
[string[]] $Script:BlackLists = @(
    # '' # as per was terminated in 2015
    #'' # supposedly doesn't work properly anymore
    #'' # as per was terminated in 2015
$Script:ScriptBlockNetDNS = {
    param (
        [string] $Server,
        [string] $IP,
        [bool] $QuickTimeout,
        [bool] $Verbose
    if ($Verbose) {
        $verbosepreference = 'continue'
    $ReversedIP = ($IP -split '\.')[3..0] -join '.'
    $FQDN = "$ReversedIP.$Server"
    try {
        $DnsCheck = [Net.DNS]::GetHostAddresses($fqdn)
    } catch {
        $DnsCheck = $null
    if ($null -ne $DnsCheck) {
        $ServerData = [PSCustomObject] @{
            IP        = $IP
            FQDN      = $FQDN
            BlackList = $Server
            IsListed  = if ($null -eq $DNSCheck.IPAddressToString) { $false } else { $true }
            Answer    = $DnsCheck.IPAddressToString -join ', '
            TTL       = ''
    } else {
        $ServerData = [PSCustomObject] @{
            IP        = $IP
            FQDN      = $FQDN
            BlackList = $Server
            IsListed  = $false
            Answer    = ""
            TTL       = ''

    return $ServerData
$Script:ScriptBlockNetDNSSlow = {
    param (
        [string[]] $Servers,
        [string[]] $IPs,
        [bool] $QuickTimeout,
        [bool] $Verbose
    if ($Verbose) {
        $verbosepreference = 'continue'

    $Blacklisted = foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
        foreach ($IP in $IPS) {
            [string] $ReversedIP = ($IP -split '\.')[3..0] -join '.'
            [string] $FQDN = "$ReversedIP.$Server"
            try {
                $DnsCheck = [Net.DNS]::GetHostAddresses($FQDN)
            } catch {
                $DnsCheck = $null
            if ($null -ne $DnsCheck) {
                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    IP        = $ip
                    FQDN      = $fqdn
                    BlackList = $server
                    IsListed  = if ($null -eq $DNSCheck.IPAddressToString) { $false } else { $true }
                    Answer    = $DnsCheck.IPAddressToString -join ', '
                    TTL       = ''
            } else {
                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    IP        = $IP
                    FQDN      = $FQDN
                    BlackList = $Server
                    IsListed  = $false
                    Answer    = ''
                    TTL       = ''
    return $Blacklisted
$Script:ScriptBlockResolveDNS = {
    param (
        [string] $Server,
        [string] $IP,
        [bool] $QuickTimeout,
        [bool] $Verbose,
        [string[]] $DNSServer = ''
    if ($Verbose) {
        $verbosepreference = 'continue'
    [string] $ReversedIP = ($IP -split '\.')[3..0] -join '.'
    [string] $FQDN = "$ReversedIP.$Server"

    [int] $Count = 0
    [bool] $Loaded = $false
    Do {
        try {
            Import-Module -Name 'DnsClient' -Verbose:$false
            $Loaded = $true
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "DNSClient Import Error ($Server / $FQDN / $IP): $_. Retrying."
        if ($Loaded -eq $false -and $Count -eq 5) {
            Write-Warning "DNSClient Import failed. Skipping check on $Server / $FQDN / $IP"
    } until ($Loaded -eq $false -or $Count -eq 5)

    if ($DNSServer -ne '') {
        $DnsCheck = Resolve-DnsName -Name $fqdn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -NoHostsFile -QuickTimeout:$QuickTimeout -Server $DNSServer -DnsOnly  # Impact of using -QuickTimeout unknown
    } else {
        $DnsCheck = Resolve-DnsName -Name $fqdn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -NoHostsFile -QuickTimeout:$QuickTimeout -DnsOnly

