function ConvertToSchemaAttributeType { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$AttributeName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $AttributeValue, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('Read', 'Set')] [string]$Action ) if ($AttributeValue) { switch ($AttributeName) { 'accountExpires' { if ((-not $AttributeValue) -or ($AttributeValue -eq '9223372036854775807')) { 0 } else { if ([string]$AttributeValue -as [DateTime]) { $date = ([datetime]$AttributeValue).Date } else { $date = ([datetime]::FromFileTime($AttributeValue)).Date } switch ($Action) { 'Read' { $date.AddDays(-1) } 'Set' { $date.AddDays(2) } default { throw "Unrecognized input: [$_]" } } } } 'countryCode' { ## Load once only if (-not (Get-Variable -Name 'countryCodes' -Scope Script -ErrorAction Ignore)) { $script:countryCodes = Get-AvailableCountryCodes } ## ie. match on United States or just US if (-not ($code = @($script:countryCodes).where({ $_.activeDirectoryName -eq $AttributeValue -or $_.alpha2 -eq $AttributeValue }))) { throw "Country code for name [$($AttributeValue)] could not be found." } $code.Numeric } 'manager' { if ($AttributeValue -notmatch '^(?:(?<cn>CN=(?<name>[^,]*)),)?(?:(?<path>(?:(?:CN|OU)=[^,]+,?)+),)?(?<domain>(?:DC=[^,]+,?)+)$') { ## Assume the Manager field is "<First Name> <Last Name>" $managerFirstName = $AttributeValue.Split(' ')[0] $managerLastName = $AttributeValue.Split(' ')[1] ## Find the DN if (-not ($managerUser = $script:adUsers | where { $_.GivenName -eq $managerFirstName -and $ -eq $managerLastName })) { throw 'Could not find manager distinguished name.' } else { $managerUser.DistinguishedName } } else { $AttributeValue } } default { $AttributeValue } } } else { ## If $AttributeValue is null, return an emptry string to prevent any references to the value from failing '' } } |