class BggPlay { [int] $Id [AllowNull()] [Nullable[datetime]] $Date [int] $Quantity [int] $Length [bool] $Incomplete [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $Location hidden [int] $Hours hidden [int] $Minutes [string] $Comment [bool] $NoWinStats [BggPlayer[]] $Players [BggBaseItem] $Item BggPlay () {} BggPlay ($Play) { $this.Id = $Play.Id $this.Date = $Play.Date $this.Quantity = $Play.Quantity $this.Length = $Play.Length $this.Incomplete = [int] $Play.Incomplete $this.Location = $Play.Location $this.Comment = $Play.Comments $this.NoWinStats = [int] $Play.NoWinStats $this.Players = foreach ($Player in $Play.Players.Player) { [BggPlayer]::new($Player) } $this.Item = [BggBaseItem]::new($Play.Item) } [string] NewPlayJson() { $Play = @{ date = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") playdate = $this.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") quantity = $this.Quantity length = $this.Length incomplete = $this.Incomplete location = $this.Location comments = $this.Comment nowinstats = $this.NoWinStats objecttype = "thing" objectid = $this.Item.Id ajax = 1 action = "save" } if ($this.Players.Count -gt 0) { $Play.players = $this.Players.ForEach({$_.NewPlayHash()}) } return $($Play | ConvertTo-Json) } } class BggPlayer { [string] $Username [int] $UserId [string] $Name [int] $StartPosition [string] $Color [int] $Score [bool] $New [int] $Rating [bool] $Win BggPlayer () {} BggPlayer ($Player) { $this.Username = $Player.Username $this.UserId = $Player.UserId $this.Name = $Player.Name $this.StartPosition = $Player.StartPosition $this.Color = $Player.Color $this.Score = $Player.Score $this.New = $Player.New $this.Rating = $Player.Rating $this.Win = $Player.Win } [hashtable] NewPlayHash() { return @{ username = $this.Username userid = $this.UserId name = $this.Name position = $this.StartPosition color = $this.Color score = $this.Score new = $this.New rating = $this.Rating win = $this.Win } } } class BggBaseItem { [int] $Id [string] $Name [string] $Type BggBaseItem () {} BggBaseItem ($Item) { $this.Id = $Item.ObjectId $this.Name = $Item.Name $this.Type = $Item.ObjectType } BggBaseItem($Item, [bool] $IsThing) { $this.Id = $Item.Id $this.Name = @($Item.Name).Where({$_.Type -eq "Primary"})[0].Value $this.Type = $Item.Type } [string] ToString() { return $this.Name } } class BggThingItem : BggBaseItem { [string[]] $AlternateNames [string] $Description [string] $YearPublished [int] $MinPlayers [int] $MaxPlayers [int] $PlayingTime [int] $MinPlayTime [int] $MaxPlayTime [int] $MinAge [nullable[int]] $Rank [decimal] $RatingAvg [decimal] $Weight [string[]] $Designer [string[]] $Artist [string[]] $Publisher [string[]] $Category [string[]] $Mechanic [string[]] $Family BggThingItem () {} BggThingItem ($Item) : Base($Item, $true) { $this.AlternateNames = @($Item.Name).Where({$_.Type -eq "Alternate"}).Value $this.Description = [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlDecode($Item.Description) $this.YearPublished = $Item.YearPublished.Value $this.MinPlayers = $Item.MinPlayers.Value $this.MaxPlayers = $Item.MaxPlayers.Value $this.PlayingTime = $Item.PlayingTime.Value $this.MinPlayTime = $Item.MinPlayTime.Value $this.MaxPlayTime = $Item.MaxPlayTime.Value $this.MinAge = $Item.MinAge.Value $OverallRank = @($Item.Statistics.Ratings.Ranks.Rank).Where({ ($_.Type -eq "subtype") -and ($_.Name -eq "boardgame")})[0].Value $this.Rank = if ($OverallRank -eq "Not Ranked") {$null} else {$OverallRank} $this.RatingAvg = [math]::Round($Item.Statistics.Ratings.Average.Value, 1) $this.Weight = [math]::Round($Item.Statistics.Ratings.AverageWeight.Value, 2) if ($Item.Link.Count -gt 0) { $this.Designer = $($Item.Link).Where({$_.Type -eq "boardgamedesigner"}).Value $this.Artist = $($Item.Link).Where({$_.Type -eq "boardgameartist"}).Value $this.Publisher = $($Item.Link).Where({$_.Type -eq "boardgamepublisher"}).Value $this.Category = $($Item.Link).Where({$_.Type -eq "boardgamecategory"}).Value $this.Mechanic = $($Item.Link).Where({$_.Type -eq "boardgamemechanic"}).Value $this.Family = $($Item.Link).Where({$_.Type -eq "boardgamefamily"}).Value } } } class BggThingItemExt : BggThingItem { [nullable[decimal]] $Rating [string[]] $Status [int] $Plays BggThingItemExt ($Item, $Coll) : base ($Item) { $this.Rating = $Coll.Where({$_.ObjectId -eq $Item.Id})[0].Rating $this.Status = $Coll.Where({$_.ObjectId -eq $Item.Id})[0].Status $this.Plays = $Coll.Where({$_.ObjectId -eq $Item.Id})[0].Plays } } class BggSearchItem { [string] $Name [int] $Id [string] $Type [string] $YearPublished BggSearchItem () {} BggSearchItem ($Item) { $this.Name = $Item.Name.Value $this.Id = $Item.Id $this.Type = $Item.Type $this.YearPublished = $Item.YearPublished.Value } } class BggCollectionItem { [string] $Name [string] $YearPublished [nullable[decimal]] $Rating [decimal] $RatingAvg [string[]] $Status [int] $Plays [string] $Type [int] $ObjectId [string] $ObjectType [int] $CollId BggCollectionItem () {} BggCollectionItem ($Item) { $this.Name = $Item.Name."#Text" $this.YearPublished = $Item.YearPublished $this.Rating = switch ($Item.Stats.Rating.Value) { {$_ -eq "N/A"} {$null} Default {[math]::Round($_, 1)} } $this.RatingAvg = [math]::Round($Item.Stats.Rating.Average.Value, 1) $this.Status = switch ($Item.Status) { {$_.Own -eq "1"} {"Owned"} {$_.PrevOwned -eq "1"} {"Prev. Owned"} {$_.ForTrade -eq "1"} {"For Trade"} {$_.Want -eq "1"} {"Want in Trade"} {$_.WantToPlay -eq "1"} {"Want to Play"} {$_.WantToBuy -eq "1"} {"Want to Buy"} {$_.Wishlist -eq "1"} { switch ($_.WishlistPriority) { {$_ -eq "1"} {"Wishlist (Must have)"} {$_ -eq "2"} {"Wishlist (Love to have)"} {$_ -eq "3"} {"Wishlist (Like to have)"} {$_ -eq "4"} {"Wishlist (Thinking about it)"} {$_ -eq "5"} {"Wishlist (Don't buy this)"} } } {$_.Preordered -eq "1"} {"Preordered"} } $this.Plays = $Item.NumPlays $this.Type = $Item.SubType $this.ObjectId = $Item.ObjectId $this.ObjectType = $Item.ObjectType $this.CollId = $Item.CollId } } |