
    Restores NuGet packages and their dependencies for all AX packages in an AX environment.

    The Restore-AxNuGetPackages function restores all NuGet packages and their dependencies for all AX packages in an AX environment.
    It reads the packages.config file in the bin folder of each AX package, installs the NuGet packages, copies the compatible DLLs,
    and creates AxReference files for each compatible DLL.

    .PARAMETER AxEnvironmentName
    A string containing the name of the AX environment to use when restoring NuGet packages. If not specified, the current AX environment will be used.

    This example restores all NuGet packages and their dependencies for all AX packages in the current AX environment.

    Restore-AxNuGetPackages -AxEnvironmentName "MyAXEnvironment"
    This example restores all NuGet packages and their dependencies for all AX packages in the specified AX environment ("MyAXEnvironment").


    This function requires the NuGet CLI to be installed and accessible in the system's PATH.

function Restore-AxNuGetPackages {
    param (
        [string]$AxEnvironmentName = (Get-CurrentAxEnvironment).Name

    function Install-PackagesAndCreateAxReferences {
        $folderPath = Split-Path -Parent $packagesConfigPath
        $nugetFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $folderPath -ChildPath "packages"
        $axReferenceFolder = Get-ChildItem "AxReference" -Path $packageFolder -Directory -Recurse
        # Read packages.config
        [xml]$packagesConfig = Get-Content -Path $packagesConfigPath
        # Install NuGet packages and their dependencies
        foreach ($package in $packagesConfig.packages.package) {
            $packageId = $
            $packageVersion = $package.version
            $targetFramework = $package.targetFramework
            $packageNuGetFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $nugetFolderPath -ChildPath $packageId

            # Install NuGet packages
            Invoke-Expression -Command "nuget install $packageId -Version $packageVersion -Framework $targetFramework -OutputDirectory $packageNuGetFolderPath"

            # Get nuget package folders
            $nugetItemFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $packageNuGetFolderPath -Directory
            foreach ($nugetItemFolder in $nugetItemFolders) {

                # Get compatible DLLs
                $compatibleDlls = Get-ChildItem -Path $nugetItemFolder.FullName -Recurse -Include "*.dll" | Where-Object { $_.FullName -match "lib\\$targetFramework" }
                # Copy DLLs and create AxReference files
                foreach ($dll in $compatibleDlls) {
                    $destinationPath = Join-Path -Path $folderPath -ChildPath $dll.Name
                    Copy-Item -Path $dll.FullName -Destination $destinationPath -Force
                    Add-AxReference -DllPath $destinationPath -AxReferenceFolder $axReferenceFolder.FullName

    # Determine the environment and move to that folder
    $axEnvironment = Get-AxEnvironments | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $AxEnvironmentName }
    if (-not $axEnvironment) {
        throw "Environment '$axEnvironment' not found."
    Set-Location $axEnvironment.Folder

    # Loop over all packages in the environment and restore the packages
    $packages = Get-AxPackages -AxEnvironmentFolder $axEnvironment.Folder
    foreach ($package in $packages) {
        $packagesConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $package.Folder -ChildPath "bin/packages.config"
        if (Test-Path -Path $packagesConfigPath) {
            Install-PackagesAndCreateAxReferences -packagesConfigPath $packagesConfigPath -packageFolder $package.Folder