
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<test-results xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="nunit_schema_2.5.xsd" name="Pester" total="104" errors="0" failures="0" not-run="0" inconclusive="0" ignored="0" skipped="0" invalid="0" date="2017-06-14" time="14:21:13">
  <environment user="appveyor" machine-name="APPVEYOR-VM" cwd="C:\projects\psadsync" user-domain="APPVEYOR-VM" platform="Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter|C:\windows|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1" nunit-version="" os-version="6.3.9600" clr-version="4.0.30319.42000" />
  <culture-info current-culture="en-US" current-uiculture="en-US" />
  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Pester" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="11.5946" asserts="0" description="Pester">
      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="C:\projects\psadsync\PSADSync.Tests.ps1" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="11.5946" asserts="0" description="C:\projects\psadsync\PSADSync.Tests.ps1">
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Module-level tests" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="1.2257" asserts="0" description="Module-level tests">
              <test-case description="should validate the module manifest" name="Module-level tests.should validate the module manifest" time="0.7332" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-case description="should pass all analyzer rules" name="Module-level tests.should pass all analyzer rules" time="0.4924" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="1.1625" asserts="0" description="Get-CompanyCsvUser">
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one column is excluded" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.8928" asserts="0" description="when at least one column is excluded">
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser.when at least one column is excluded.should create the expected where filter: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.8928" asserts="0" description="should create the expected where filter: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should create the expected where filter: Exclude 1 col" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser.when at least one column is excluded.should create the expected where filter: Exclude 1 col" time="0.7929" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-case description="should create the expected where filter: Exclude 2 cols" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser.when at least one column is excluded.should create the expected where filter: Exclude 2 cols" time="0.0999" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser.when excluding no cols, should return all expected users: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1705" asserts="0" description="when excluding no cols, should return all expected users: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                  <test-case description="when excluding no cols, should return all expected users: All users" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser.when excluding no cols, should return all expected users: All users" time="0.1705" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser.when excluding 1 col, should return all expected users: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0359" asserts="0" description="when excluding 1 col, should return all expected users: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                  <test-case description="when excluding 1 col, should return all expected users: Exclude 1 col" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser.when excluding 1 col, should return all expected users: Exclude 1 col" time="0.0359" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser.when excluding 2 cols, should return all expected users: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0634" asserts="0" description="when excluding 2 cols, should return all expected users: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                  <test-case description="when excluding 2 cols, should return all expected users: Exclude 2 cols" name="Get-CompanyCsvUser.when excluding 2 cols, should return all expected users: Exclude 2 cols" time="0.0634" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="GetCsvColumnHeaders" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1317" asserts="0" description="GetCsvColumnHeaders">
              <test-case description="should return expected headers" name="GetCsvColumnHeaders.should return expected headers" time="0.1317" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="TestCsvHeaderExists" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.4069" asserts="0" description="TestCsvHeaderExists">
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Single header / no scriptblocks" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2113" asserts="0" description="Single header / no scriptblocks">
                  <test-case description="should call ParseScriptBlockHeaders [0] times" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Single header / no scriptblocks.should call ParseScriptBlockHeaders [0] times" time="0.1224" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should return [False]" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Single header / no scriptblocks.should return [False]" time="0.0405" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should return [1] object(s)" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Single header / no scriptblocks.should return [1] object(s)" time="0.0177" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should return the same object type in OutputType()" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Single header / no scriptblocks.should return the same object type in OutputType()" time="0.0306" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Single header / 1 scriptblock" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0794" asserts="0" description="Single header / 1 scriptblock">
                  <test-case description="should call ParseScriptBlockHeaders [1] times" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Single header / 1 scriptblock.should call ParseScriptBlockHeaders [1] times" time="0.0395" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should return [False]" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Single header / 1 scriptblock.should return [False]" time="0.0113" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should return [1] object(s)" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Single header / 1 scriptblock.should return [1] object(s)" time="0.0186" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should return the same object type in OutputType()" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Single header / 1 scriptblock.should return the same object type in OutputType()" time="0.01" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Multiple headers / string/scriptblock" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1163" asserts="0" description="Multiple headers / string/scriptblock">
                  <test-case description="should call ParseScriptBlockHeaders [2] times" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Multiple headers / string/scriptblock.should call ParseScriptBlockHeaders [2] times" time="0.0818" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should return [True]" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Multiple headers / string/scriptblock.should return [True]" time="0.0111" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should return [1] object(s)" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Multiple headers / string/scriptblock.should return [1] object(s)" time="0.011" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should return the same object type in OutputType()" name="TestCsvHeaderExists.Multiple headers / string/scriptblock.should return the same object type in OutputType()" time="0.0124" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Get-CompanyAdUser" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.6789" asserts="0" description="Get-CompanyAdUser">
