
function Read-AzScriptFile {
        Scans scriptfiles for required changes to migrate from AzureAD or Msonline to Microsoft.Graph.
        Scans scriptfiles for required changes to migrate from AzureAD or Msonline to Microsoft.Graph.
        Does not apply any changes, returns one entry per change needed, plus one for each message - error, warning or info - generated from a given file.
        This scan uses the Refactor module's system of transforms to perform the scan, more details on that
        can be found on the project site:
        The transform files used _by default_ can be found in the data sub-folder of this module:
        Use the -TransformPath parameter to override this with your own transforms if desired.
        Path to the script-file(s) to scan
        Name of the script to scan
        Used for scenarios where the scanned code is not in a file format (e.g. from Azure DevOps API)
    .PARAMETER Content
        Content/Code of the script to scan
        Used for scenarios where the scanned code is not in a file format (e.g. from Azure DevOps API)
        What kind of module to migrate.
        Supports scanning for migrating AzureAD or Msonline, defaults to scanning both in parallel.
    .PARAMETER TransformPath
        By default, this command uses a predefined set of scanning rules to determine which changes to perform and which warnings to write.
        You can find the rules used in the module's data folder or on Github:
        With this parameter, you can have the tool use instead your own transform/scanning ruleset.
        For more details on how this works and what you can do with it, see the documentation on the Refactor module:
        If your own customizations could be viable for a larger audience, please consider filing them as a pull request on this project.
    .PARAMETER ExpandDevOps
        Adds properties to the output for the input's organization, project, repository and branch.
        Only intended for input from scanning Azure DevOps Services repositories using the AzureDevOps.Services.OpenApi module.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        Replaces user friendly yellow warnings with bloody red exceptions of doom!
        Use this if you want the function to throw terminating errors you want to catch.
        PS C:\> Get-ChildItem C:\scripts -Recurse | Read-AzScriptFile
        Scan all files under c:\scripts recursively and get a list of changes to perform and warnings to consider.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Path')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Content')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Content')]

        [ValidateSet('AzureAD', 'MSOnline')]
        $Type = @('AzureAD', 'MSOnline'),


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Content')]


    begin {
        #region Functions
        function Read-ScriptFile {
            param (



            if ($ExpandDevOps) {
                $splitPath = $ScriptFile.Path -split "/", 4
                $branch = ($ScriptFile.Path -split '\[')[-1].Trim(']')
                $devOpsHash = [ordered]@{
                    Organization = $splitPath[0]
                    Project      = $splitPath[1]
                    Repository   = $splitPath[2]
                    Branch       = $branch

            $hashAlgorithm = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create("MD5")
            $messageParam = @{
                FunctionName = 'Read-AzScriptFile'
                ModuleName   = 'PSAzureMigrationAdvisor'
                Target       = $ScriptFile.Path
            $relevantTokens = $scriptFile.GetTokens() | Where-Object Name -In $CommandNames | Where-Object Type -EQ Command

            if (-not $relevantTokens) {
                Write-PSFMessage @messageParam -String 'Read-AzScriptFile.Path.NoAzCommand' -StringValues $ScriptFile.Path
            $fileBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($scriptFile.Content)
            $fileHash = $hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash($fileBytes).ForEach{ $_.ToString('x2') } -join ""

            Write-PSFMessage @messageParam -String 'Read-AzScriptFile.Path.CommandsFound' -StringValues @($relevantTokens).Count, $ScriptFile.Path

            $results = $scriptFile.Transform($relevantTokens)
            $messagesUsed = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
            foreach ($result in $results.Results) {
                $messages = $results.Messages | Where-Object Token -EQ $result.Token
                $resultHash = [ordered]@{
                    PSTypeName  = 'PSAzureMigrationAdvisor.ScanResult'
                    Path        = $result.Path
                    Command     = $result.Token -replace '^Command -> '
                    CommandLine = $result.Token.Ast.Extent.StartLineNumber
                    Before      = $result.Change.Before
                    After       = $result.Change.After
                    Message     = $messages.Text -join "`n"
                    MessageType = $messages.Type -join "`n"
                    FileHash    = $fileHash
                if ($ExpandDevOps) { $resultHash += $devOpsHash }
                foreach ($message in $messages) {
                    $null = $messagesUsed.Add($message)
            foreach ($message in $results.Messages) {
                # If messages were found that are not associated to a resultant token
                if ($message -in $messagesUsed) { continue }

                $resultHash = [ordered]@{
                    PSTypeName  = 'PSAzureMigrationAdvisor.ScanResult'
                    Path        = $results.Path
                    Command     = $message.Data.Name
                    CommandLine = $message.Token.Ast.Extent.StartLineNumber
                    Before      = ''
                    After       = ''
                    Message     = $message.Text
                    MessageType = $message.Type
                    FileHash    = $fileHash
                if ($ExpandDevOps) { $resultHash += $devOpsHash }
        #endregion Functions

        if ($TransformPath) {
            Import-ReTokenTransformationSet -Path $TransformPath
        else {
            if ($Type -contains 'AzureAD') { Import-ReTokenTransformationSet -Path "$script:ModuleRoot\data\azureAD-to-graph.psd1" }
            if ($Type -contains 'MSOnline') { Import-ReTokenTransformationSet -Path "$script:ModuleRoot\data\msol-to-graph.psd1" }
        $commandNames = (Get-ReTokenTransformationSet).Name
    process {
        #region Process by Path
        foreach ($pathName in $Path) {
            try { $paths = Resolve-PSFPath -Path $pathName -Provider FileSystem }
            catch {
                Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Read-AzScriptFile.Path.ResolveError' -StringValues $pathName -EnableException $EnableException -ErrorRecord $_ -Tag path -Target $pathName -Continue -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
            #region Process individual files
            foreach ($filePath in $paths) {
                if ($filePath -notmatch '\.ps1$|\.psm1|.psf1') {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Read-AzScriptFile.Path.NoScript' -StringValues $filePath -Target $filePath

                $scriptFile = Get-ReScriptFile -Path $filePath
                Read-ScriptFile -ScriptFile $scriptFile -CommandNames $commandNames
            #endregion Process individual files
        #endregion Process by Path

        #region Process by Name & Content
        if ($Name -and $Content) {
            $scriptFile = Get-ReScriptFile -Name $Name -Content $Content
            Read-ScriptFile -ScriptFile $scriptFile -CommandNames $commandNames -ExpandDevOps:$ExpandDevOps
        #endregion Process by Name & Content
    end {