function Get-GHStarGazers { <# .Synopsis Gets GitHub stargazers on repositories .Description Gets first 100 stargazers on a GitHub repository, **does not** paginate .Example Get-GHStarGazers dfinke/powershell-notebooks login : thedavecarroll email : name : Dave Carroll bio : PowerShell developer and enthusiast with a side of DevOps, infrastructure, and retrocomputing. company : repositories : @{totalCount=11} isHireable : False avatarUrl : createdAt : 3/15/2018 3:07:59 AM updatedAt : 11/28/2021 1:11:41 AM twitterUsername : thedavecarroll websiteUrl : followers : @{totalCount=91} following : @{totalCount=86} #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $slug, $AccessToken ) Process { $owner, $repo = $slug.split('/') $query = @" { repository(owner: "$owner", name: "$repo") { stargazers(first: 100) { pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor } edges { starredAt node { login name bio company repositories(first:100, isFork: false) { totalCount } isHireable avatarUrl createdAt updatedAt twitterUsername websiteUrl followers(first: 0) { totalCount } following(first: 0) { totalCount } } } } } } "@ $q = ConvertTo-Json @{query = $query } $r = Invoke-GitHubAPI -Uri ("$(Get-GHBaseRestURI)/graphql") -Body $q -Method Post -AccessToken $AccessToken if ($r.errors) { Write-Host $r.errors[0].message return } $ | Add-Member -PassThru -MemberType NoteProperty -Name repo -Value $slug Write-Verbose $query } } |