#NOTE: This function is excerpted from http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/PowerShellPack with minor changes to support SQLIse function Switch-CommentOrText { <# .Synopsis Switches between commented and uncommented text .Description Takes a block of text. Uncomments lines that are commented out and comments lines that are not already commented out. .Example Switch-CommentOrText $psise.CurrentFile.SelectedText #> param( # The text in which to toggle comments. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String]$text ) process { $returnedText = "" foreach ( $line in $text -split ` [System.Environment]::NewLine ) { if ( $line.length -gt 0) { if ( $line -match "^--" ) { $line = $line -replace "^--", "" } else { $line = $line -replace "^", "--" } $returnedText += "{0}{1}" -f $line, ` [System.Environment]::NewLine } } $returnedText } } |