
function Set-BuildSecrets {
        Sets all secrets stored in a specific key vault as environment variables.
        Sets all secrets stored in a specific key vault as environment variables. The user has to login to azure first using "Login-AzureRMAccount"
    .PARAMETER KeyVaultName
        The name of the key vault containing the environment
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
            Allows the user to specify a subscription id if required. if not specified, the default subscription will be used.
    .PARAMETER UseSecureString
        If specified the securestring version of the secrets will be stored in the environment.
        Set-BuildEnvironment -KeyVaultName "MyVault" -ResourceGroupName "MyResourceGroup"
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    try {         

        # Select the appropriate subscription
        if ($SubscriptionID) {
            Invoke-Azcli -Arguments "account set -s $SubscriptionID"

        # Get all secrets from specified vault's
        foreach ($Name in $KeyVaultName) {

            Write-Verbose "Adding Secrets from Vault [$Name]"

            $Secrets = Invoke-Azcli -Arguments "keyvault secret list --vault-name $Name" | ForEach-Object { Split-Path $ -Leaf }          
            foreach ($Secret in $Secrets) {  
                # We get the secret from azure key vault
                $SecretValue = Invoke-Azcli -Arguments "keyvault secret show --name $Secret --vault-name $Name" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'value'

                if ($UseSecureString) {
                    # Set Environment Variable using clear text
                    New-Item -Path Env:$Secret -Value (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force -String $SecretValue ) -Force | Out-Null
                else {
                    # Set Environment Variable using secure string
                    New-Item -Path Env:$Secret -Value $SecretValue -Force | Out-Null

                Write-Verbose "Secret [$Secret] added to environment"

            # Store the secret names of the environment which is being loaded.
            if ($Script:Vaults -notcontains $Name) {
                $Script:Vaults += $Name  

    Catch {              
        Throw "$($_.Exception.Message)"