# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. Function Update-EdgeDevAppStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Approve or Revoke an existing credential, or an apiproduct on a credential, for a developer app. Or the entire app. .DESCRIPTION Approve or Revoke an existing credential from a developer app. Or, approve or revoke a specific API Product on a credential for a developer app. Approving an {app, credential, product} that is pending or has been revoked allows the {app, credential, product} to be used at runtime. Revoking same means that the key will be rejected at runtime. Note that the entire chain {app, credential, product } must have status=approved for the key to be accepted. .PARAMETER AppName Required. The name of the developer app that contains the credential to be updated. .PARAMETER Developer Required. The id or email of the developer that owns the app that contains the credential. .PARAMETER Action Required. The action to apply. Either revoke or approve. .PARAMETER Key Optional. The consumer key for the credential to be approved or revoked. If omitted, the Action applies to the app. .PARAMETER ApiProduct Optional. The name of the API Product to be approved or revoked. It must be present on the credential. This is ignored if the Key is not also passed. .PARAMETER Org Optional. The Apigee Edge organization. The default is to use the value from Set-EdgeConnection. .EXAMPLE Update-EdgeDevAppStatus -AppName DPC6 -Developer -Key pd0mg1FuedmfCpY9gWZonQmR2fGD3Osw -Action revoke .EXAMPLE Update-EdgeDevAppStatus -AppName DPC6 -Developer -Key pd0mg1FuedmfCpY9gWZonQmR2fGD3Osw -ApiProduct Product123 -Action approve .EXAMPLE Update-EdgeDevAppStatus -AppName DPC6 -Developer -Action approve .LINK Revoke-EdgeAppCredential .LINK Approve-EdgeAppCredential .LINK Approve-EdgeDevApp .LINK Revoke-EdgeDevApp .FUNCTIONALITY ApigeeEdge #> [cmdletbinding()] PARAM( [string]$AppName, [string]$Developer, [string]$Key, [string]$ApiProduct, [string]$Action, [string]$Org ) $Options = @{ } if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' $Options['Debug'] = $Debug } if ($PSBoundParameters['Org']) { $Options['Org'] = $Org } if (!$PSBoundParameters['Developer']) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "Developer", "You must specify the -Developer option." } if (!$PSBoundParameters['AppName']) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "AppName", "You must specify the -AppName option." } if (!$PSBoundParameters['Action']) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "Action", "You must specify the -Action option." } $Action = $Action.ToLower() if ($Action -ne "approve" -and $Action -ne "revoke") { throw [System.ArgumentException] "Action", "Action must be 'revoke' or 'approve'." } if ($PSBoundParameters['Key']) { if ($PSBoundParameters['ApiProduct']) { $Options['Collection'] = $(Join-Parts -Separator '/' -Parts 'developers', $Developer, 'apps', $AppName, 'keys', $Key, 'apiproducts' ) $Options['Name'] = $ApiProduct } else { $Options['Collection'] = $(Join-Parts -Separator '/' -Parts 'developers', $Developer, 'apps', $AppName, 'keys' ) $Options['Name'] = $Key } } else { # Just update the app status $Options['Collection'] = $(Join-Parts -Separator '/' -Parts 'developers', $Developer, 'apps' ) $Options['Name'] = $AppName } $Options['QParams'] = $( ConvertFrom-HashtableToQueryString @{ action = $Action } ) Write-Debug $( [string]::Format("Update-EdgeDevAppStatus Options {0}", $(ConvertTo-Json $Options ))) Send-EdgeRequest @Options } |