function Invoke-GHClone { <# .Synopsis Clones a github repo .Description If the target directory exists, it gets deleted so it can be cloned .Example Invoke-GHClone pskit #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Url, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Reponame ) $defaultPath = './custom' $path = "$defaultPath/$reponame" if (Test-Path $path) { Write-ToConsole * INFO 'Repository already exists under the custom folder. Recloning...' Remove-Item $path -Recurse -Force } $flag = '-q' # quiet mode Write-ToConsole * INFO -Text 'Trying to clone the repository...' $r = git clone $Url $path $flag $flag 2>&1 if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { Write-ToConsole + -Text "Repository successfully cloned under $($defaultPath) directory!" } else { Write-ToConsole - Error -Text $r -TextColor Red } } |