
Function Get-EdgeDevApp {
        Get one or more developer apps from Apigee Edge.

        Get one or more developer apps from Apigee Edge.

        The id of the developer app to retrieve.
        The default is to list all developer app IDs.
        Do not specify this if specifying -AppName.

    .PARAMETER AppName
        The name of the particular developer app to retrieve. You must specify -Developer when
        using this option.

    .PARAMETER Developer
        The id or email of the developer for which to retrieve apps.
        The default is to list apps for all developers.

        Optional. The Apigee Edge organization. The default is to use the value from Set-EdgeConnection.

        $appset = @( Get-EdgeDevApp -Params @{ expand = $True } )

        Get-EdgeDevApp -Org cap500

        Get-EdgeDevApp -Id 32ae4dbe-2e39-4225-b994-242042089723


    $Options = @{ }
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Debug', $Debug )
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Params']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Params', $Params )
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Org']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Org', $Org )

    if ($PSBoundParameters['Developer']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Collection', $(Join-Parts -Separator '/' -Parts 'developers', $Developer, 'apps' ) )
        if ($PSBoundParameters['AppName']) {
            $Options.Add( 'Name', $AppName )
    else {
        $Options.Add( 'Collection', 'apps')
        if ($PSBoundParameters['AppId']) {
            $Options.Add( 'Name', $AppId )

    Get-EdgeObject @Options