
function ConvertFrom-HashtableToQueryString {
      Convert a hashtable into a query string

      Converts a hashtable into a query string by joining the keys to the values,
      and then joining all the pairs together

    .PARAMETER values
      The hashtable to convert

    .PARAMETER PairSeparator
      The string used to concatenate the sets of key=value pairs, defaults to "&"

    .PARAMETER KeyValueSeparator
      The string used to concatenate the keys to the values, defaults to "="

      The query string created by joining keys to values and then joining
      them all together into a single string

           ConvertFrom-HashTable -Values @{
                name = 'abcdefg-1'
                apiProduct = 'Product1'
                keyExpiresIn = 86400000

   [Hashtable] $Values,
   [String] $pairSeparator = '&',  
   [String] $KeyValueSeparator = '=',
   [string]::join($pairSeparator, @(
      if($Sort) {
         foreach( $kv in $Values.GetEnumerator() | Sort $Sort) {
            if($kv.Name) {
               '{0}{1}{2}' -f $kv.Name, $KeyValueSeparator, $kv.Value
      } else {
         foreach( $kv in $Values.GetEnumerator()) {
            if($kv.Name) {
               '{0}{1}{2}' -f $kv.Name, $KeyValueSeparator, $kv.Value