$separator = [io.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar $here = "$(Split-Path (Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -Parent)" + $separator + "PSAttck" $module = 'PSAttck' Describe "$module PowerShell Module Tests" { Context 'Module Setup' { It "has the root module $module.psm1" { "$here" + $separator + "$module.psm1" | Should exist } It "has the manifest file $module.psd1" { "$here" + $separator + "$module.psd1" | should exist } It "$module has functions" { "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "*.ps1" | Should exist } It "$module is valid PowerShell Code" { $path = "$here" + $separator + "$module.psm1" $psFile = Get-Content -Path $path -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile,[ref]$errors) $errors.count | Should be 0 } } $pubFunctions = ('Get-Attck', 'Get-AttckActor', 'Get-AttckDataFiles', 'Get-AttckMalware', 'Get-AttckMitigation', 'Get-AttckTactic', 'Get-AttckTechnique', 'Get-AttckTool', 'Get-PSAttckConfiguration', 'New-AttckObject', 'Set-PSAttckConfiguration') $privFunctions = ('Add-ObjectDetail') foreach ($function in $pubFunctions) { Context 'Function Tests' { It "$function.ps1 should exist" { "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should Exist } It "$function.ps1 should have help block" { "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '<#' "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '#>' } It "$function.ps1 should have a SYNOPSIS section in the help block" { "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '.SYNOPSIS' } It "$function.ps1 should have a DESCRIPTION section in the help block" { "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '.DESCRIPTION' } It "$function.ps1 should have a EXAMPLE section in the help block" { "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '.EXAMPLE' } It "$function.ps1 should be an advanced function" { "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'function' "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'CmdLetBinding' "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'param' } It "$function.ps1 should contain Write-Verbose blocks" { "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'Write-Verbose' } It "$function.ps1 is valid PowerShell code" { $path = "$here" + $separator + "Public" + $separator + "$function.ps1" $psFile = Get-Content -Path $path -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors) $errors.count | Should be 0 } }#Context Function Tests } foreach ($function in $privFunctions) { Context 'Private Functions' { It "$function.ps1 should exist" { "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -Exist } It "$function.ps1 should have help block" { "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '<#' "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '#>' } It "$function.ps1 should have a SYNOPSIS section in the help block" { "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '.SYNOPSIS' } It "$function.ps1 should have a DESCRIPTION section in the help block" { "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '.DESCRIPTION' } It "$function.ps1 should have a EXAMPLE section in the help block" { "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '.EXAMPLE' } It "$function.ps1 should be an advanced function" { "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'function' "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'CmdLetBinding' "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'param' } It "$function.ps1 should contain Write-Verbose blocks" { "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'Write-Verbose' } It "$function.ps1 is valid PowerShell code" { $path = "$here" + $separator + "Private" + $separator + "$function.ps1" $psFile = Get-Content -Path $path -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors) $errors.count | Should be 0 } } # Context Private Function Tests } # end of foreach } |