$mInfo = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module $mInfo.OnRemove = { if ($Script:oracle_conn.state -eq 'open') { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Yellow "Connection $($Script:oracle_conn.database) closed" $Script:oracle_conn.Close() } Write-Host -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.name) removed on $(Get-Date)" Remove-IseMenu OracleIse } # Write-Host "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.name) imported on $(Get-Date)" import-module ISECreamBasic import-module OracleClient import-module WPK . $psScriptRoot\Get-ConnectionInfo.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Set-Options.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Switch-CommentOrText.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Switch-SelectedCommentOrText.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\ConvertTo-StringData.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Library-UserStore.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\ConvertFrom-Xml.ps1 Set-Alias Expand-String $psScriptRoot\Expand-String.ps1 $Script:oracle_conn=new-object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection #Load saved options into hashtable Initialize-UserStore -fileName "options.txt" -dirName "OracleIse" -defaultFile "$psScriptRoot\defaultopts.ps1" $oracle_options = Read-UserStore -fileName "options.txt" -dirName "OracleIse" -typeName "Hashtable" #$Script:DatabaseList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $bitmap = new-object System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage $bitmap.BeginInit() $bitmap.UriSource = "$psScriptRoot\SQLPSX.PNG" $bitmap.EndInit() ####################### function Connect-Oracle { param( $tns, $user, $password ) if (! $tns) { $script:connInfo = Get-ConnectionInfo $bitmap if ($connInfo) { $tns = $connInfo.tns $user = $connInfo.UserName $password = $connInfo.Password } } if ($tns -and $user -and $password) { $Script:oracle_conn = new-oracle_connection -tns $tns -user $User -password $Password # if ($Script:oracle_conn.State -eq 'Open') # { invoke-oracle_query -sql:'sp_databases' -connection:$Script:oracle_conn | foreach { [void]$Script:DatabaseList.Add($_.DATABASE_NAME) } } } } #Connect-Sql ####################### function Disconnect-Oracle { param() $Script:oracle_conn.Close() #$Script:DatabaseList.Clear() } #Disconnect-Sql ####################### if ((gmo SQLise)) { function Prompt { param() $basePrompt = $(if (test-path variable:/PSDebugContext) { '[DBG]: ' } else { '' }) + 'PS ' + $(Get-Location) $sqlPrompt = ' #[SQL]' + $(if ($Script:conn.State -eq 'Open') { $($Script:conn.DataSource) + '.' + $($Script:conn.Database) } else { '---'}) $oraclePrompt = ' #[Oracle]' + $(if ($oracle_conn.State -eq 'Open') { $($oracle_conn.DataSource) } else { '---'}) $basePrompt + $sqlPrompt + $oraclePrompt +$(if ($nestedpromptlevel -ge 1) { ' >>' }) + ' > ' } #Prompt } else { function Prompt { param() $basePrompt = $(if (test-path variable:/PSDebugContext) { '[DBG]: ' } else { '' }) + 'PS ' + $(Get-Location) $oraclePrompt = '#' + $(if ($Script:oracle_conn.State -eq 'Open') {'[CONNECTED][' + $($Script:oracle_conn.DataSource) + '.' + $($Script:oracle_conn.Database) + ']: '} else { '[DISCONNECTED]: '}) + $(if ($nestedpromptlevel -ge 1) { '>>' }) + '> ' $basePrompt + $oraclePrompt } #Prompt } ####################### function Get-FileName { param($ext,$extDescription) $sfd = New-SaveFileDialog -AddExtension -DefaultExt "$ext" -Filter "$extDescription (.$ext)|*.$ext|All files(*.*)|*.*" -Title "Save Results" -InitialDirectory $pwd.path [void]$sfd.ShowDialog() return $sfd.FileName } #Get-FileName ####################### function Invoke-ExecuteOracle { param( $inputScript, $displaymode = $null, $OutputVariable = $null ) if ($inputScript -eq $null) { if (-not $psise.CurrentFile) { Write-Error 'You must have an open script file' return } $selectedRunspace = $psise.CurrentFile $selectedEditor=$selectedRunspace.Editor if (-not $selectedEditor.SelectedText) { $inputScript = $selectedEditor.Text } else { $inputScript = $selectedEditor.SelectedText } } if ($oracle_conn.State -eq 'Closed') { Connect-Oracle } if ($displaymode -eq $null) { $displaymode = $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat # Write-Host "Set `$env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat to $displaymode" [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat", $displaymode, "User") if ($displaymode -eq $null) { $displaymode = 'auto' } } if ($options.PoshMode) { Invoke-PoshCode $inputScript $inputScript = Remove-PoshCode $inputScript $inputScript = Expand-String $inputScript } # Write-host "Using mode: $displaymode" switch($displaymode) { 'grid' {$res = invoke-oracle_query -sql $inputScript -connection $Script:oracle_conn if ($res.Tables) { Write-host 'multi' $res.tables | %{ $_ | Out-GridView -Title $psise.CurrentFile.DisplayName} } else { $res | Out-GridView -Title $psise.CurrentFile.DisplayName } } 'auto' { $res = invoke-oracle_query -sql $inputScript -connection $Script:oracle_conn if ($res.Tables) { Write-host 'multi' # This doesn#t work, only 1st Resultset displayed $res.tables | %{ $_ | out-host} } else { $res } } 'table' {$res = invoke-oracle_query -sql $inputScript -connection $Script:oracle_conn if ($res.Tables) { Write-host 'multi' $res.tables | %{ $_ | ft -auto } } else { $res | ft -auto } } 'list' {$res = invoke-oracle_query -sql $inputScript -connection $Script:oracle_conn if ($res.Tables) { Write-host 'multi' $res.tables | %{ $_ | fl } } else { $res | fl } } 'file' { $filePath = Get-FileName 'txt' 'Text' if ($filePath) {invoke-oracle_query -sql $inputScript -connection $Script:oracle_conn | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Force Write-Host ""} } 'csv' { $filePath = Get-FileName 'csv' 'CSV' if ($filePath) {invoke-oracle_query -sql $inputScript -connection $Script:oracle_conn | Export-Csv -Path $filepath -NoTypeInformation -Force Write-Host ""} } 'variable' { $OutputVariable = Read-Host 'Variable (no "$" needed)' Set-Variable -Name $OutputVariable -Value (invoke-oracle_query -sql $inputScript -connection $Script:oracle_conn) -Scope Global } 'isetab' { $res = invoke-oracle_query -sql $inputScript -connection $Script:oracle_conn $text = ($res | ft -auto | Out-string -width 10000 -stream ) -replace " *$", ""-replace "\.