
    Start collection perfromance counters and send them to App Insights
    The collection includes perf counters of the powershell process tha runs the script.
    By default the following perf counters are collected :
    - Handle Count
    - Working Set
    If other process counters are to be collected these can be specified using -ProcessCounters
    (currently only process counters are supported)
    The perfmon collector is mantained per (powershell) process, and a reference to the collectore is stored in a global variable.
    By default the counters are collected and sent every 30 seconds
    The implementation makes use of the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.PerfCounterCollector package
    #Start logging the default set of perf counters
    Start-AIPerformanceCollector -Key "c90dd0dd-1111-2222-3333-ddb55873d30a'
    #Start logging all process counters
    #get list of all process counters
    $ProcessCounters = (Get-Counter -ListSet "Process").paths | %{ $_.Split('\')[2]}
    #Start logging
    Start-AIPerformanceCollector -Key $key -ProcessCounters $ProcessCounters

function Start-AIPerformanceCollector
        # The App Insights Key
        #Process Counters of the powershell process to collect
        $ProcessCounters = @( 'Handle Count', 'Working Set' ),
        #Send through Fiddler for debugging
    #Stop Collector if it was already running
    if ($Global:AISingleton.PerformanceCollector) { 

    Write-Verbose "Create AI Performance Collector Instance"
    $Global:AISingleton.PerformanceCollector = New-Object  Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.PerfCounterCollector.PerformanceCollectorModule

    Write-Verbose "Add ??APP_WIN32_PROC?? performance counters"
    $ProcessName =  ([System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess()).ProcessName 
    foreach ( $c in $ProcessCounters ) { 
        $Counter = "\Process($ProcessName)\$c"
        $CollectionRequest = New-Object  Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.PerfCounterCollector.PerformanceCounterCollectionRequest -ArgumentList $Counter, $c
        $Global:AISingleton.PerformanceCollector.Counters.Add( $CollectionRequest)
    #Add Processes
    $CollectionRequest = New-Object  Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.PerfCounterCollector.PerformanceCounterCollectionRequest -ArgumentList "\Objects\Processes", "Processes"
    $Global:AISingleton.PerformanceCollector.Counters.Add( $CollectionRequest)

    if ($Fiddler) {
        Write-Verbose "Send though fiddler for debugging" 
        [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration]::Active.TelemetryChannel.EndpointAddress = 'http://localhost:8888/v2/track'
    Write-Verbose "Initialize"
    [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration]::Active.InstrumentationKey = $key
    $Global:AISingleton.PerformanceCollector.Initialize( [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration]::Active )

    Stops the logging of performance monitor counters,
    or returns a warning if the collector was not started.
    The implementation makes use of the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.PerfCounterCollector package

function Stop-AIPerformanceCollector

    if ($Global:AISingleton.PerformanceCollector) {
        Write-Verbose "Stoping Performance counter collection"
        $Global:AISingleton.PerformanceCollector = $null

    Starts logging a live metrics stream to App Insights
    The logging stream sends a standard set of perfcounters every second, which allows you to monitor essential counters directly in AppInsights.
    Please note that this will incur a continous stream of performance and statictics to the azure AppInsights portal,
    this is in the format of a HTTPS traffic stream which will send about 5 to 6 MBytes per hour to
    This information is sent asynchronously from the powershell script or module and requires no interaction other that starting or stopping.
    Please note that there is only a single LiveMetrics view for each Instrumentation key.
    > If multiple instances of the same script log to the same Key the counters will be combines
    > if you need to view seperate LiveMetrics, you need to instrument your scripts with different keys.
    Implementation uses the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.PerfCounterCollector package
    As Powershell scripts are not the main scenario, there are a number of metrics that are not relevant
    the current implementation does support :
    - Server Health
        - Memory
        - CPU
    -Incoming Requests
        - Not relevant for Powershell
    Future capabilities :
    - Dependency Calls - Requires explicit dependency tracking
        - Calls/Sec
        - Duration
        - Failed/Sec
    #Start sending of live performance data
    Start-AILiveMetrics -key $key
    #Start sending of live performance data,
    #but limit the inclusion of telemetry items; (note that this functionality is not yet fully implemented)
    Start-AILiveMetrics -key $key -DisableFullTelemetryItems

function Start-AILiveMetrics
    # Param1 help description
    [string]$Key= [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration]::Active.InstrumentationKey  #Get earlier provided / current key
    # DisableFullTelemetryItems - #Needs QuickPulse Processor to provide statistics

    #Make sure a Key is set if one is provided
    if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($key) -eq $false) {
        # This is a singleton that controls all New AI Client sessions for this process from this moment
        [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration]::Active.InstrumentationKey = $key

    #Check for a specified AI client
    if ([Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration]::Active.InstrumentationKey -eq $null) {
        throw [System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentNullException]::new($Global:AISingleton.ErrNoClient)

    #If one is running : Close it
    if ($Global:AISingleton.QuickPulse) {

    #Create a new QuickPulse / LiveMetric Processor
    $Global:AISingleton.QuickPulse = [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.PerfCounterCollector.QuickPulse.QuickPulseTelemetryModule]::new()

    #Copy the settings
    # $Global:AISingleton.QuickPulse.DisableFullTelemetryItems = $DisableFullTelemetryItems

    $Global:AISingleton.QuickPulse.Initialize( [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration]::Active )

   Stop the sending of Live metrics for this powershell process.

function Stop-AILiveMetrics 
    #If one is running : Close it
    if ($Global:AISingleton.QuickPulse) {
        $Global:AISingleton.QuickPulse = $null
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Application Insights Live Metrics not Started"