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Single field match and field sync" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.6378" asserts="0" description="Single field match and field sync">
                  <test-case description="should return [9] objects" name="Get-CompanyAdUser.Single field match and field sync.should return [9] objects" time="0.6378" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Multiple field match and field sync" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0411" asserts="0" description="Multiple field match and field sync">
                  <test-case description="should return [10] objects" name="Get-CompanyAdUser.Multiple field match and field sync.should return [10] objects" time="0.0411" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="New-CompanyAdUser" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2939" asserts="0" description="New-CompanyAdUser">
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Set-AdUser not needed" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2012" asserts="0" description="Set-AdUser not needed">
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when all attributes can be defined with New-AdUser alone" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2012" asserts="0" description="when all attributes can be defined with New-AdUser alone">
                      <test-case description="should pass the expected parameters to New-AdUser" name="New-CompanyAdUser.Set-AdUser not needed.when all attributes can be defined with New-AdUser alone.should pass the expected parameters to New-AdUser" time="0.1937" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-case description="should not call Set-AdUser" name="New-CompanyAdUser.Set-AdUser not needed.when all attributes can be defined with New-AdUser alone.should not call Set-AdUser" time="0.0076" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Set-AdUser needed" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0926" asserts="0" description="Set-AdUser needed">
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when all attributes cannot be defined with New-AdUser alone" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0926" asserts="0" description="when all attributes cannot be defined with New-AdUser alone">
                      <test-case description="should pass the expected parameters to Set-AdUser" name="New-CompanyAdUser.Set-AdUser needed.when all attributes cannot be defined with New-AdUser alone.should pass the expected parameters to Set-AdUser" time="0.0826" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-case description="should pass the expected parameters to New-AdUser" name="New-CompanyAdUser.Set-AdUser needed.when all attributes cannot be defined with New-AdUser alone.should pass the expected parameters to New-AdUser" time="0.01" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="FindUserMatch" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="1.0068" asserts="0" description="FindUserMatch">
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="When no matches could be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1897" asserts="0" description="When no matches could be found">
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.When no matches could be found.should return the expected number of objects: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1897" asserts="0" description="should return the expected number of objects: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should return the expected number of objects: No Match" name="FindUserMatch.When no matches could be found.should return the expected number of objects: No Match" time="0.1897" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="When one match can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1041" asserts="0" description="When one match can be found">
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.When one match can be found.should return the expected number of objects: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.051" asserts="0" description="should return the expected number of objects: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should return the expected number of objects: Match on 1 ID" name="FindUserMatch.When one match can be found.should return the expected number of objects: Match on 1 ID" time="0.051" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.When one match can be found.should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0532" asserts="0" description="should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: Match on 1 ID" name="FindUserMatch.When one match can be found.should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: Match on 1 ID" time="0.0532" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when multiple matches on a single attribute are found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0368" asserts="0" description="when multiple matches on a single attribute are found">
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.when multiple matches on a single attribute are found.should throw an exception: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0368" asserts="0" description="should throw an exception: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception: Match on all IDs" name="FindUserMatch.when multiple matches on a single attribute are found.should throw an exception: Match on all IDs" time="0.0368" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="When multiple matches on different attributes are be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0785" asserts="0" description="When multiple matches on different attributes are be found">
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.When multiple matches on different attributes are be found.should return the expected number of objects: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0452" asserts="0" description="should return the expected number of objects: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should return the expected number of objects: Match on all IDs" name="FindUserMatch.When multiple matches on different attributes are be found.should return the expected number of objects: Match on all IDs" time="0.0452" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.When multiple matches on different attributes are be found.should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0333" asserts="0" description="should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: Match on all IDs" name="FindUserMatch.When multiple matches on different attributes are be found.should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: Match on all IDs" time="0.0333" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a blank identifier is queried before finding a match" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.3679" asserts="0" description="when a blank identifier is queried before finding a match">