\.\.$", "" -join "`r`n" $count = $psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Files.count $psIse.CurrentPowerShellTab.Files.Add() $Newfile = $psIse.CurrentPowerShellTab.Files[$count] $Newfile.Editor.Text = $text } } } #Invoke-ExecuteSql ####################### function Write-OracleOptions { param() Write-UserStore -fileName "options.txt" -dirName "OracleIse" -object $oracle_options } #Write-Options ####################### # this does not apply to Oracle # function Switch-Database # { # param() # # $Action = { # $this.Parent.Tag = $this.SelectedItem # $window.Close() } # # $database = New-ComboBox -Name Database -Width 200 -Height 20 {$DatabaseList} -SelectedItem $conn.Database -On_SelectionChanged $Action -Show # # if ($database) # { $Script:oracle_conn.ChangeDatabase($database) } # # } #Switch-Database ####################### function Edit-Uppercase { param() if (-not $psise.CurrentFile) { Write-Error 'You must have an open script file' return } $selectedRunspace = $psise.CurrentFile $selectedEditor=$selectedRunspace.Editor if (-not $selectedEditor.SelectedText) { $output = $($selectedEditor.Text).ToUpper() if ($output) { $selectedEditor.Text = $output } } else { $output = $($selectedEditor.SelectedText).ToUpper() if ($output) { $selectedEditor.InsertText($output) } } } #Edit-Uppercase ####################### function Edit-Lowercase { param() if (-not $psise.CurrentFile) { Write-Error 'You must have an open script file' return } $selectedRunspace = $psise.CurrentFile $selectedEditor=$selectedRunspace.Editor if (-not $selectedEditor.SelectedText) { $output = $($selectedEditor.Text).ToLower() if ($output) { $selectedEditor.Text = $output } } else { $output = $($selectedEditor.SelectedText).ToLower() if ($output) { $selectedEditor.InsertText($output) } } } #Edit-Lowercase ####################### function Set-PoshVariable { param($name,$value) Set-Variable -Name $name -Value $value -Scope Global } #Set-PoshVariable ####################### function Invoke-PoshCode { param($text) foreach ( $line in $text -split [System.Environment]::NewLine ) { if ( $line.length -gt 0) { if ( $line -match "^\s*!!" ) { $line = $line -replace "^\s*!!", "" invoke-expression $line } } } } #Invoke-PoshCode ####################### function Remove-PoshCode { param($text) $returnedText = "" foreach ( $line in $text -split [System.Environment]::NewLine ) { if ( $line.length -gt 0) { if ( $line -notmatch "^\s*!!" ) { $returnText += "{0}{1}" -f $line,[System.Environment]::NewLine } } } $returnText } #Remove-PoshCode ####################### function Set-Outputformat { New-StackPanel { New-RadioButton -Content "auto" -GroupName Results -IsChecked $("auto" -eq $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat) -On_Click { $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat = "auto" } New-RadioButton -Content "list" -GroupName Results -IsChecked $("list" -eq $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat) -On_Click { $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat = "list" } New-RadioButton -Content "table" -GroupName Results -IsChecked $("table" -eq $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat) -On_Click { $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat = "table" } New-RadioButton -Content "grid" -GroupName Results -IsChecked $("grid" -eq $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat) -On_Click { $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat = "grid" } New-RadioButton -Content "variable" -GroupName Results -IsChecked $("variable" -eq $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat) -On_Click { $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat = "variable" } New-RadioButton -Content "csv" -GroupName Results -IsChecked $("csv" -eq $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat) -On_Click { $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat = "csv" } New-RadioButton -Content "file" -GroupName Results -IsChecked $("file" -eq $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat) -On_Click { $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat = "file" } New-RadioButton -Content "isetab" -GroupName Results -IsChecked $("isetab" -eq $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat) -On_Click { $env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat = "isetab" } # New-label ($env:SQLPsx_QueryOutputformat) ## Never try Write-Host when running as job } -asjob } ####################### Add-IseMenu -name OracleIse @{ "Connection" =@{ "Connect..." = {Connect-Oracle} "Disconnect" = {Disconnect-Oracle} } "Execute" = {Invoke-ExecuteOracle} | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "Alt+F7" -PassThru #"Change Database..." = {Switch-Database} "Options..." = {Set-OracleOptions; Write-OracleOptions} "Edit" =@{ "Make Uppercase CTRL+SHIFT+U" = {Edit-Uppercase} "Make Lowercase CTRL+U" = {Edit-Lowercase} "Toggle Comments" = {Switch-SelectedCommentOrText} | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "CTRL+ALT+K" -PassThru } "Output Format..." = {Set-Outputformat} } Export-ModuleMember -function * -Variable oracle_options, bitmap, oracle_conn #, DatabaseList |