    if ($null -ne $DnsCheck) {
        $ServerData = [PSCustomObject] @{
            IP        = $IP
            FQDN      = $FQDN
            BlackList = $Server
            IsListed  = if ($null -eq $DNSCheck.IpAddress) { $false } else { $true }
            Answer    = $DnsCheck.IPAddress -join ', '
            TTL       = $DnsCheck.TTL -join ', '
    } else {
        $ServerData = [PSCustomObject]  @{
            IP        = $IP
            FQDN      = $FQDN
            BlackList = $Server
            IsListed  = $false
            Answer    = ''
            TTL       = ''
    return $ServerData
$Script:ScriptBlockResolveDNSSlow = {
    param (
        [string[]] $Servers,
        [string[]] $IPs,
        [bool] $QuickTimeout,
        [bool] $Verbose,
        [string[]] $DNSServer = ''
    if ($Verbose) {
        $verbosepreference = 'continue'
    $Blacklisted = foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
        foreach ($IP in $IPS) {
            $ReversedIP = ($IP -split '\.')[3..0] -join '.'
            $FQDN = "$ReversedIP.$Server"
            if ($DNSServer -ne '') {
                $DnsCheck = Resolve-DnsName -Name $fqdn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -NoHostsFile -QuickTimeout:$QuickTimeout -Server $DNSServer -DnsOnly  # Impact of using -QuickTimeout unknown
            } else {
                $DnsCheck = Resolve-DnsName -Name $fqdn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -NoHostsFile -QuickTimeout:$QuickTimeout -DnsOnly
            if ($null -ne $DnsCheck) {
                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    IP        = $IP
                    FQDN      = $FQDN
                    BlackList = $Server
                    IsListed  = if ($null -eq $DNSCheck.IpAddress) { $false } else { $true }
                    Answer    = $DnsCheck.IPAddress -join ', '
                    TTL       = $DnsCheck.TTL -join ', '
            } else {
                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    IP        = $IP
                    FQDN      = $FQDN
                    BlackList = $Server
                    IsListed  = $false
                    Answer    = ''
                    TTL       = ''
    return $Blacklisted
function Search-BlackList {
    Search-Blacklist searches if particular IP is blacklisted on DNSBL Blacklists.
    Long description
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER BlacklistServers
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER ReturnAll
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER RunType
    Parameter description
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER SortDescending
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER QuickTimeout
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER MaxRunspaces
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER ExtendedOutput
    Parameter description
    Search-BlackList -IP '' | Format-Table
    Search-BlackList -IP '' -SortBy Blacklist | Format-Table
    Search-BlackList -IP '','' -SortBy Ip -ReturnAll | Format-Table
    General notes

        [alias('IP')][string[]] $IPs,
        [string[]] $BlacklistServers = $Script:BlackLists,
        [switch] $ReturnAll,
        [ValidateSet('NoWorkflowAndRunSpaceNetDNS', 'NoWorkflowAndRunSpaceResolveDNS', 'RunSpaceWithResolveDNS', 'RunSpaceWithNetDNS', 'WorkflowResolveDNS', 'WorkflowWithNetDNS')]
        [ValidateSet('IP', 'BlackList', 'IsListed', 'Answer', 'FQDN')][string] $SortBy = 'IsListed',
        [switch] $SortDescending,
        [switch] $QuickTimeout,
        [int] $MaxRunspaces = 10,
        [string[]] $DNSServer = '',
        [switch] $ExtendedOutput
    if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) { $Verbose = $true } else { $Verbose = $false }

    # will remove this after a while
    if ($RunType -eq 'WorkflowResolveDNS') {
        Write-Warning 'Worflows are not supported anymore due to PowerShell 6 complaining. Please use other modes.'
    } elseif ($RunType -eq 'WorkflowWithNetDNS') {
        Write-Warning 'Worflows are not supported anymore due to PowerShell 6 complaining. Please use other modes.'

    # no parameter given (and it's expected)
    if ($RunType -eq '') {
        $RunType = 'RunSpaceWithNetDNS'
        if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') {
            $RunType = 'RunSpaceWithNetDNS'
        } else {
            $RunType = 'RunSpaceWithResolveDNS'


    # checks whether Runspaces are not set for use on Unix (usually forced by user)
    if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') {
        if ($RunType -eq 'RunSpaceWithResolveDNS') {
            $RunType = 'RunSpaceWithNetDNS'
            Write-Warning 'Search-BlackList - changing RunType to RunSpaceWithNetDNS since Resolve-DNSName is not available on Linux/MacOS'
        } elseif ($RunType -eq 'NoWorkflowAndRunSpaceResolveDNS') {
            $RunType = 'NoWorkflowAndRunSpaceNetDNS'
            Write-Warning 'Search-BlackList - changing RunType to RunSpaceWithNetDNS since Resolve-DNSName is not available on Linux/MacOS'

    if ($DNSServer -ne '' -and $RunType -like 'NetDNS') {
        Write-Warning 'Search-BlackList - Setting DNSServer is not supported for Net.DNS. Resetting to default values.'
        $DNSServer = ''

    Write-Verbose "Search-Blacklist - Runtype: $RunType ReturnAll: $ReturnAll, SortBy: $SortBy MaxRunspaces: $MaxRunspaces SortDescending: $SortDescending"

