
function Find-Record {
            Queries an AirTable table for one or more records.
            PS> Find-Record -BaseName foo -Table bar

            Returns all records in the bar table within the foo base.

            PS> Find-Record -BaseName foo -Table bar -FilterFormula '{Name}="adam"'

            Returns all records in the bar table within the foo base that have a Name value of 'adam'.

        .PARAMETER BaseName
            A string value representing the AirTable base that contains the table to query.

        .PARAMETER Table
            A string value representing the AirTable table containing the records to query.

        .PARAMETER FilterFormula
            A string value representing an AirTable-specific filter to limit the number of records returned. For
            full explanation of this query language, refer to

        .PARAMETER View
            An optional string parameter representing a table view to limit results to.

        [Alias('BaseName', 'BaseId')]




        [int]$MaxRecords = 100,

        [ValidateSet('asc', 'desc')]



    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    $baseId = GetBaseId -Identity $BaseIdentity

    $uri = BuildUriString -BaseId $baseId -Table $Table
    $invParams = @{
        Uri = $Uri
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PersonalAccessToken')) {
        $invParams.PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
    $httpBody = @{ }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterFormula')) {
        $httpBody['filterByFormula'] = $FilterFormula
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('View')) {
        $httpBody['view'] = $View
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaxRecords')) {
        $httpBody['maxRecords'] = $MaxRecords
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SortField')) {
        $httpBody['sort[0][field]'] = $SortField
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SortDirection')) {
            $httpBody['sort[0][direction]'] = $SortDirection
    if ($httpBody.Keys -gt 0) {
        $invParams.HttpBody = $httpBody
    InvokeAirTableApiCall @invParams