
function Get-GHPullRequest {
        Get pull requests in a GitHub repository
        Get-GHPullRequest dfinke/importexcel
        # Get all pull requests, both open and closed
        Get-GHPullRequest dfinke/importexcel -state all
        # Get open pull requests, and go back 3 pages worth of pull requests
        Get-GHPullRequest dfinke/importexcel -NumberOfPages 3
        # Get open pull requests, return all the data from GitHub
        Get-GHPullRequest dfinke/importexcel -Raw

        [ValidateSet("open", "closed", "all")]
        $state = "open",
        # Number of pages to retrieve
        $NumberOfPages = 1,
    Process {
        if (!$slug) {
            Write-Warning "Slug not specified and is required"
        Write-Progress -Activity "Getting" -Status "$($state) pull requests for repo $($slug)"
        $result = (Invoke-GitHubAPI "$($slug)/pulls?state=$($state)" -FollowRelLink -MaximumFollowRelLink $NumberOfPages)        

        if ($Raw) {
        else {
            TransformIssuesAndPullRequests $result