
function Get-EdgeStashedAdminToken
        Retrieve a stashed OAuth token for Edge Administration.

        Retrieve an OAuth token for Edge Administration, from the stash. This works only with Edge SaaS.
        You must have previously called Set-EdgeConnection to specify the user + password,
        and Get-EdgeAdminToken at some point in the past. If the stashed token is expired, this function
        returns the expired token. This allows the caller to use the refresh token, if desired.





        if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {
            $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
        $MgmtUri = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData.Connection['MgmtUri']
        # if (! $MgmtUri.Equals("") ) {
        # Write-Debug ( "Get-EdgeStashedAdminToken MgmtUri not Saas" )
        # return $null

        $TokenData = Read-EdgeTokenStash
        if (!$TokenData) {
            Write-Debug ( "Get-EdgeStashedAdminToken Cannot read token stash" )
            return $null

        Write-Debug ( "Get-EdgeStashedAdminToken TokenData:`n" +
                 "$($TokenData | Format-List | Out-String)" )

        $User = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData.Connection['User']
        if (!$User) {
            throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "There is no User set. Have you called Set-EdgeConnection ?"
        $Key = Get-EdgeTokenKey $User $MgmtUri

        $UserToken = $ |?{ $_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' -and $_.Name -eq $Key }
        # if ( ($UserToken -eq $null) -or $( Get-EdgeTokenIsExpired $UserToken )) {
        # Write-Debug ( "Get-EdgeStashedAdminToken Token is null or Expired" )
        # return $null
        # }

        # possibly null, possibly expired, caller must check