    If ($RunType -eq 'NoWorkflowAndRunSpaceNetDNS') {
        $Table = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Script:ScriptBlockNetDNSSlow -ArgumentList $BlacklistServers, $IPs, $QuickTimeout, $Verbose
    } elseif ($RunType -eq 'NoWorkflowAndRunSpaceResolveDNS') {
        $Table = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Script:ScriptBlockResolveDNSSlow -ArgumentList $BlacklistServers, $IPs, $QuickTimeout, $Verbose, $DNSServer
    } elseif ($RunType -eq 'RunSpaceWithResolveDNS') {
        ### Define Runspace START
        $pool = New-Runspace -MaxRunspaces $maxRunspaces -Verbose:$Verbose
        ### Define Runspace END
        $runspaces = foreach ($Server in $BlacklistServers) {
            foreach ($IP in $IPs) {
                $Parameters = @{
                    Server       = $Server
                    IP           = $IP
                    QuickTimeout = $QuickTimeout
                    Verbose      = $Verbose
                    DNSServer    = $DNSServer
                Start-Runspace -ScriptBlock $Script:ScriptBlockResolveDNS -Parameters $Parameters -RunspacePool $pool -Verbose:$Verbose
        ### End Runspaces START
        $Output = Stop-Runspace -Runspaces $runspaces -FunctionName 'Search-BlackList' -RunspacePool $pool -Verbose:$Verbose -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable MyErrors -ExtendedOutput:$ExtendedOutput
        if ($ExtendedOutput) {
            $Output # returns hashtable of Errors and Output
        } else {
            $Table = $Output
        ### End Runspaces END

    } elseif ($RunType -eq 'RunSpaceWithNetDNS') {
        ### Define Runspace START
        $pool = New-Runspace -MaxRunspaces $maxRunspaces -Verbose:$Verbose
        ### Define Runspace END
        $runspaces = foreach ($server in $BlacklistServers) {
            foreach ($ip in $IPs) {
                $Parameters = @{
                    Server       = $Server
                    IP           = $IP
                    QuickTimeout = $QuickTimeout
                    Verbose      = $Verbose
                    #DNSServer = $DNSServer
                Start-Runspace -ScriptBlock $Script:ScriptBlockNetDNS -Parameters $Parameters -RunspacePool $pool -Verbose:$Verbose
        ### End Runspaces START
        $Output = Stop-Runspace -Runspaces $runspaces -FunctionName 'Search-BlackList' -RunspacePool $pool -Verbose:$Verbose -ExtendedOutput:$ExtendedOutput
        if ($ExtendedOutput) {
            $Output # returns hashtable of Errors and Output
        } else {
            $Table = $Output
        ### End Runspaces END
    if ($SortDescending -eq $true) {
        $Table = $Table | Sort-Object $SortBy -Descending
    } else {
        $Table = $Table | Sort-Object $SortBy
    if ($ReturnAll -eq $true) {
        return $Table | Select-Object IP, FQDN, BlackList, IsListed, Answer, TTL
    } else {
        return $Table | Where-Object { $_.IsListed -eq $true } | Select-Object IP, FQDN, BlackList, IsListed, Answer, TTL
function Set-EmailBody($TableData, $TableWelcomeMessage) {
    $body = "<p><i>$TableWelcomeMessage</i>"
    if ($($TableData | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
        $body += $TableData | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-String
        $body = $body -replace ' Added', "<font color=`"green`"><b> Added</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Removed', "<font color=`"red`"><b> Removed</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Deleted', "<font color=`"red`"><b> Deleted</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Changed', "<font color=`"blue`"><b> Changed</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Change', "<font color=`"blue`"><b> Change</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Disabled', "<font color=`"red`"><b> Disabled</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Enabled', "<font color=`"green`"><b> Enabled</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Locked out', "<font color=`"red`"><b> Locked out</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Lockouts', "<font color=`"red`"><b> Lockouts</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Unlocked', "<font color=`"green`"><b> Unlocked</b></font>"
        $body = $body -replace ' Reset', "<font color=`"blue`"><b> Reset</b></font>"
        $body += '</p>'
    } else {
        $body += '<br><i>No changes happend during that period.</i></p>'
    return $body
function Set-EmailReportDetails {
    $DateReport = get-date
    # HTML Report settings
    $Report = "<p style=`"background-color:white;font-family:$($FormattingOptions.FontFamily);font-size:$($FormattingOptions.FontSize)`">"
    $Report += "<strong>Report Time:</strong> $DateReport <br>"
    $Report += "<strong>Time to generate:</strong> $($TimeToGenerate.Hours) hours, $($TimeToGenerate.Minutes) minutes, $($TimeToGenerate.Seconds) seconds, $($TimeToGenerate.Milliseconds) milliseconds <br>"

