
  Get all Atera alerts

function Get-AteraAlerts {
  return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/alerts"

  Get an alert based on it's ID

function Get-AteraAlert {
    # ID of Alert to retrieve
  return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/alerts/$AlertID" -Paginate $false

  Filter alerts based on status and severity
  .Parameter Open
  Turn on to retrieve Open alerts
  .Parameter Closed
  Turn on to retrieve Closed alerts
  .Parameter Information
  Turn on to retrieve alerts with Information severity
  .Parameter Warning
  Turn on to retrieve alerts with Warning severity
  .Parameter Critical
  Turn on to retrieve alerts with Critical severity
  Get-AteraAlertsFiltered -Open -Critical
  # Retrieve all open critical alerts
  Get-AteraAlertsFiltered -Open -Warning -Critical
  # Retrieve all open alerts that have either warning or critical severity

function Get-AteraAlertsFiltered {
    # Get Open alerts
    [switch] $Open,
    # Get Closed alerts
    [switch] $Closed,
    # Get Information alerts
    [switch] $Information,
    # Get Warning alerts
    [switch] $Warning,
    # Get Critical alerts
    [switch] $Critical

  return Get-AteraAlerts | Where-Object {
    if ($Open.IsPresent -and $_.Archived) { return $false}
    if ($Closed.IsPresent -and !$_.Archived) { return $false }

    if ($Information.IsPresent -and $_.Severity -ne "Information") { return $false }
    if ($Warning.IsPresent -and $_.Severity -ne "Warning") { return $false }
    if ($Critical.IsPresent -and $_.Severity -ne "Critical") { return $false }
    return $true

  Creates a new Atera alert
  .Parameter DeviceGuid
  ID of the agent to open alert against. Can be retrieved from Atera Agents endpoint
  .Parameter CustomerID
  Customer ID to open alert in.
  .Parameter Title
  Title to give the alert
  .Parameter Severity
  Severity of the alert. Defaults to Warning. Options: Information, Warning, Critical
  .Parameter AlertCategoryID
  Category of alert. Defaults to General. Options: Hardware, Disk, Availability, Performance, Exchange, General
  .Parameter AlertMessage
  Additional information to show with alert in dashboard
  .Parameter TicketID
  Ticket that alert is assigned to
  .Parameter Code
  .Parameter ThresholdValue1
  Optional field to store alert information. Only available through API
  .Parameter ThresholdValue2
  Optional field to store alert information. Only available through API
  .Parameter ThresholdValue3
  Optional field to store alert information. Only available through API
  .Parameter ThresholdValue4
  Optional field to store alert information. Only available through API
  .Parameter ThresholdValue5
  Optional field to store alert information. Only available through API
  .Parameter SnooozedEndDate
  If alert is snoozed tracks when to notify about the alert
  .Parameter AdditionalInfo
  Optional field to store alert information. Only available through API
  .Parameter MessageTemplate
  .Parameter FolderID
  $BatteryReport = Join-Path $env:TEMP "batteryreport.xml"
  $Proc = Start-Process -FilePath powercfg.exe -ArgumentList "/batteryreport /xml /output $($BatteryReport)" -PassThru -NoNewWindow -Wait
  if ($Proc.ExitCode -eq 1) {
    Write-Output "No battery present"
  $Report = ([xml](Get-Content $BatteryReport)).BatteryReport
  $MaxCharge = $Report.Batteries.Battery.FullChargeCapacity
  $DesignCapacity = $Report.Batteries.Battery.DesignCapacity
  $BatteryHealth = $MaxCharge / $DesignCapacity
  if ($BatteryHealth -gt 0.5) {
    Write-Output "Battery is charging to $([math]::Round($BatteryHealth*100, 2))% of designed capacity"
  # Create the alert saving the charge percentage in Threshold Value 1, the Max Charge in Threshold Value 2 and the Designed capacity in Threshold Value 3
  Get-AteraAgent | New-AteraAlert -Title "Battery unhealthy" -Severity Warning -AlertCategoryID Hardware -ThresholdValue1 $BatteryHealth -ThresholdValue2 $MaxCharge -ThresholdValue3 $DesignCapacity

function New-AteraAlert {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
    [string] $DeviceGuid,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
    [string] $Title,
    [string] $Severity = "Warning",
    [string] $AlertCategoryID = "General",
    [string] $AlertMessage,
    [int] $TicketID,
    # ?
    [int] $Code,
    # ?
    [string] $ThresholdValue1,
    # ?
    [string] $ThresholdValue2,
    # ?
    [string] $ThresholdValue3,
    # ?
    [string] $ThresholdValue4,
    # ?
    [string] $ThresholdValue5,
    [DateTime] $SnoozedEndDate,
    [string] $AdditionalInfo,
    # ?
    [string] $MessageTemplate,
    # ?
    [int] $FolderID
  New-AteraPostRequest -Endpoint "/alerts" -Body $PSBoundParameters