.Synopsis Send a metric in the format of Key = Value Use TrackMetric to send metrics that are not attached to particular events. For example, you could monitor a queue length at regular intervals. Metrics are displayed as statistical charts in metric explorer, but unlike events, you can't search for individual occurrences in diagnostic search. Number ------ A string that identifies the metric. In the portal, you can select metrics for display by name. Average ------- Either a single measurement, or the average of several measurements. Should be >=0 to be correctly displayed. SampleCount ----------- Count of measurements represented by the average. Defaults to 1. Should be >=1. min --- The smallest measurement in the sample. Defaults to the average. Should be >= 0. max --- The largest measurement in the sample. Defaults to the average. Should be >= 0. .EXAMPLE #Report the amount of work in the Q Send-AIMetric -Metric "InputQueue" -Value $Q.Count .EXAMPLE #Send a range of metrics 1..100 | %{ Send-AIMetric -Metric "Counter" -Value $_ -NoStack } .EXAMPLE $Result = Invoke-SQLQuery -query "Select Count(*) as Users from $TableName" -connection $Connection Send-AIMetric -Metric "UsersInDatabase" -Value $Result.Users #> function Send-AIMetric { [CmdletBinding()] #[OutputType([int])] Param ( # The Trace Message [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string] $Metric, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [double] $Value, #any custom Properties that need to be added to the event [Hashtable]$Properties, #The AppInsights Client object to use. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient] $Client = $Global:AISingleton.Client, #include call stack information (Default) [switch] $NoStack, #The number of Stacklevels to go up [int]$StackWalk = 0, #Directly flush the AI events to the service [switch] $Flush ) Write-Verbose "Send-AIMetric $Metric = $Value" #Check for a specified AI client if ($Client -eq $null) { throw [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentNullException]::new($script:ErrNoClient) } #Setup dictionaries $dictProperties = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[[string],[string]]' #Add the callstack if ($NoStack -ne $True) { Write-verbose 'Add Caller information' $dictProperties = getCallerInfo -level (2+$StackWalk) } #Add the Properties to Dictionary if ($Properties) { foreach ($h in $Properties.GetEnumerator() ) { $dictProperties.Add($h.Name, $h.Value) } } #Send the Metric $client.trackMetric($Metric, $Value, $dictProperties); #Flush the client is requested if ($Flush) { $client.Flush() } } |