param ( #[Parameter(Mandatory)] [HostPool[]] $HostPool ) BeforeAll { $AzAvdHostPoolHT = foreach ($CurrentHostPool in $HostPool) { Get-AzWvdHostPool -ResourceGroupName $CurrentHostPool.GetResourceGroupName() -Name $CurrentHostPool.Name -ErrorAction Ignore } $AzAvdHostPoolHT = $AzAvdHostPoolHT | Group-Object -Property Name -AsHashTable -AsString $AzWvdSessionHostHT = @{} foreach ($CurrentHostPool in $HostPool) { $AzWvdSessionHostHT.Add($CurrentHostPool.Name, (Get-AzWvdSessionHost -ResourceGroupName $CurrentHostPool.GetResourceGroupName() -HostPoolName $CurrentHostPool.Name).Count) } } Describe "<_.Name> HostPool - Azure Instantiation" -ForEach $HostPool { Context '<_.Name>' { It '<_.Name> HostPool exists in Azure' { $_.Name | Should -BeIn $AzAvdHostPoolHT.Keys #-ErrorAction Stop -Verbose } It '<_.Name> HostPool has the right HostPoolType' { $AzAvdHostPoolHT[$_.Name].HostPoolType.ToString() | Should -Be $_.Type.ToString() #-ErrorAction Stop #$_.Type | Should -Be $AzAvdHostPoolHT[$_.Name].HostPoolType #-ErrorAction Stop } It '<_.Name> HostPool has the right Azure Location' { $AzAvdHostPoolHT[$_.Name].Location | Should -Be $_.Location #-ErrorAction Stop } It '<_.Name> HostPool has the right MaxSessionLimit' { $AzAvdHostPoolHT[$_.Name].MaxSessionLimit | Should -BeIn @($_.maxSessionLimit, 999999) #-ErrorAction Stop } It '<_.Name> HostPool has the right VMNumberOfInstances' { $AzWvdSessionHostHT[$_.Name] | Should -Be $_.VMNumberOfInstances #-ErrorAction Stop } } } |