplEnumPublications Get-ReplPublisherMonitor #> function Get-ReplEnumPublications { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublisherMonitor]$publisherMon ) process { Write-Verbose "Get-ReplEnumPublications $($publisherMon.Name) " $publisherMon.EnumPublications() | foreach { $_.Tables} | foreach { $_.Rows } } } #Get-Get-ReplEnumPublications ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Calls the EnumPublications2 method on a PublisherMonitor object. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplEnumPublications2 function calls the EnumPublications2 method for the specified PublisherMonitor object. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublisherMonitor You can pipe PublisherMonitor objects to Get-ReplEnumPublications2 .OUTPUTS System.Data.DataRow Get-ReplEnumPublications2 returns an array of System.Data.DataRow objects .NOTES Equivalent to executing sp_replmonitorhelppublication. Only available for Microsoft SQL Server version 2005 or later. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublisherMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-ReplEnumPublications2 This command calls the EnumPublications2 method for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .LINK Get-ReplEnumPublications2 Get-ReplPublisherMonitor #> function Get-ReplEnumPublications2 { #equivalent to executing sp_replmonitorhelppublication #Only available for Microsoft SQL Server version 2005 or later param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublisherMonitor]$publisherMon ) process { Write-Verbose "Get-ReplEnumPublications $($publisherMon.Name) " $publisherMon.EnumPublications2() | foreach { $_.Tables} | foreach { $_.Rows } } } #Get-Get-ReplEnumPublications2 ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Calls the EnumSubscriptions method on a PublicationMonitor object. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions function calls the EnumSubscriptions method for the specified PublicationMonitor object. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor You can pipe PublicationMonitor objects to Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions .OUTPUTS System.Data.DataRow Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions returns an array of System.Data.DataRow objects .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublicationMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions This command calls the EnumSubscriptions method for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .LINK Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions Get-ReplPublicationMonitor #> function Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor]$pubMon ) process { Write-Verbose "Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions $($pubMon.Name)" $pubMon.EnumSubscriptions() | foreach { $_.Tables} | foreach { $_.Rows } } } #Get-Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Calls the EnumSubscriptions2 method on a PublicationMonitor object. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions2 function calls the EnumSubscriptions2 method for the specified PublicationMonitor object. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor You can pipe PublicationMonitor objects to Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions2 .OUTPUTS System.Data.DataRow Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions2 returns an array of System.Data.DataRow objects .NOTES Equivalent to executing sp_replmonitorhelpSubscription. Only available for Microsoft SQL Server version 2005 or later. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublicationMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions2 This command calls the EnumSubscriptions2 method for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .LINK Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions2 Get-ReplPublicationMonitor #> function Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions2 { #equivalent to executing sp_replmonitorhelpSubscription #Only available for Microsoft SQL Server version 2005 or later param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor]$pubMon ) process { Write-Verbose "Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions2 $($pubMon.Name)" $pubMon.EnumSubscriptions2(0) | foreach { $_.Tables} | foreach { $_.Rows } } } #Get-Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions2 ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Calls the TransPendingCommandInfo method for all subscriptions. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplTransPendingCommandInfo function calls the TransPendingCommandInfo method for all subscriptions. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor You can pipe PublicationMonitor objects to Get-ReplTransPendingCommandInfo .OUTPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PendingCommandInfo Get-ReplPublicationMonitor returns Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PendingCommandInfo object .NOTES Equivalent to executing sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds. Only available for Microsoft SQL Server version 2005 or later. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublicationMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-ReplTransPendingCommandInfo This command calls the TransPendingCommandInfo method for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .LINK Get-ReplTransPendingCommandInfo Get-ReplPublicationMonitor #> function Get-ReplTransPendingCommandInfo { #equivalent to executing sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds #Only available for Microsoft SQL Server version 2005 or later param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor]$pubMon ) process { Write-Verbose "Get-ReplTransPendingCommandInfo $($pubMon_.Name)" $pubMon | Get-ReplEnumSubscriptions | foreach { $pubMon.TransPendingCommandInfo($_.subscriber, $_.subscriber_db, $_.type) } } } #Get-ReplTransPendingCommandInfo ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Calls the EnumLogReaderReader method on a PublicationMonitor object. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplEnumLogReaderAgent function calls the EnumLogReaderReader method for the specified PublicationMonitor object. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor You can pipe PublicationMonitor objects to Get-ReplEnumLogReaderAgent .OUTPUTS System.Data.DataRow Get-ReplEnumLogReaderAgent returns an array of System.Data.DataRow objects .