
Function Get-EdgeApiDeployment {
        Get the deployment status for an apiproxy in Apigee Edge

        Get the deployment status for an apiproxy in Apigee Edge

        Required. The name of the apiproxy to inquire.

    .PARAMETER Revision
        Optional. The revision of the named apiproxy to inquire.

        The Apigee Edge organization. The default is to use the value from Set-EdgeConnection.

        Get-EdgeApiDeployment -Name oauth2-pwd-cc



    if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {
        $DebugPreference = 'Continue'

    if (!$PSBoundParameters['Name']) {
      throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "Name", "You must specify the -Name option."

    $Options = @{
        Collection = 'apis'
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Debug', $Debug )
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Params']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Params', $Params )
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Org']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Org', $Org )
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Revision']) {
        $Path = Join-Parts -Separator "/" -Parts $Name, 'revisions', $Revision, 'deployments'
    else {
        $Path = Join-Parts -Separator "/" -Parts $Name, 'deployments'
    $Options.Add( 'Name', $Path )

    Write-Debug ([string]::Format("Options {0}`n", $(ConvertTo-Json $Options -Compress ) ) )

    if ( ! $PSBoundParameters['Revision'] ) {
        # an array of environments. Map it appropriately
        (Get-EdgeObject @Options).environment | % {
          @{ 'Environment' = $; 'Revision' = $_.revision }
    else {
        (Get-EdgeObject @Options).environment 
