
function New-Record {
            Creates a new AirTable table record.
            PS> New-Record -BaseName foo -Table bar -Fields { 'Name' = 'new' }

            Creates a new record in the 'bar' table with a field Name value of 'new'.

        .PARAMETER BaseName
            A string value representing the AirTable base that contains the table to query.

        .PARAMETER Table
            A string value representing the AirTable table containing the records to query.

        .PARAMETER Fields
            A hashtable value representing all of the new record's fields. Each key in the hashtable is the
            field name and each corresponding value is the value to update the field to.

        [Alias('BaseName', 'BaseId')]





    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    $baseId = GetBaseId -Identity $BaseIdentity

    $uri = BuildUriString -BaseId $baseId -Table $Table

    $invParams = @{
        Uri      = $uri
        Method   = 'POST'
        HttpBody = @{
        'fields' = $Fields
        'typecast' = $True
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ApiKey')) {
        $invParams.ApiKey = $ApiKey

    $targetMsg = "New AirTable Record in table [$($Table)]"
    $actionMsg = "Fields [$($Fields.Keys -join ',')] to [$($Fields.Values -join ',')]"
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($targetMsg, $actionMsg)) {
        if ($PassThru.IsPresent){
            InvokeAirTableApiCall @invParams
        } else {
            InvokeAirTableApiCall @invParams | Out-Null