
function BuildUriString {
            A pricate helper function to craft the URI necessary to pass to the AirTable API.
            PS> BuildUriString -BaseId XXXXXXXXX -Table Fruit

            Returns the URI. This is typically used by Find-Record and New-Record.
            PS> BuildUriString -BaseId XXXXXXXXX -Table Fruit -RecordId recXXXXXX

            Returns the URI. This is typically used by Update-Record.

        .PARAMETER BaseId
            The ID of the AirTable base that is defined in the module configuration.
        .PARAMETER Table
            A string value representing the AirTable table containing the records to query.

        .PARAMETER RecordId
            A string value representing the record ID that will be appended to the end of the URI.

        [Alias('BaseName', 'BaseId')]



    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    $baseId = GetBaseId -Identity $BaseIdentity

    $uriParts = @($EndpointUri, $baseId, $Table)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RecordId')) {
        $uriParts += $RecordId
    $uriParts -join '/'