function Invoke-QuickPrompt { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$targetPrompt, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object]$pipelineInput, $Tools, [switch]$OutputOnly, [switch]$ShowToolCalls ) Begin { $additionalInstructions = @() } Process { $additionalInstructions += $pipelineInput } End { $prompt = "work it" if ($targetPrompt) { $prompt = $targetPrompt } $instructions += @" <date>$(Get-Date)</date> <current directory>$($pwd)</current directory> - You are a terminal assistant. You are a software and data science expert. Your preference is PowerShell, unless otherwise directed. for code answers: - do not include fence blocks around the code `````` `````` - do not include explanation - do not include usage information - just code "@ if ($additionalInstructions) { $prompt += @" Here are the additional instructions Fthe user piped in: <additional instructions> $($additionalInstructions -join "`n") </additional instructions> "@ } Write-Verbose @" Instructions: $instructions Prompt: $prompt "@ $agent = New-Agent -Instructions $instructions -Tools $Tools -ShowToolCalls:$ShowToolCalls if ($OutputOnly) { $agent | Get-AgentResponse -Prompt $prompt return } While ($true) { $agentResponse = $agent | Get-AgentResponse $prompt Out-BoxedText -Text $agentResponse -Title "Agent Response" -BoxColor "Blue" Out-BoxedText -Text "Follow up, Enter to copy & quit, Ctrl+C to quit." -Title "Next Steps" -BoxColor Cyan $prompt = Read-Host '> ' if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($prompt)) { Out-BoxedText -Text "Copied to clipboard." -Title "Information" -BoxColor "Green" $agentResponse | Set-Clipboard break } } } } |