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.when a blank identifier is queried before finding a match.should do nothing: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1118" asserts="0" description="should do nothing: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should do nothing: One Blank ID" name="FindUserMatch.when a blank identifier is queried before finding a match.should do nothing: One Blank ID" time="0.1118" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.when a blank identifier is queried before finding a match.should return the expected object properties: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.256" asserts="0" description="should return the expected object properties: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should return the expected object properties: One Blank ID" name="FindUserMatch.when a blank identifier is queried before finding a match.should return the expected object properties: One Blank ID" time="0.256" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when all identifers are blank" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1555" asserts="0" description="when all identifers are blank">
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.when all identifers are blank.should do nothing: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1555" asserts="0" description="should do nothing: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should do nothing: All Blank IDs" name="FindUserMatch.when all identifers are blank.should do nothing: All Blank IDs" time="0.1555" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when all identifiers are valid" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0743" asserts="0" description="when all identifiers are valid">
                  <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="FindUserMatch.when all identifiers are valid.should return the expected object properties: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0743" asserts="0" description="should return the expected object properties: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                      <test-case description="should return the expected object properties: Match on all IDs" name="FindUserMatch.when all identifiers are valid.should return the expected object properties: Match on all IDs" time="0.0743" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="FindAttributeMismatch" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.5464" asserts="0" description="FindAttributeMismatch">
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Mismatch" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.4898" asserts="0" description="Mismatch">
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when an attribute mismatch is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.4898" asserts="0" description="when an attribute mismatch is found">
                      <test-case description="should return the expected objects" name="FindAttributeMismatch.Mismatch.when an attribute mismatch is found.should return the expected objects" time="0.4898" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="No mismatch" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0566" asserts="0" description="No mismatch">
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no attribute mismatch is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0566" asserts="0" description="when no attribute mismatch is found">
                      <test-case description="should return nothing" name="FindAttributeMismatch.No mismatch.when no attribute mismatch is found.should return nothing" time="0.0566" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="TestIsValidAdAttribute" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1711" asserts="0" description="TestIsValidAdAttribute">
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Mandatory" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1711" asserts="0" description="Mandatory">
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when the attribute exists" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0987" asserts="0" description="when the attribute exists">
                      <test-case description="should return $true" name="TestIsValidAdAttribute.Mandatory.when the attribute exists.should return $true" time="0.0987" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when the attribute does not exist" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0724" asserts="0" description="when the attribute does not exist">
                      <test-case description="should return $false" name="TestIsValidAdAttribute.Mandatory.when the attribute does not exist.should return $false" time="0.0724" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="SetAduser" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.4416" asserts="0" description="SetAduser">
              <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="SetAduser.returns nothing" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2953" asserts="0" description="returns nothing">
                  <test-case description="returns nothing" name="SetAduser.returns nothing(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)" time="0.2525" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="returns nothing" name="SetAduser.returns nothing(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)" time="0.0234" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="returns nothing" name="SetAduser.returns nothing(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)" time="0.0193" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="SetAduser.should set the expected attribute" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0694" asserts="0" description="should set the expected attribute">
                  <test-case description="should set the expected attribute" name="SetAduser.should set the expected attribute(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)" time="0.0268" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should set the expected attribute" name="SetAduser.should set the expected attribute(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)" time="0.0192" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should set the expected attribute" name="SetAduser.should set the expected attribute(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)" time="0.0234" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="SetAduser.should set the expected identity" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.077" asserts="0" description="should set the expected identity">
                  <test-case description="should set the expected identity" name="SetAduser.should set the expected identity(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)" time="0.025" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should set the expected identity" name="SetAduser.should set the expected identity(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)" time="0.0196" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should set the expected identity" name="SetAduser.should set the expected identity(System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)" time="0.0324" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="SyncCompanyUser" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.148" asserts="0" description="SyncCompanyUser">
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="SamAccountName Identifier" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1031" asserts="0" description="SamAccountName Identifier">
                  <test-case description="should return nothing" name="SyncCompanyUser.SamAccountName Identifier.should return nothing" time="0.0575" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should change only those attributes in the Attributes parameter" name="SyncCompanyUser.SamAccountName Identifier.should change only those attributes in the Attributes parameter" time="0.034" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should change attributes on the expected user account" name="SyncCompanyUser.SamAccountName Identifier.should change attributes on the expected user account" time="0.0116" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="EmployeeId Identifier, 2 Attributes hashtables" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0449" asserts="0" description="EmployeeId Identifier, 2 Attributes hashtables">
