
# Copyright 2012 Aaron Jensen
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

function Get-FirewallRule
    Gets the local computer's firewall rules.
    Returns a `Carbon.Firewall.Rule` object for each firewall rule on the local computer.
    This data is parsed from the output of:
        netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all.
    You can return specific rule(s) using the `Name` or `LiteralName` parameters. The `Name` parameter accepts wildcards; `LiteralName` does not. There can be multiple firewall rules with the same name.
    If the firewall isn't configurable/running, writes an error and returns without returning any objects.
    Demonstrates how to get the firewall rules running on the current computer.
    Get-FirewallRule -Name 'World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In)'
    Demonstrates how to get a specific rule.
    Get-FirewallRule -Name '*HTTP*'
    Demonstrates how to use wildcards to find rules whose names match a wildcard pattern, in this case any rule whose name contains the text 'HTTP' is returned.
    Get-FirewallRule -LiteralName 'Custom Rule **CREATED BY AUTOMATED PROCES'
    Demonstrates how to find a specific firewall rule by name if that name has wildcard characters in it.

        # The name of the rule. Wildcards supported. Names aren't unique, so you may still get back multiple rules

        # The literal name of the rule. Wildcards not supported.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
    if( -not (Assert-FirewallConfigurable) )

    $containsWildcards = $false
    $nameArgValue = 'all'
    if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByName' )
        $containsWildcards = [Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name) 
        if( -not $containsWildcards )
            $nameArgValue = $Name
    elseif( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByLiteralName' )
        $nameArgValue = $LiteralName

    # Don't change/move this. It's so we can detect if we've parsed a rule.
    $rule = $null

    $fieldMap = @{
                    'Rule name' = 'Name';
                    'Enabled' = 'Enabled';
                    'Direction' = 'Direction';
                    'Profiles' = 'Profiles';
                    'Grouping' = 'Grouping';
                    'LocalIP' = 'LocalIPAddress';
                    'RemoteIP' = 'RemoteIPAddress';
                    'Protocol' = 'Protocol';
                    'LocalPort' = 'LocalPort';
                    'RemotePort' = 'RemotePort';
                    'Edge traversal' = 'EdgeTraversal';
                    'InterfaceTypes' = 'InterfaceType';
                    'Security' = 'Security';
                    'Rule source' = 'Source';
                    'Action' = 'Action';
                    'Description' = 'Description';
                    'Program' = 'Program';
                    'Service' = 'Service';

    $parsingProtocolTypeCode = $false
    netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=$nameArgValue verbose | ForEach-Object {
        $line = $_
        Write-Verbose $line

        if( -not $line -and $rule )
            $profiles = [Carbon.Firewall.RuleProfile]::Any
            $rule.Profiles -split ',' | ForEach-Object { $profiles = $profiles -bor ([Carbon.Firewall.RuleProfile]$_) }
            $constructorArgs = @(
            New-Object -TypeName 'Carbon.Firewall.Rule' -ArgumentList $constructorArgs

        if( $line -match '^ +Type +Code *$' )
            $parsingProtocolTypeCode = $true

        if( $parsingProtocolTypeCode )
            $parsingProtocolTypeCode = $false
            if( $line -notmatch '^ +?([^ ]+) +?([^ ]+) *$' )
                Write-Warning ('Failed to parse protocol type/code for rule {0}' -f $rule.Name)
            $rule.Protocol = '{0}:{1},{2}' -f $rule.Protocol,$Matches[1],$Matches[2]
        if( $line -notmatch '^([^:]+): +(.*)$' )
        $propName = $matches[1]
        $value = $matches[2]
        if( -not $fieldMap.ContainsKey( $propName ) )
            Write-Warning ('Unknown field ''{0}'' for rule ''{1}'' in `netsh advfirewall firewall show rule` output.' -f $propName,$rule.Name)
        $propName = $fieldMap[$propName]
        if( $propName -eq 'Name' )
            $rule = New-Object 'PsObject'
            foreach( $item in $fieldMap.Values )
                Add-Member -InputObject $rule -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $item -Value $null
            $rule.InterfaceType = [Carbon.Firewall.RuleInterfaceType]::Any
            $rule.Security = [Carbon.Firewall.RuleSecurity]::NotRequired

        if( $propName -eq 'Enabled' )
            $value = if( $value -eq 'No' ) { $false } else { $value }
            $value = if( $value -eq 'Yes' ) { $true } else { $value }
        $rule.$propName = $value
    } |
    Where-Object { 
        -not $containsWildcards -or $_.Name -like $Name 

Set-Alias -Name 'Get-FirewallRules' -Value 'Get-FirewallRule'