function Set-CCMCacheLocation { <# .SYNOPSIS Set ConfigMgr cache location from computers via CIM .DESCRIPTION This function will allow you to set the configuration manager cache location for multiple computers using CIM queries. You can provide an array of computer names, or cimsession, or you can pass them through the pipeline. It will return a hashtable with the computer as key and boolean as value for success .PARAMETER Location Provides the desired cache location - note that ccmcache is appended if not provided as the end of the path .PARAMETER CimSession Provides CimSessions to set the cache location for .PARAMETER ComputerName Provides computer names to set the cache location for .PARAMETER PSSession Provides PSSessions to set the cache location for .PARAMETER ConnectionPreference Determines if the 'Get-CCMConnection' function should check for a PSSession, or a CIMSession first when a ComputerName is passed to the function. This is ultimately going to result in the function running faster. The typical use case is when you are using the pipeline. In the pipeline scenario, the 'ComputerName' parameter is what is passed along the pipeline. The 'Get-CCMConnection' function is used to find the available connections, falling back from the preference specified in this parameter, to the the alternative (eg. you specify, PSSession, it falls back to CIMSession), and then falling back to ComputerName. Keep in mind that the 'ConnectionPreference' also determines what type of connection / command the ComputerName parameter is passed to. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Set-CCMCacheLocation -Location d:\windows\ccmcache Set cache location to d:\windows\ccmcache for local computer .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Set-CCMCacheLocation -ComputerName 'Workstation1234','Workstation4321' -Location 'C:\windows\ccmcache' Set Cache location to 'C:\Windows\CCMCache' for Workstation1234, and Workstation4321 .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Set-CCMCacheLocation -ComputerName 'Workstation1234','Workstation4321' -Location 'C:\temp\ccmcache' Set Cache location to 'C:\temp\CCMCache' for Workstation1234, and Workstation4321 .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Set-CCMCacheLocation -Location 'D:' Set Cache location to 'D:\CCMCache' for the local computer .NOTES FileName: Set-CCMCacheLocation.ps1 Author: Cody Mathis Contact: @CodyMathis123 Created: 2019-11-06 Updated: 2020-03-01 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, DefaultParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { -not $_.EndsWith('\') } )] [string]$Location, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CimSession')] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession[]]$CimSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')] [Alias('Connection', 'PSComputerName', 'PSConnectionName', 'IPAddress', 'ServerName', 'HostName', 'DNSHostName')] [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'PSSession')] [Alias('Session')] [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]]$PSSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')] [ValidateSet('CimSession', 'PSSession')] [string]$ConnectionPreference ) begin { $FullCachePath = switch ($Location.EndsWith('ccmcache', 'CurrentCultureIgnoreCase')) { $true { Write-Output $Location } $false { Join-Path -Path $Location -ChildPath 'ccmcache' } } $GetCacheSplat = @{ Namespace = 'root\CCM\SoftMgmtAgent' ClassName = 'CacheConfig' } $SetCacheScriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create([string]::Format('(New-Object -ComObject UIResource.UIResourceMgr).GetCacheInfo().Location = "{0}"', (Split-Path -Path $FullCachePath -Parent))) $SetCacheSplat = @{ ScriptBlock = $SetCacheScriptblock } } process { foreach ($Connection in (Get-Variable -Name $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ValueOnly)) { $getConnectionInfoSplat = @{ $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName = $Connection } switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ConnectionPreference')) { $true { $getConnectionInfoSplat['Prefer'] = $ConnectionPreference } } $ConnectionInfo = Get-CCMConnection @getConnectionInfoSplat $Computer = $ConnectionInfo.ComputerName $connectionSplat = $ConnectionInfo.connectionSplat $Return = [ordered]@{ } try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("[ComputerName = '$Computer'] [Location = '$Location']", "Set CCM Cache Location")) { $Cache = switch ($Computer -eq $env:ComputerName) { $true { Get-CimInstance @GetCacheSplat @connectionSplat } $false { Get-CCMCimInstance @GetCacheSplat @connectionSplat } } if ($Cache -is [object]) { switch ($Cache.Location) { $FullCachePath { $Return[$Computer] = $true } default { switch ($Computer -eq $env:ComputerName) { $true { $SetCacheScriptblock.Invoke() } $false { Invoke-CCMCommand @SetCacheSplat @connectionSplat } } $Cache = switch ($Computer -eq $env:ComputerName) { $true { Get-CimInstance @GetCacheSplat @connectionSplat } $false { Get-CCMCimInstance @GetCacheSplat @connectionSplat } } switch ($Cache.Location) { $FullCachePath { $Return[$Computer] = $true } default { $Return[$Computer] = $false } } } } } Write-Output $Return } } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error $ErrorMessage } } } } |