
    Handle sending exceptions and Powershell errors via App Insights

function Send-AIException
        # An Error from a catch clause.
        [System.Exception] $Exception,

        #Defaults to "unhandled"
        $HandledAt = $null,

        #Map of string to string: Additional data used to filter pages in the portal.
        $Properties = $null,
        #Map of string to number: Metrics associated with this page, displayed in Metrics Explorer on the portal.
        $Metrics = $null,

        #The Severity of the Exception 0 .. 4 : Default = 2
        $Severity = 2, 

        #The AppInsights Client object to use.
        [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient] $Client = $Global:AISingleton.Client,

        #include call stack information (Default)
        [switch] $NoStack,
        #The number of Stacklevels to go up
        [int]$StackWalk = 0,

        #Directly flush the AI events to the service
        [switch] $Flush

    #Check for a specified AI client
    if ($Client -eq $null) {
        throw [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentNullException]::new($script:ErrNoClient)

    #Setup dictionaries
# $dictProperties = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[[string],[string]]'
# $dictMetrics = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[[string],[double]]'
    $AIExeption = New-Object Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.ExceptionTelemetry
    #Send the callstack
    if ($NoStack -eq $false) {
        $dictProperties = getCallerInfo -level (2+$StackWalk)
        #? Add the caller info

    #Add the Properties to Dictionary
    if ($Properties) { 
        foreach ($h in $Properties.GetEnumerator() ) {
            ($AIExeption.Properties).Add($h.Name, $h.Value)
    #Convert metrics to Dictionary
    if ($Metrics) { 
        foreach ($h in $Metrics.GetEnumerator()) {
            ($AIExeption.Metrics).Add($h.Name, $h.Value)
    $AIExeption.Exception = $Exception


    #$client.TrackException($Exception, $HandledAt, $Properties, $Metrics, $Severity)

        An Error from a catch clause.
        Defaults to "unhandled".
        Map of string to string: Additional data used to filter exceptions in the portal. Defaults to empty.
        Map of string to number: Metrics associated with this page, displayed in Metrics Explorer on the portal. Defaults to empty.
        Supported values: SeverityLevel.ts
            SeverityLevel[SeverityLevel["Verbose"] = 0] = "Verbose";
            SeverityLevel[SeverityLevel["Information"] = 1] = "Information";
            SeverityLevel[SeverityLevel["Warning"] = 2] = "Warning";
            SeverityLevel[SeverityLevel["Error"] = 3] = "Error";
            SeverityLevel[SeverityLevel["Critical"] = 4] = "Critical";
        void TrackException(System.Exception exception,
                            System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary[string,string] properties,
                            System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary[string,double] metrics)
    if ($Flush) { 