Function Complete-WorkFlow { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] $Object ) Begin { } Process { if ($Object -eq $null) { Write-Warning "Complete-WorkFlow can't be used out of order. Terminating!" Exit } foreach ($Trigger in $Object.Triggers) { $WriteInformation = @{ Text = '[+]', ' Running Trigger', ' for ', $Trigger.Name Color = [ConsoleColor]::Green, [ConsoleColor]::White, [ConsoleColor]::White, [ConsoleColor]::Green StartSpaces = 4 } Write-Color @WriteInformation if ($Trigger.Type -eq 'User') { switch ($Trigger.Trigger) { Always { $Object.ProcessingData.Users += Get-WinADUsers -Filter '*' } Filter { $Object.ProcessingData.Users += Get-WinADUsers -Filter $Trigger.Value } GroupMembership { $Object.ProcessingData.Users += Get-WinADUsers -Group $Trigger.Value } OrganizationalUnit { $Object.ProcessingData.Users += Get-WinADUsers -OrganizationalUnit $Trigger.Value } } } } foreach ($Ignore in $Object.Ignores) { $WriteInformation = @{ Text = '[+]', ' Running Ignore', ' for ', $Ignore.Name Color = [ConsoleColor]::Magenta, [ConsoleColor]::White, [ConsoleColor]::White, [ConsoleColor]::Magenta StartSpaces = 4 } Write-Color @WriteInformation switch ($Ignore.Ignore) { MatchingEmptyOrNull { $Field = "$($Ignore.Value)" $Object.ProcessingData.Users = $Object.ProcessingData.Users | Where { $_.$Field -ne $null -and $_.$Field -ne '' } } } } $CountUsers = Get-ObjectCount -Object $Object.ProcessingData.Users foreach ($Action in $Object.Actions) { $WriteInformation = @{ Text = '[+] ', 'Action ', $Action.Name, ' on ', $CountUsers, ' objects based on trigger ' #, $Trigger.Trigger, ' with value ', $Trigger.Value Color = [ConsoleColor]::DarkGreen, [ConsoleColor]::White, [ConsoleColor]::DarkGreen, [ConsoleColor]::White, ` [ConsoleColor]::DarkGreen, [ConsoleColor]::White, [ConsoleColor]::DarkGreen, [ConsoleColor]::White, [ConsoleColor]::DarkGreen StartSpaces = 4 } Write-Color @WriteInformation if ($Action.Type -eq 'ActiveDirectory') { foreach ($User in $Object.ProcessingData.Users) { $Result = switch ( $Action.Action ) { AccountAddGroupsSpecific { $CommandOutput = Add-ADUserGroups -User $User -Groups $Action.Value -FieldSearch 'Name' Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountDisable { $CommandOutput = Set-ADUserStatus -User $User -Option Disable Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountEnable { $CommandOutput = Set-ADUserStatus -User $User -Option Enable Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountHideInGAL { $CommandOutput = Set-ADUserSettingGAL -User $User -Option Hide Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountShowInGAL { $CommandOutput = Set-ADUserSettingGAL -User $User -Option Show Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountRemoveGroupsAll { $CommandOutput = Remove-ADUserGroups -User $User -All Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountRemoveGroupsSecurity { $CommandOutput = Remove-ADUserGroups -User $User -GroupCategory Security Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountRemoveGroupsDistribution { $CommandOutput = Remove-ADUserGroups -User $User -GroupCategory Distribution Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountRemoveGroupsDomainLocal { $CommandOutput = Remove-ADUserGroups -User $User -GroupScope DomainLocal Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountRemoveGroupsGlobal { $CommandOutput = Remove-ADUserGroups -User $User -GroupScope Global Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountRemoveGroupsUniversal { $CommandOutput = Remove-ADUserGroups -User $User -GroupScope Universal Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountRemoveGroupsSpecific { $CommandOutput = Remove-ADUserGroups -User $User -Groups $Action.Value Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } AccountRename { if ($Action.Value.Action -eq 'AddText') { $CommandOutput = Set-ADUserName -User $User -Option $Action.Value.Where -TextToAdd $Action.Value.Text Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } elseif ($Action.Value.Action -eq 'RemoveText') { $CommandOutput = Set-ADUserName -User $User -TextToRemove $Action.Value.Text -Fields $Action.Value.Fields Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } } AccountSnapshot { $CommandOutput = Get-ADUserSnapshot -User $User -XmlPath $Action.Value Out-ActionStatus -CommandOutput $CommandOutput -User $User -Name $Action.Name } } } } } } End { return $Object } } |