                  <test-case description="should return nothing" name="SyncCompanyUser.EmployeeId Identifier, 2 Attributes hashtables.should return nothing" time="0.0222" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should change only those attributes in the Attributes parameter" name="SyncCompanyUser.EmployeeId Identifier, 2 Attributes hashtables.should change only those attributes in the Attributes parameter" time="0.0153" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-case description="should change attributes on the expected user account" name="SyncCompanyUser.EmployeeId Identifier, 2 Attributes hashtables.should change attributes on the expected user account" time="0.0074" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="WriteLog" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1326" asserts="0" description="WriteLog">
              <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="WriteLog.should export a CSV to the expected path: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0752" asserts="0" description="should export a CSV to the expected path: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                  <test-case description="should export a CSV to the expected path: Standard" name="WriteLog.should export a CSV to the expected path: Standard" time="0.0752" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="WriteLog.should appends to the CSV: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0288" asserts="0" description="should appends to the CSV: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                  <test-case description="should appends to the CSV: Standard" name="WriteLog.should appends to the CSV: Standard" time="0.0288" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="ParameterizedTest" name="WriteLog.should export as CSV with the expected values: &lt;TestName&gt;" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0285" asserts="0" description="should export as CSV with the expected values: &lt;TestName&gt;">
                  <test-case description="should export as CSV with the expected values: Standard" name="WriteLog.should export as CSV with the expected values: Standard" time="0.0285" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Invoke-AdSync" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="5.2487" asserts="0" description="Invoke-AdSync">
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="ReportOnly" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="1.3942" asserts="0" description="ReportOnly">
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Shared tests" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.3736" asserts="0" description="Shared tests">
                      <test-case description="should only test string AD attributes in FieldSyncMap" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.Shared tests.should only test string AD attributes in FieldSyncMap" time="0.3736" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0894" asserts="0" description="when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available.should throw an exception" time="0.0894" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0454" asserts="0" description="when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available.should throw an exception" time="0.0454" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no AD users are found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0595" asserts="0" description="when no AD users are found">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when no AD users are found.should throw an exception" time="0.0595" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV users are found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0598" asserts="0" description="when no CSV users are found">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when no CSV users are found.should throw an exception" time="0.0598" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.7665" asserts="0" description="when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found">
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a user match cannot be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2813" asserts="0" description="when a user match cannot be found">
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV ID fields can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0807" asserts="0" description="when no CSV ID fields can be found">
                              <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when no CSV ID fields can be found.should throw an exception" time="0.0807" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one CSV ID field can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2006" asserts="0" description="when at least one CSV ID field can be found">
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a populated CSV ID field exists" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0989" asserts="0" description="when a populated CSV ID field exists">
                                  <test-case description="should pass the ID as the CSV id field for WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when at least one CSV ID field can be found.when a populated CSV ID field exists.should pass the ID as the CSV id field for WriteLog" time="0.0989" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV ID fields are populated" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1017" asserts="0" description="when no CSV ID fields are populated">
                                  <test-case description="should pass N/A as the CSV id field for WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when at least one CSV ID field can be found.when no CSV ID fields are populated.should pass N/A as the CSV id field for WriteLog" time="0.1017" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a user match can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2673" asserts="0" description="when a user match can be found">
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when an attribute mismatch is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1638" asserts="0" description="when an attribute mismatch is found">
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when only reporting" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1638" asserts="0" description="when only reporting">
                                  <test-case description="should not attempt to sync the user" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match can be found.when an attribute mismatch is found.when only reporting.should not attempt to sync the user" time="0.1638" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when all attributes are in sync" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1036" asserts="0" description="when all attributes are in sync">
                              <test-case description="should pass the expected attributes to WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match can be found.when all attributes are in sync.should pass the expected attributes to WriteLog" time="0.1036" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-case description="should return nothing" name="Invoke-AdSync.ReportOnly.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.should return nothing" time="0.2178" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Single sync /single match field" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="1.0602" asserts="0" description="Single sync /single match field">
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Shared tests" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1395" asserts="0" description="Shared tests">