    if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -ne 'Unix') {
        $Report += "<strong>Account Executing Report :</strong> $env:userdomain\$($env:username.toupper()) on $($env:ComputerName.toUpper()) <br>"
    } else {
        # needs filling in.
    $Report += '<strong>Checking for monitored IPs :</strong>'
    $Report += '<ul>'
    foreach ($ip in $ReportOptions.MonitoredIps.Values) {
        $Report += "<li>ip:</strong> $ip</li>"
    $Report += '</ul>'
    $Report += '</p>'
    return $Report
function Start-ReportBlackLists {
        [switch] $OutputErrors
    $Errors = @{
        Teams   = $false
        Slack   = $false
        Discord = $false
    $EmailBody = Set-EmailHead -FormattingOptions $FormattingParameters
    $EmailBody += Set-EmailReportBranding -FormattingOptions $FormattingParameters

    $TeamID = Format-FirstXChars -Text $ReportOptions.NotificationsTeams.TeamsID -NumberChars 25
    $SlackID = Format-FirstXChars -Text $ReportOptions.NotificationsSlack.Uri -NumberChars 25
    $DiscordID = Format-FirstXChars -Text $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.Uri -NumberChars 25

    Write-Verbose "Start-ReportBlackLists - TeamsID: $TeamID"
    Write-Verbose "Start-ReportBlackLists - SlackID: $SlackID"
    Write-Verbose "Start-ReportBlackLists - DiscordID: $DiscordID"

    $Ips = @()
    foreach ($ip in $ReportOptions.MonitoredIps.Values) {
        $Ips += $ip
    $Time = Measure-Command -Expression {
        if ($null -eq $ReportOptions.SortBy) {
            $ReportOptions.SortBy = 'IsListed'
        if ($null -eq $ReportOptions.SortDescending) {
            $ReportOptions.SortDescending = $true

        if ($ReportOptions.NotificationsEmail.EmailAllResults) {
            $BlackListCheck = Search-BlackList -IP $Ips -SortBy $ReportOptions.SortBy -SortDescending:$ReportOptions.SortDescending -ReturnAll
        } else {
            $BlackListCheck = Search-BlackList -IP $Ips -SortBy $ReportOptions.SortBy -SortDescending:$ReportOptions.SortDescending
    $EmailBody += Set-EmailReportDetails -FormattingOptions $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -TimeToGenerate $Time
    $EmailBody += Set-EmailBody -TableData $BlackListCheck -TableWelcomeMessage 'Following blacklisted servers'

    if ($null -eq $ReportOptions.NotificationsEmail) {
        # Not upgraded config / Legacy config
        $ReportOptions.NotificationsEmail = @{
            Use                          = $true
            EmailPriorityWhenBlacklisted = $ReportOptions.EmailPriorityWhenBlacklisted
            EmailPriorityStandard        = $ReportOptions.EmailPriorityStandard
            EmailAllResults              = $ReportOptions.EmailAllResults
            EmailAlways                  = $ReportOptions.EmailAlways

    if ($BlackListCheck.IsListed -contains $true) {
        $EmailParameters.EmailPriority = $ReportOptions.NotificationsEmail.EmailPriorityWhenBlacklisted
    } else {
        $EmailParameters.EmailPriority = $ReportOptions.NotificationsEmail.EmailPriorityStandard

    if ($ReportOptions.NotificationsEmail.Use) {
        if ($ReportOptions.EmailAlways -eq $true -or $BlackListCheck.IsListed -contains $true) {
            if ($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Inline) {
                $SendMail = Send-Email -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -Body $EmailBody -InlineAttachments @{logo = $FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Logo} -Verbose
            } else {
                $SendMail = Send-Email -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -Body $EmailBody

    if ($BlackListCheck.IsListed -contains $true) {
        $BlackListLimited = $BlackListCheck | Where-Object { $_.IsListed -eq $true }

        if ($ReportOptions.NotificationsTeams.Use) {
            [string] $MessageTitle = $ReportOptions.NotificationsTeams.MessageTitle
            [string] $ActivityImageLink = $ReportOptions.NotificationsTeams.MessageImageLink