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublicationMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-ReplEnumLogReaderAgent This command calls the EnumLogReaderAgent method for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .LINK Get-ReplEnumLogReaderAgent Get-ReplPublicationMonitor #> function Get-ReplEnumLogReaderAgent { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor]$pubMon ) process { Write-Verbose "Get-ReplEnumLogReaderAgent $($pubMon.Name)" $pubMon.EnumLogReaderAgent() | foreach { $_.Tables} | foreach { $_.Rows } } } #Get-Get-ReplEnumLogReaderAgent ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Calls the EnumSnapshotAgent method on a PublicationMonitor object. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplEnumSnapshotAgent function calls the EnumLogReaderReader method for the specified PublicationMonitor object. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor You can pipe PublicationMonitor objects to Get-ReplEnumSnapshotAgent .OUTPUTS System.Data.DataRow Get-ReplEnumSnapshotAgent returns an array of System.Data.DataRow objects .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublicationMonitor "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-ReplEnumSnapshotAgent This command calls the EnumSnapshotAgent method for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8. .LINK Get-ReplEnumSnapshotAgent Get-ReplPublicationMonitor #> function Get-ReplEnumSnapshotAgent { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.PublicationMonitor]$pubMon ) process { Write-Verbose "Get-ReplEnumSnapshotAgent $($pubMon.Name)" $pubMon.EnumSnapshotAgent() | foreach { $_.Tables} | foreach { $_.Rows } } } #Get-Get-ReplEnumSnapshotAgent ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an instance of a RMO ScriptOptions object used for scripting RMO objects. .DESCRIPTION The New-ReplScriptOptions function creates an instance of a custom RMO ScriptOptions object used for scripting RMO objects by the Get-ReplScript function. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to New-ReplScriptOptions .OUTPUTS System.int64 New-ReplScriptOptions returns an System.int64 object. .NOTES Unlike SMO which has default script options, RMO at at a minimum requires CREATION be specified. The CREATION property is set to default to true. The RMO implementation of scripting uses an enum with flagsattribute set to combine multiple options. In order to make RMO scripting options discoverable and easier to use a custom object with all available RMO script options as properties is created. For any property set to true the function will perform a bitwise operation that can then be use by an RMO script method. There are 35 settable scripting options at the time of this writing, see link below for detailed explanation of each option. .EXAMPLE $scriptOpts = New-ReplScriptOptions; $scriptOpts.Deletion = $true; Get-ReplServer "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-replscript -scriptOpts $scriptOpts This command creates an RMO Scriptoptions object, sets the Deletion property to true and finally calls Get-replscript passing the script options. .LINK New-ReplScriptOptions Get-ReplScript http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sqlserver.replication.scriptoptions(SQL.90).aspx #> function New-ReplScriptOptions { Write-Verbose "New-ReplScriptOptions" #There 35 settable scripting options at the time of this writing, rather than set the options as parameters #I've choosen to set them through a separate file. Modify the passed in file to set #the various scriptingOptions to your liking. See the following MSDN link for a description of the settable options: #http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sqlserver.replication.scriptoptions(SQL.90).aspx #NOTE: UNLIKE SMO SCRIPTER CLASS, YOU MUST SET THE SCRIPTING OPTIONS IN RMO TO AT LEAST CREATION new-object PSObject -property (&"$scriptRoot\replscriptopts.ps1") | add-member scriptproperty ScriptOptions ` { $scriptOptions = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ScriptOptions]::None $this | get-member -type NoteProperty | where {$this.($_.name)} | foreach {$scriptOptions = $scriptOptions -bor [Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ScriptOptions]::($_.name)} $scriptOptions } -passthru } #New-ReplScriptOptions ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Calls Script Method on RMO objects including ReplicationServer, Publication, Subscription and Articles. .DESCRIPTION The Get-ReplScript function calls the Script Method for RMO object that support the method including ReplicationServer, Publication, Subscription and Articles. .INPUTS Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.* You can pipe rmo objects to Get-ReplScript that support the Script method .OUTPUTS System.String Get-ReplScript returns an array of System.String objects .NOTES Validation that the object piped is in the namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication is performed. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplServer "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-replscript This command scripts out the replication server settings for SQL Server Z002\sql2K8. .EXAMPLE $scriptOpts = New-ReplScriptOptions; $scriptOpts.Deletion = $true; Get-ReplServer "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-replscript -scriptOpts $scriptOpts This command creates an RMO Scriptoptions object, sets the Deletion property to true and finally calls Get-replscript passing the script options. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublication 'Z002\Sql2k8' | Get-ReplScript This command scripts out the publications for SQL Server Z002\sql2K8. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublication 'Z002\Sql2k8' | Get-ReplSubscription | Get-ReplScript This command scripts out the subscriptions for SQL Server Z002\sql2K8. .EXAMPLE Get-ReplPublication 'Z002\Sql2k8' | Get-ReplArticle | Get-ReplScript This command scripts out the articles for SQL Server Z002\sql2K8. .LINK Get-ReplScript New-ReplScriptOptions #> function Get-ReplScript { param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Namespace -like "Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication*"})] $rmo, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] $scriptOpts=$(New-ReplScriptOptions).ScriptOptions ) process { $rmo.Script($scriptOpts) } } #Get-ReplScript |