                      <test-case description="should only test string AD attributes in FieldSyncMap" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.Shared tests.should only test string AD attributes in FieldSyncMap" time="0.1395" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0594" asserts="0" description="when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available.should throw an exception" time="0.0594" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0513" asserts="0" description="when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available.should throw an exception" time="0.0513" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no AD users are found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0665" asserts="0" description="when no AD users are found">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when no AD users are found.should throw an exception" time="0.0665" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV users are found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0602" asserts="0" description="when no CSV users are found">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when no CSV users are found.should throw an exception" time="0.0602" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.6833" asserts="0" description="when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found">
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a user match cannot be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2556" asserts="0" description="when a user match cannot be found">
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV ID fields can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0789" asserts="0" description="when no CSV ID fields can be found">
                              <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when no CSV ID fields can be found.should throw an exception" time="0.0789" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one CSV ID field can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1767" asserts="0" description="when at least one CSV ID field can be found">
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a populated CSV ID field exists" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0895" asserts="0" description="when a populated CSV ID field exists">
                                  <test-case description="should pass the ID as the CSV id field for WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when at least one CSV ID field can be found.when a populated CSV ID field exists.should pass the ID as the CSV id field for WriteLog" time="0.0895" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV ID fields are populated" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0872" asserts="0" description="when no CSV ID fields are populated">
                                  <test-case description="should pass N/A as the CSV id field for WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when at least one CSV ID field can be found.when no CSV ID fields are populated.should pass N/A as the CSV id field for WriteLog" time="0.0872" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a user match can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.3505" asserts="0" description="when a user match can be found">
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when an attribute mismatch is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1858" asserts="0" description="when an attribute mismatch is found">
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when syncing" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1858" asserts="0" description="when syncing">
                                  <test-case description="should sync the expected user" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match can be found.when an attribute mismatch is found.when syncing.should sync the expected user" time="0.1858" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when all attributes are in sync" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1647" asserts="0" description="when all attributes are in sync">
                              <test-case description="should pass the expected attributes to WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match can be found.when all attributes are in sync.should pass the expected attributes to WriteLog" time="0.1647" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-case description="should return nothing" name="Invoke-AdSync.Single sync /single match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.should return nothing" time="0.0772" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Multi sync/Multi match field" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="1.2822" asserts="0" description="Multi sync/Multi match field">
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Shared tests" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1548" asserts="0" description="Shared tests">
                      <test-case description="should only test string AD attributes in FieldSyncMap" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.Shared tests.should only test string AD attributes in FieldSyncMap" time="0.1548" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0386" asserts="0" description="when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available.should throw an exception" time="0.0386" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0345" asserts="0" description="when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available.should throw an exception" time="0.0345" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no AD users are found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0537" asserts="0" description="when no AD users are found">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when no AD users are found.should throw an exception" time="0.0537" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV users are found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.076" asserts="0" description="when no CSV users are found">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when no CSV users are found.should throw an exception" time="0.076" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.9247" asserts="0" description="when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found">
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a user match cannot be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.3096" asserts="0" description="when a user match cannot be found">
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV ID fields can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.093" asserts="0" description="when no CSV ID fields can be found">
                              <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when no CSV ID fields can be found.should throw an exception" time="0.093" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one CSV ID field can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2166" asserts="0" description="when at least one CSV ID field can be found">
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a populated CSV ID field exists" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1067" asserts="0" description="when a populated CSV ID field exists">
                                  <test-case description="should pass the ID as the CSV id field for WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when at least one CSV ID field can be found.when a populated CSV ID field exists.should pass the ID as the CSV id field for WriteLog" time="0.1067" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV ID fields are populated" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1099" asserts="0" description="when no CSV ID fields are populated">
                                  <test-case description="should pass N/A as the CSV id field for WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when at least one CSV ID field can be found.when no CSV ID fields are populated.should pass N/A as the CSV id field for WriteLog" time="0.1099" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a user match can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.3815" asserts="0" description="when a user match can be found">
