
Generates a specification for a given PowerShell cmdlet.
The Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec function generates a specification for a specified PowerShell cmdlet.
It retrieves the cmdlet's parameters and their details, and optionally returns the specification in hash or JSON format.
The name of the cmdlet for which to generate the specification.
If specified, the generated specification will not allow additional properties.
.PARAMETER ParameterSet
The ParameterSet to use. Defaults to 0. Iterate according to documentation.
If specified, the function returns the specification in JSON format.
.PARAMETER ClearRequired
If specified, the function will not mark mandatory parameters as required in the specification.
Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec -CmdletName Get-Process -ReturnJson
This command generates a JSON specification for the Get-Process cmdlet.

function Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec {
    param (
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "The ParameterSet to use. Iterate according to documentation")]
        $ParameterSet = 0,
    begin {
        if ($CmdletName) {
            $CommandInfo = Get-Command -Name $CmdletName
            if ($CommandInfo -is [System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo]) {
                Write-Verbose "$CmdletName is an alias for $($CommandInfo.ResolvedCommand.Name)"
                $CommandInfo = $CommandInfo.ResolvedCommand
            if ($CommandInfo.ParameterSets.Count -lt $parameterset+1) {
                Write-Error "ParameterSet $ParameterSet does not exist for $CmdletName. These ParameterSets are available: $($CommandInfo.ParameterSets.Name -join ', ')" -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Verbose "Preparing to generate specification for $CmdletName ParameterSet $($CommandInfo.ParameterSets[$ParameterSet].Name)"
    process {
        # There are not going to be more then one - remove this loop
        foreach ($Command in $CommandInfo) {
            # FunctionSpec scaffold:
            Write-Verbose "Generating specification for $($Command.Name)"
            $help = Get-Help $Command.Name
            $description = $help.description.text | Out-String
            if ($description.Length -gt 1024) {
                $description = $description.Substring(0, 1024)
            $FunctionSpec = [ordered]@{
                name        = $Command.Name
                description = $description
                parameters  = [ordered]@{
                    type       = 'object'
                    properties = [ordered]@{}
                    required   = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]@()

            if (!$help.description.text) {

            if ($Strict) {
                $FunctionSpec.parameters["additionalProperties"] = $false
                $FunctionSpec["strict"] = $true
            $Parameters = $Command.ParameterSets[$ParameterSet].Parameters | Where-Object {
                $_.Name -notmatch 'Verbose|Debug|ErrorAction|WarningAction|InformationAction|ErrorVariable|WarningVariable|InformationVariable|OutVariable|OutBuffer|PipelineVariable|WhatIf|Confirm|NoHyperLinkConversion|ProgressAction'
            } | Select-Object Name, ParameterType, IsMandatory, HelpMessage, Attributes -Unique
            foreach ($Parameter in $Parameters) {
                $property = Get-ToolProperty $Parameter
                if ($null -eq $property) {
                    Write-Warning "No type translation found for $($Parameter.Name). Type is $($Parameter.ParameterType)"
                try {
                    $ParameterDescription = Get-Help $Command.Name -Parameter $Parameter.Name -ErrorAction Stop |
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Description -ErrorAction Stop |
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Text
                catch {Write-Warning "No description found for $($Parameter.Name)"}
                if ($ParameterDescription) {
                    $property['description'] = $ParameterDescription
                if ($property){$$Parameter.Name, $property)}
                if ($Parameter.IsMandatory -and !$ClearRequired) {

            $result = @{
                type     = 'function'
                function = $FunctionSpec
            if ($ReturnJson) {
                return ($result | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)

    end {