.SYNOPSIS Concatenate a directory full of files into a single prompt for use with LLMs .DESCRIPTION Takes one or more paths to files or directories and outputs every file, recursively, each one preceded with its filename like this: path/to/ ---- Contents of goes here --- path/to/ --- ... .PARAMETER Path Specifies the path of the files to be processed. .EXAMPLE Invoke-FilesToPrompt -Path "C:\MyFiles" This example invokes the Invoke-FilesToPrompt function to process files in the "C:\MyFiles" directory. .EXAMPLE Invoke-FilesToPrompt -Path "C:\MyFiles\*.md" This example invokes the Invoke-FilesToPrompt function to process all Markdown files in the "C:\MyFiles" directory. .EXAMPLE Invoke-FilesToPrompt -Path "C:\MyFiles\*.md", "C:\MyOtherFiles\*.md" This example invokes the Invoke-FilesToPrompt function to process all Markdown files in the "C:\MyFiles" directory. #> function Invoke-FilesToPrompt { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Path ) foreach ($item in $Path) { if (!(Test-Path $item) ) { Write-Host "$item does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red continue } Write-Host "Processing $item" -ForegroundColor Green foreach ($targetItem in Get-ChildItem $item -Recurse) { $content = Get-Content $targetItem.FullName -raw @" $($targetItem.FullName) --- $content "@ } } } |