
  Get's a list of agents from Atera
  .Parameter CustomerID
  A Customer ID to filter down agents to
  Get-AteraAgents | Where-Object { $_.OSType -eq "Domain Controller"}
  # Get all domain controllers
  Get-AteraAgents | ForEach-Object { $_.IPAddresses = $_.IPAddresses -join ","; $_} | Export-CSV -Path "Agents.csv"
  # Get agents into a CSV file fixing IP Addresses into a list
  Get-AteraCustomers | Where CustomerName -eq "Unassigned" | Get-AteraAgents
  # Get unassigned agents

function Get-AteraAgents {
    # Customer ID to retrieve list of agents for
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
  $uri = "/agents"
  if ($CustomerID) { $uri = "$uri/customer/$CustomerID" }
  return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint $uri

  Gets information about a single agents
  .Parameter AgentID
  The ID of the agent to retrieve
  .Parameter MachineName
  Hostname of the agent to retrieve (defaults to current hostname)
  # Get information about the system running the command
  Get-AteraAgent -MachineName "SOME-DC-01"
  # Get information about agent named "SOME-DC-01"
  Get-AteraAgent -AgentID 1234
  # Get an agent based on it's ID

function Get-AteraAgent {
  # If no param is given the function will get the current PC
    # ID of agent to retrieve
    # Machine Name; Default hostname of PC
    return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/agents/$AgentID" -Paginate $false
    return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/agents/machine/$MachineName"