function Out-BoxedText { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays text inside a boxed frame with optional title. .DESCRIPTION This function displays the provided text inside a boxed frame with an optional title. The box and title are displayed in the specified box color, while the text is displayed in the specified text color. .PARAMETER Text The text to be displayed inside the box. .PARAMETER Title The optional title to be displayed at the top of the box. .PARAMETER BoxColor The color of the box and title. Default is White. .PARAMETER TextColor The color of the text inside the box. Default is Gray. .EXAMPLE Out-BoxedText -Text "Paris" -Title "Agent" -BoxColor DarkBlue -TextColor White .EXAMPLE Out-BoxedText -Text "Follow up, Enter to copy & quit, Ctrl+C to quit." -Title "Next Steps" -BoxColor Cyan -TextColor Yellow .EXAMPLE Out-BoxedText -Text "Copied to clipboard." -Title "Information" -BoxColor Green -TextColor Black #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Text, [string]$Title, [ConsoleColor]$BoxColor = "White", [ConsoleColor]$TextColor = "Gray" ) $textMaxWidth = ($Text.Split("`n") | Measure-Object -Maximum -Property Length).Maximum + 4 $titleMaxWidth = $Title.Length + 4 $maxWidth = [math]::Max($textMaxWidth, $titleMaxWidth) $height = $Text.Split("`n").Count + 2 Write-Host "╭" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $BoxColor if ($Title) { Write-Host " $Title " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $BoxColor Write-Host ("─" * ($maxWidth - $Title.Length - 4)) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $BoxColor } else { Write-Host ("─" * ($maxWidth - 2)) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $BoxColor } Write-Host "╮" -ForegroundColor $BoxColor foreach ($line in $Text.Split("`n")) { Write-Host "│" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $BoxColor Write-Host " $line$(" " * ($maxWidth - $line.Length - 4)) " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $TextColor Write-Host "│" -ForegroundColor $BoxColor } Write-Host "╰" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $BoxColor Write-Host ("─" * ($maxWidth - 2)) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $BoxColor Write-Host "╯" -ForegroundColor $BoxColor } |