#requires -version 5.1 #test if VM setup is complete #The password will be passed by the control script WaitforVM.ps1 #You can manually set it while developing this Pester test $LabData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $PSScriptRoot\VMConfigurationData.psd1 $Secure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$($labdata.allnodes.labpassword)" -AsPlainText -Force $Domain = "company" $cred = New-Object PSCredential "Company\Administrator", $Secure #The prefix only changes the name of the VM not the guest computername $prefix = $Labdata.NonNodeData.Lability.EnvironmentPrefix $all = @() Describe DC1 { $VMName = "$($prefix)DC1" Try { $dc = New-PSSession -VMName $VMName -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop $all += $dc #set error action preference to suppress all error messsage if ($dc) { Invoke-Command { $errorActionPreference = 'silentlyContinue' } -Session $dc } It "[DC1] Should accept domain admin credential" { $dc.Count | Should Be 1 } #test for features $feat = Invoke-Command { Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object installed } -Session $dc $needed = 'AD-Domain-Services', 'DNS', 'RSAT-AD-Tools', 'RSAT-AD-PowerShell' foreach ($item in $needed) { It "[DC1] Should have feature $item installed" { $feat.Name -contains $item | Should Be "True" } } It "[DC1] Should have an IP address of" { $i = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias 'Ethernet' -AddressFamily IPv4 } -Session $dc $i.ipv4Address | Should be '' } It "[DC1] Should have a domain name of $domain" { $r = Invoke-Command { Try { Get-ADDomain -ErrorAction stop } catch {} } -Session $dc $ | Should Be $domain } $OUs = Invoke-Command { Try { Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * -ErrorAction stop } Catch {} } -Session $dc $needed = 'IT', 'Dev', 'Marketing', 'Sales', 'Accounting', 'JEA_Operators' foreach ($item in $needed) { It "[DC1] Should have organizational unit $item" { $ -contains $item | Should Be "True" } } $groups = Invoke-Command { Try { Get-ADGroup -Filter * -ErrorAction Stop } Catch {} } -Session $DC $target = "IT", "Sales", "Marketing", "Accounting", "JEA Operators" foreach ($item in $target) { It "[DC1] Should have a group called $item" { $groups.Name -contains $item | Should Be "True" } } $users = Invoke-Command { Try { Get-ADUser -Filter * -ErrorAction stop } Catch {} } -Session $dc It "[DC1] Should have at least 15 user accounts" { $users.count | Should BeGreaterThan 15 } $computer = Invoke-Command { Try { Get-ADComputer -Filter * -ErrorAction Stop } Catch {} } -Session $dc It "[DC1] Should have a computer account for Client" { $ -contains "cli1" | Should Be "True" } It "[DC1] Should have a computer account for S1" { $ -contains "S1" | Should Be "True" } } Catch { It "[DC1] Should allow a PSSession but got error: $($_.exception.message)" { $false | Should Be $True } } } #DC Describe S1 { $VMName = "$($prefix)S1" Try { $s1 = New-PSSession -VMName $VMName -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop $all += $s1 It "[S1] Should accept domain admin credential" { $s1.Count | Should Be 1 } It "[S1] Should have an IP address of" { $i = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias 'Ethernet' -AddressFamily IPv4 } -Session $S1 $i.ipv4Address | Should be '' } $dns = Invoke-Command { Get-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias ethernet -AddressFamily IPv4 } -Session $s1 It "[S1] Should have a DNS server configuration of" { $dns.ServerAddresses -contains '' | Should Be "True" } } Catch { It "[S1] Should allow a PSSession but got error: $($_.exception.message)" { $false | Should Be $True } } } #S1 Describe Cli1 { $VMName = "$($prefix)Cli1" $rsat = @( 'Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~', 'Rsat.BitLocker.Recovery.Tools~~~~', 'Rsat.CertificateServices.Tools~~~~', 'Rsat.DHCP.Tools~~~~', 'Rsat.Dns.Tools~~~~', 'Rsat.FailoverCluster.Management.Tools~~~~', 'Rsat.FileServices.Tools~~~~', 'Rsat.GroupPolicy.Management.Tools~~~~', 'Rsat.IPAM.Client.Tools~~~~', 'Rsat.ServerManager.Tools~~~~' ) Try { $cl = New-PSSession -VMName $VMName -Credential $cred -ErrorAction stop $all += $cl It "[CLI1] Should accept domain admin credential" { $cl.Count | Should Be 1 } It "[CLI1] Should have an IP address of" { $i = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias 'Ethernet' -AddressFamily IPv4 } -Session $cl $i.ipv4Address | Should be '' } $dns = Invoke-Command { Get-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias ethernet -AddressFamily IPv4 } -Session $cl It "[CLI1] Should have a DNS server configuration of" { $dns.ServerAddresses -contains '' | Should Be "True" } $pkg = Invoke-Command { $using:rsat | ForEach-Object { Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $_ } } -Session $cl $rsatstatus = "{0}/{1}" -f ($pkg.where({ $_.state -eq "installed" }).Name).count, $rsat.count It "[CLI1] Should have RSAT installed [$rsatStatus]" { # write-host ($pkg | Select-object Name,Displayname,State | format-list | Out-String) -ForegroundColor cyan $pkg | Where-Object { $_.state -ne "installed" } | Should be $Null } } Catch { It "[CLI1] Should allow a PSSession but got error: $($_.exception.message)" { $false | Should Be $True } } } #client $all | Remove-PSSession |