function Get-AteraAlerts { return New-GetRequest -Endpoint "/alerts" } function Get-AteraAlert { param( # ID of Alert to retrieve [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$ID ) return New-GetRequest -Endpoint "/alerts/$alertId" } function Get-AteraAlertsFiltered { param( # Get Open alerts [switch] $Open, # Get Closed alerts [switch] $Closed, # Get Information alerts [switch] $Information, # Get Warning alerts [switch] $Warning, # Get Critical alerts [switch] $Critical ) return Get-AteraAlerts | Where-Object { if ($Open.IsPresent -and $_.Archived) { return $false} if ($Closed.IsPresent -and !$_.Archived) { return $false } if ($Information.IsPresent -and $_.Severity -ne "Information") { return $false } if ($Warning.IsPresent -and $_.Severity -ne "Warning") { return $false } if ($Critical.IsPresent -and $_.Severity -ne "Critical") { return $false } return $true } } function New-AteraAlert { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DeviceGuid, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$CustomerID, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Title, [ValidateSet("Information","Warning","Critical")] [string] $Severity, [ValidateSet("Hardware","Disk","Availability","Performance","Exchange","General")] [string] $AlertCategoryID, [string] $AlertMessage, [int] $TicketID, # ? [int] $Code, # ? [string] $ThresholdValue1, # ? [string] $ThresholdValue2, # ? [string] $ThresholdValue3, # ? [string] $ThresholdValue4, # ? [string] $ThresholdValue5, [DateTime] $SnoozedEndDate, [string] $AdditionalInfo, # ? [string] $MessageTemplate, # ? [int] $FolderID ) New-PostRequest -Endpoint "/alerts" -Body $PSBoundParameters } |