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when an attribute mismatch is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1397" asserts="0" description="when an attribute mismatch is found">
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when syncing" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1397" asserts="0" description="when syncing">
                                  <test-case description="should sync the expected user" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match can be found.when an attribute mismatch is found.when syncing.should sync the expected user" time="0.1397" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when all attributes are in sync" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2418" asserts="0" description="when all attributes are in sync">
                              <test-case description="should pass the expected attributes to WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match can be found.when all attributes are in sync.should pass the expected attributes to WriteLog" time="0.2418" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-case description="should return nothing" name="Invoke-AdSync.Multi sync/Multi match field.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.should return nothing" time="0.2336" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Exclude" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="1.512" asserts="0" description="Exclude">
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when excluding a CSV column" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2609" asserts="0" description="when excluding a CSV column">
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a header does not exist" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.16" asserts="0" description="when a header does not exist">
                          <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when excluding a CSV column.when a header does not exist.should throw an exception" time="0.16" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when all headers exist" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1009" asserts="0" description="when all headers exist">
                          <test-case description="should pass Exclude to Get-CompanyCsvUser" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when excluding a CSV column.when all headers exist.should pass Exclude to Get-CompanyCsvUser" time="0.1009" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="Shared tests" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1014" asserts="0" description="Shared tests">
                      <test-case description="should only test string AD attributes in FieldSyncMap" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.Shared tests.should only test string AD attributes in FieldSyncMap" time="0.1014" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0429" asserts="0" description="when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when at least one AD attribute in FieldSyncMap is not available.should throw an exception" time="0.0429" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0396" asserts="0" description="when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when at least one CSV field in FieldMatchMap is not available.should throw an exception" time="0.0396" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no AD users are found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0541" asserts="0" description="when no AD users are found">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when no AD users are found.should throw an exception" time="0.0541" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV users are found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0811" asserts="0" description="when no CSV users are found">
                      <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when no CSV users are found.should throw an exception" time="0.0811" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                  <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.932" asserts="0" description="when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found">
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a user match cannot be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.4182" asserts="0" description="when a user match cannot be found">
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV ID fields can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1402" asserts="0" description="when no CSV ID fields can be found">
                              <test-case description="should throw an exception" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when no CSV ID fields can be found.should throw an exception" time="0.1402" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when at least one CSV ID field can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.278" asserts="0" description="when at least one CSV ID field can be found">
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a populated CSV ID field exists" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1795" asserts="0" description="when a populated CSV ID field exists">
                                  <test-case description="should pass the ID as the CSV id field for WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when at least one CSV ID field can be found.when a populated CSV ID field exists.should pass the ID as the CSV id field for WriteLog" time="0.1795" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when no CSV ID fields are populated" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.0984" asserts="0" description="when no CSV ID fields are populated">
                                  <test-case description="should pass N/A as the CSV id field for WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match cannot be found.when at least one CSV ID field can be found.when no CSV ID fields are populated.should pass N/A as the CSV id field for WriteLog" time="0.0984" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when a user match can be found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.372" asserts="0" description="when a user match can be found">
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when an attribute mismatch is found" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2352" asserts="0" description="when an attribute mismatch is found">
                              <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when syncing" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.2352" asserts="0" description="when syncing">
                                  <test-case description="should sync the expected user" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match can be found.when an attribute mismatch is found.when syncing.should sync the expected user" time="0.2352" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                          <test-suite type="TestFixture" name="when all attributes are in sync" executed="True" result="Success" success="True" time="0.1368" asserts="0" description="when all attributes are in sync">
                              <test-case description="should pass the expected attributes to WriteLog" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.when a user match can be found.when all attributes are in sync.should pass the expected attributes to WriteLog" time="0.1368" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />
                      <test-case description="should return nothing" name="Invoke-AdSync.Exclude.when at least one AD user and one CSV user is found.should return nothing" time="0.1418" asserts="0" success="True" result="Success" executed="True" />