            [RGBColors] $Color = [RGBColors]::Red
            $Sections = @()
            foreach ($Server in $BlackListLimited) {
                [string] $ActivityTitle = "Blacklisted IP **$($Server.IP)**"
                if ($ReportOptions.NotificationsTeams.MessageButtons) {
                    $Button1 = New-TeamsButton -Name "Check BlackList" -Link "$($Server.Ip)&run=toolpage"
                    $Button2 = New-TeamsButton -Name "Check SMTP" -Link "$($Server.Ip)&run=toolpage"

                    $Sections += New-TeamsSection `
                        -ActivityTitle $ActivityTitle `
                        -ActivitySubtitle "Found on blacklist **$($Server.Blacklist)**" `
                        -ActivityImageLink $ActivityImageLink `
                        -ActivityText "Everybody panic!" `
                        -Buttons $Button1, $Button2
                } else {
                    $Sections += New-TeamsSection `
                        -ActivityTitle $ActivityTitle `
                        -ActivitySubtitle "Found on blacklist **$($Server.Blacklist)**" `
                        -ActivityImageLink $ActivityImageLink `
                        -ActivityText "Responses: $($Server.Answer)"

            try {
                $TeamsOutput = Send-TeamsMessage `
                    -URI $ReportOptions.NotificationsTeams.TeamsID `
                    -MessageTitle $MessageTitle `
                    -Color $Color `
                    -Sections $Sections `
                    -Supress $false
            } catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
                Write-Warning "Couldn't send to Teams - Error occured: $ErrorMessage"
                $Errors.Teams = $true
            #Write-Color @script:WriteParameters -Text "[i] Teams output: ", $Data -Color White, Yellow
        if ($ReportOptions.NotificationsSlack.Use) {

            $MessageTitle = $ReportOptions.NotificationsSlack.MessageTitle
            [string] $ActivityImageLink = $ReportOptions.NotificationsSlack.MessageImageLink

            $Attachments = @()
            foreach ($Server in $BlackListLimited) {
                $Attachments += New-SlackMessageAttachment -Color $ `
                    -Title "IP $($Server.IP) is Blacklisted" `
                    -TitleLink "$($Server.Ip)&run=toolpage" `
                    -Text $ReportOptions.NotificationsSlack.MessageText `
                    -Pretext "Found on blacklist $($Server.Blacklist)" `
                    -Fallback 'Your client is bad'

            try {
                $SlackOutput = New-SlackMessage -Attachments $Attachments `
                    -Channel $ReportOptions.NotificationsSlack.Channel `
                    -IconEmoji $ReportOptions.NotificationsSlack.MessageEmoji `
                    -AsUser `
                    -Username $ReportOptions.NotificationsSlack.MessageAsUser | `
                    Send-SlackMessage -Uri $ReportOptions.NotificationsSlack.URI
            } catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
                Write-Warning "Couldn't send to Slack - Error occured: $ErrorMessage"
                $Errors.Slack = $true
            #Write-Color @script:WriteParameters -Text "[i] Slack output: ", $Data -Color White, Yellow

        if ($ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.Use) {
            if ($null -eq $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.MessageInline) {
                $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.MessageInline = $false

            try {
                $Facts = foreach ($Server in $BlackListLimited) {
                    [string] $ActivityTitle = "Blacklisted IP $($Server.IP)"
                    [string] $ActivityValue = "Found on blacklist $($Server.Blacklist)"

                    New-DiscordFact -Name $ActivityTitle -Value $ActivityValue -Inline $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.MessageInline

                $Thumbnail = New-DiscordThumbnail -Url $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.MessageImageLink
                $Author = New-DiscordAuthor -Name 'PSBlacklistChecker' -IconUrl  $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.MessageImageLink
                $Section = New-DiscordSection -Title $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.MessageText `
                    -Description '' `
                    -Facts $Facts `
                    -Color $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.MessageColor `
                    -Author $Author `
                    -Thumbnail $Thumbnail #-Image $Thumbnail

                Send-DiscordMessage -WebHookUrl $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.Uri `
                    -Sections $Section `
                    -AvatarName $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.MessageAsUser `
                    -AvatarUrl $ReportOptions.NotificationsDiscord.MessageAsUserImage -Verbose

            } catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
                Write-Warning "Couldn't send to Discord - Error occured: $ErrorMessage"
                $Errors.Discord = $true
        if ($OutputErrors) {
            return $Errors

Export-ModuleMember `
    -Function @('Search-BlackList','Start-ReportBlackLists') `
    -Alias @()