function Get-CCMRegistryProperty { <# .SYNOPSIS Return registry properties using the CIM StdRegProv, or Invoke-CCMCommand .DESCRIPTION Relies on remote CIM and StdRegProv to allow for returning Registry Properties under a key. If a PSSession, or ConnectionPreference is used, then Invoke-CCMCommand is used instead. .PARAMETER RegRoot The root key you want to search under ('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'HKEY_USERS', 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG', 'HKEY_DYN_DATA', 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT', 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER') .PARAMETER Key The key you want to return properties of. (ie. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Client\Configuration\Client Properties) .PARAMETER Property The property name(s) you want to return the value of. This is an optional string array [string[]] and if it is not provided, all properties under the key will be returned .PARAMETER CimSession Provides CimSessions to get registry properties from .PARAMETER ComputerName Provides computer names to get registry properties from .PARAMETER PSSession Provides PSSessions to get registry properties from .PARAMETER ConnectionPreference Determines if the 'Get-CCMConnection' function should check for a PSSession, or a CIMSession first when a ComputerName is passed to the function. This is ultimately going to result in the function running faster. The typical use case is when you are using the pipeline. In the pipeline scenario, the 'ComputerName' parameter is what is passed along the pipeline. The 'Get-CCMConnection' function is used to find the available connections, falling back from the preference specified in this parameter, to the the alternative (eg. you specify, PSSession, it falls back to CIMSession), and then falling back to ComputerName. Keep in mind that the 'ConnectionPreference' also determines what type of connection / command the ComputerName parameter is passed to. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CCMRegistryProperty -RegRoot HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -Key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Client\Client Components\Remote Control' -Property "Allow Remote Control of an unattended computer" Name Value ---- ----- Computer123 @{Allow Remote Control of an unattended computer=1} .OUTPUTS [System.Collections.Hashtable] .NOTES FileName: Get-CCMRegistryProperty.ps1 Author: Cody Mathis Contact: @CodyMathis123 Created: 2019-11-07 Updated: 2020-02-24 #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')] [Alias('Get-CIMRegistryProperty')] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'HKEY_USERS', 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG', 'HKEY_DYN_DATA', 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT', 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER')] [string]$RegRoot, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Key, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]]$Property, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CimSession')] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession[]]$CimSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')] [Alias('Connection', 'PSComputerName', 'PSConnectionName', 'IPAddress', 'ServerName', 'HostName', 'DNSHostName')] [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'PSSession')] [Alias('Session')] [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]]$PSSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')] [ValidateSet('CimSession', 'PSSession')] [string]$ConnectionPreference ) begin { #region create hash tables for translating values $RootKey = @{ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = 2147483648 HKEY_CURRENT_USER = 2147483649 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 2147483650 HKEY_USERS = 2147483651 HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = 2147483653 HKEY_DYN_DATA = 2147483654 } <# Maps the 'PropType' per property to the method we will invoke to get our return value. For example, if the 'type' is 1 (string) we have invoke the GetStringValue method to get our return data #> $RegPropertyMethod = @{ 1 = 'GetStringValue' 2 = 'GetExpandedStringValue' 3 = 'GetBinaryValue' 4 = 'GetDWORDValue' 7 = 'GetMultiStringValue' 11 = 'GetQWORDValue' } <# Maps the 'PropType' per property to the property we will have to expand in our return value. For example, if the 'type' is 1 (string) we have to ExpandProperty sValue to get our return data #> $ReturnValName = @{ 1 = 'sValue' 2 = 'sValue' 3 = 'uValue' 4 = 'uValue' 7 = 'sValue' 11 = 'uValue' } #endregion create hash tables for translating values # convert RootKey friendly name to the [uint32] equivalent so it can be used later $Root = $RootKey[$RegRoot] #region define our hash tables for parameters to pass to Invoke-CimMethod and our return hash table $EnumValuesSplat = @{ Namespace = 'root\default' ClassName = 'StdRegProv' } #endregion define our hash tables for parameters to pass to Invoke-CimMethod and our return hash table } process { foreach ($Connection in (Get-Variable -Name $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ValueOnly)) { $getConnectionInfoSplat = @{ $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName = $Connection } switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ConnectionPreference')) { $true { $getConnectionInfoSplat['Prefer'] = $ConnectionPreference } } $ConnectionInfo = Get-CCMConnection @getConnectionInfoSplat $Computer = $ConnectionInfo.ComputerName $connectionSplat = $ConnectionInfo.connectionSplat $Return = [ordered]@{ } $PerPC_Reg = [ordered]@{ } switch -regex ($ConnectionInfo.ConnectionType) { '^CimSession$|^ComputerName$' { $EnumValuesSplat['MethodName'] = 'EnumValues' $EnumValuesSplat['Arguments'] = @{ hDefKey = [uint32]$Root sSubKeyName = $Key } $EnumValues = Invoke-CimMethod @EnumValuesSplat @connectionSplat switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Property')) { $true { $PropertiesToReturn = $Property } $false { $PropertiesToReturn = $EnumValues.sNames } } foreach ($PropertyName In $PropertiesToReturn) { $PropIndex = $EnumValues.sNames.IndexOf($PropertyName) switch ($PropIndex) { -1 { Write-Error ([string]::Format('Failed to find [Property = {0}] under [Key = {1}\{2}]', $PropertyName, $RegRoot, $Key)) } default { $PropType = $EnumValues.Types[$PropIndex] $Prop = $ReturnValName[$PropType] $Method = $RegPropertyMethod[$PropType] $EnumValuesSplat['MethodName'] = $Method $EnumValuesSplat['Arguments']['sValueName'] = $PropertyName $PropertyValueQuery = Invoke-CimMethod @EnumValuesSplat @connectionSplat switch ($PropertyValueQuery.ReturnValue) { 0 { $PerPC_Reg.$PropertyName = $PropertyValueQuery.$Prop $Return[$Computer] = $([pscustomobject]$PerPC_Reg) } default { $Return[$Computer] = $null Write-Error ([string]::Format('Failed to resolve value [Property = {0}] [Key = {1}\{2}]', $PropertyName, $RegRoot, $Key)) } } } } } } '^PSSession$' { $RegPath = [string]::Format('registry::{0}\{1}', $RegRoot, $Key) $PropertyFilter = switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Property')) { $true { [string]::Format("-Name '{0}'", [string]::Join("', '", $Property)) } $false { ' ' } } $ScriptBlockString = [string]::Format('Get-ItemProperty -Path "{0}" {1}', $RegPath, $PropertyFilter) $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($ScriptBlockString) $InvokeCommandSplat = @{ ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock } $RegData = Invoke-CCMCommand @InvokeCommandSplat @connectionSplat switch ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Property')) { $true { switch ($Property) { default { $PerPC_Reg.$PSItem = $RegData.$PSItem } } $Return[$Computer] = $([pscustomobject]$PerPC_Reg) } $false { $AllProperties = Get-Member -InputObject $RegData -MemberType NoteProperty switch -regex ($AllProperties.Name) { '^PSChildName$|^PSComputerName$|^PSParentPath$|^PSPath$|^PSProvider$|^PSShowComputerName$|^RunspaceId$' { continue } default { $PerPC_Reg.$PSItem = $RegData.$PSItem } } $Return[$Computer] = $([pscustomobject]$PerPC_Reg) } } } } Write-Output $Return } } } |