
#region Follow a Bluesky profile

Function New-BskyFollow {
            Position = 0,
            HelpMessage = 'Enter the profile or user name.'

    Begin {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:Command'] = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:block'] = 'Begin'
        _verbose -message $strings.Starting

        if ($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin -eq 'Runspace') {
            #Hide this metadata when the command is called from another command
            _verbose -message ($strings.PSVersion -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion)
            _verbose -message ($strings.UsingHost -f $host.Name)
            _verbose -message ($strings.UsingOS -f $PSVersionTable.OS)
            _verbose -message ($strings.UsingModule -f $ModuleVersion)

        if ($script:BSkySession.accessJwt) {
            $token = $script:BSkySession.accessJwt
            $did = $script:BSkySession.did
            $headers = @{
                Authorization  = "Bearer $token"
                'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
            Write-Information $script:BSkySession -Tags raw
        else {
            Write-Warning $strings.NoSession
    } #begin

    Process {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:block'] = 'Process'
        if ($Headers) {
            $apiUrl = "$PDSHOST/xrpc/$UserName"
            _verbose ($strings.UserSearch -f $Username)
            Try {
                $splat = @{
                    Uri                     = $apiUrl
                    Method                  = 'Get'
                    Headers                 = $headers
                    ErrorAction             = 'Stop'
                    ResponseHeadersVariable = 'rh'
                $User = Invoke-RestMethod @splat
                Write-Information -MessageData $rh -Tags ResponseHeader
                Write-Information -MessageData $User -Tags raw
            Catch {
                Write-Error $_
            If ($User) {
                $FollowDid = $User.did
                $apiUrl = "$PDSHOST/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.createRecord"

                $record = [ordered]@{
                    '$type'   = 'app.bsky.graph.follow'
                    subject   = $FollowDid
                    createdAt = (Get-Date -Format 'o')

                $body = @{
                    repo       = $did
                    collection = 'app.bsky.graph.follow'
                    record     = $record
                } | ConvertTo-Json

                Write-Information -MessageData $body -Tags raw

                _verbose ($strings.Following -f $Username)
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Username)) {
                    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $body
                    _newLogData -apiUrl $apiUrl -command $MyInvocation.MyCommand | _updateLog

                    #output should be the followed account page
            } #if user found
            else {
                Write-Warning ($strings.FailProfile -f $Username)
        } #if headers

    } #process

    End {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:Command'] = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:block'] = 'End'
        _verbose $strings.Ending
    } #end


#region Un-follow a Bluesky profile

Function Remove-BskyFollow {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,DefaultParameterSetName = 'User')]
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'User',
            HelpMessage = 'Enter the profile or user name.'

            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'DID',
            HelpMessage = 'Enter the profile DID'
        [ValidatePattern('^did:plc:[a-z0-9]{24}$', ErrorMessage = 'Invalid DID format')]

    Begin {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:Command'] = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:block'] = 'Begin'
        _verbose -message $strings.Starting

        if ($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin -eq 'Runspace') {
            #Hide this metadata when the command is called from another command
            _verbose -message ($strings.PSVersion -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion)
            _verbose -message ($strings.UsingHost -f $host.Name)
            _verbose -message ($strings.UsingOS -f $PSVersionTable.OS)
            _verbose -message ($strings.UsingModule -f $ModuleVersion)
        if ($script:BSkySession.accessJwt) {
            $token = $script:BSkySession.accessJwt
            $did = $script:BSkySession.did
            $headers = @{
                Authorization  = "Bearer $token"
                'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
            Write-Information $script:BSkySession -Tags raw
        else {
            Write-Warning $strings.NoSession
    } #begin

    Process {
        if ($headers) {
            $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:block'] = 'Process'
            If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'User') {
                $account = $UserName
            else {
                $account = $DID
            _verbose ($strings.UserSearch -f $account)
            $apiUrl = "$PDSHOST/xrpc/$account"
            Try {
                $splat = @{
                    Uri                     = $apiUrl
                    Method                  = 'Get'
                    Headers                 = $headers
                    ErrorAction             = 'Stop'
                    ResponseHeadersVariable = 'rh'
                $User = Invoke-RestMethod @splat
                _newLogData -apiUrl $apiUrl -command $MyInvocation.MyCommand | _updateLog
                Write-Information -MessageData $rh -Tags ResponseHeader
                Write-Information -MessageData $user -Tags raw
            Catch {
                Write-Warning ($strings.FailProfile -f $account)
                Write-Error $_

            If ($User.viewer.following) {
                $rkey = $user.viewer.following.split('/')[-1]

                $apiUrl = "$PDSHOST/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.deleteRecord"
                $body = @{
                    repo       = $did
                    collection = 'app.bsky.graph.follow'
                    rkey       = $rkey
                } | ConvertTo-Json

                $splat = @{
                    Uri     = $apiUrl
                    Method  = 'Post'
                    Headers = $headers
                    Body    = $body
                Write-Information -MessageData $splat -Tags raw

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($User.handle)) {
                    $delResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @splat
                    _newLogData -apiUrl $apiUrl -command $MyInvocation.MyCommand | _updateLog
                    Write-Information -MessageData $delResponse -Tags raw
                    if ($Passthru -AND (-Not $WhatIfPreference)) {

            } #if viewer property found
            else {
                Write-Warning ($strings.NotFollowing -f $user.handle)
        } #if headers detected
    } #process

    End {
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:Command'] = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $PSDefaultParameterValues['_verbose:block'] = 'End'
        _verbose $strings.Ending
    } #end
