# ENHANCE - Rework the 'prefer' option? function Get-CCMConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Determine, and return the preferred connection type .DESCRIPTION The purpose of this function is to determine the best possible connection type to be used for the functions in the PSCCMClient PowerShell Module. Optinally, a 'preference' can be specified with the Prefer parameter. By default the preference is a CimSession, falling back to ComputerName if one is not found. In some cases it can be beneficial to return a PSSession for the connection type. This can be helpful as an alternative to using the Invoke-CIMPowerShell function. The Invoke-CIMPowerShell function executes code remotely by converting scriptblocks to base64 and execting them throuth the 'Create' method of the Win32_Process CIM Class. .PARAMETER Prefer The preferred remoting type, either CimSession, or PSSession which is used in fallback scenarios where ComputerName is passed to the function. .PARAMETER CimSession CimSession that will be passed back out after formatting .PARAMETER PSSession PSSession that will be passed back out after formatting .PARAMETER ComputerName The computer name that will be used to determine, and return the connection type .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-CCMConnection -ComputerName Test123 -Prefer Session Return a Session if found, otherwise return Computer Name .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-CCMConnection -ComputerName Test123 Check for a CimSession, falling back to PSSession, and return if one is found, otherwise return ComputerName .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-CCMConnection -ComputerName Test123 -Prefer PSSession Check for a PSSession, falling back to CimSession, and return if one is found, otherwise return ComputerName .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Get-CCMConnection -PSSession $PSS Process the PSSession passed in, and return in appropriate format for consumption in module functions .NOTES FileName: Get-CCMConnection.ps1 Author: Cody Mathis Contact: @CodyMathis123 Created: 2020-02-06 Updated: 2020-02-13 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')] [ValidateSet('CimSession', 'PSSession')] [string]$Prefer = 'CimSession', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession]$CimSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('Session')] [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]]$PSSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')] [Alias('Connection', 'PSComputerName', 'PSConnectionName', 'IPAddress', 'ServerName', 'HostName', 'DNSHostName')] [string]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName ) $return = @{ connectionSplat = @{ } } switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'CimSession' { Write-Verbose "CimSession passed to Get-CCMConnection - Passing CimSession out" $return['connectionSplat'] = @{ CimSession = $CimSession } $return['ComputerName'] = $CimSession.ComputerName $return['ConnectionType'] = 'CimSession' } 'PSSession' { Write-Verbose "Session passed to Get-CCMConnection - Passing Session out" $return['connectionSplat'] = @{ Session = $PSSession } $return['ComputerName'] = $PSSession.ComputerName $return['ConnectionType'] = 'PSSession' } 'ComputerName' { $return['ComputerName'] = $ComputerName switch ($ComputerName -eq $env:ComputerName) { $true { Write-Verbose "Local computer provided - will return empty connection" $return['connectionSplat'] = @{ } $return['ConnectionType'] = 'ComputerName' } $false { switch ($Prefer) { 'CimSession' { if ($ExistingCimSession = Get-CimSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Ignore) { Write-Verbose "Active CimSession found for $ComputerName - Passing CimSession out" $return['connectionSplat'] = @{ CimSession = $ExistingCimSession } $return['ConnectionType'] = 'CimSession' } elseif ($ExistingSession = (Get-PSSession -ErrorAction Ignore).Where({$_.ComputerName -eq $ComputerName -and $_.State -eq 'Opened'})) { Write-Verbose "Fallback active PSSession found for $ComputerName - Passing Session out" $return['connectionSplat'] = @{ Session = $ExistingSession } $return['ConnectionType'] = 'PSSession' } else { Write-Verbose "No active CimSession (preferred), or PSSession found for $Connection - falling back to -ComputerName" $return['connectionSplat'] = @{ ComputerName = $Connection } $return['ConnectionType'] = 'CimSession' } } 'PSSession' { if ($ExistingSession = (Get-PSSession -ErrorAction Ignore).Where({$_.ComputerName -eq $ComputerName -and $_.State -eq 'Opened'})) { Write-Verbose "Active PSSession found for $ComputerName - Passing Session out" $return['connectionSplat'] = @{ Session = $ExistingSession } $return['ConnectionType'] = 'PSSession' } elseif ($ExistingCimSession = Get-CimSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Ignore) { Write-Verbose "Fallback active CimSession found for $ComputerName - Passing CimSession out" $return['connectionSplat'] = @{ CimSession = $ExistingCimSession } $return['ConnectionType'] = 'CimSession' } else { Write-Verbose "No active PSSession (preferred), or CimSession found for $ComputerName - falling back to -ComputerName" $return['connectionSplat'] = @{ ComputerName = $ComputerName } $return['ConnectionType'] = 'PSSession' } } } } } } } Write-Output $return } |