
Creates a new thread in the OpenAI API.
The New-OAIThread function sends a POST request to the OpenAI API to create a new thread. It takes in the following parameters:
- messages: An array of messages to be included in the thread.
- tool_resources: (Optional) Additional tool resources to be used in the thread.
- metadata: (Optional) Additional metadata to be associated with the thread.
.PARAMETER messages
Specifies an array of messages to be included in the thread.
.PARAMETER tool_resources
Specifies additional tool resources to be used in the thread. This parameter is optional.
.PARAMETER metadata
Specifies additional metadata to be associated with the thread. This parameter is optional.
$messages = @(
        role = 'user'
        content = 'You are a helpful AI assistant.'
        role = 'user'
        content = 'How can I create a new thread?'
New-OAIThread -messages $messages
This function requires the Invoke-OAIBeta function to be available in the current session.

function New-OAIThread {

    $url = $baseUrl + '/threads'
    $Method = 'Post'

    $body = (Get-OAIProvider) -eq 'OpenAI' ? @{
        messages       = $Messages
        tool_resources = $ToolResources
        metadata       = $Metadata
    } : ''
    Invoke-OAIBeta -Uri $url -Method $Method -Body $body