
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement'

function FindAdUser


function GetAdUser

        [string]$OutputAs = 'UserPrincipal'

    $context = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext -ArgumentList 'Domain',$Env:USERDNSDOMAIN
    $DirectoryEntry = New-Object -TypeName DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
    $DirectorySearcher = new-object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
    $DirectorySearcher.PageSize = 1000
    $DirectorySearcher.SearchRoot = $DirectoryEntry
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Identity')) {
        $result = FindAdUser -DirectorySearcher $DirectorySearcher
    } else {
        $DirectorySearcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)({0}={1}))" -f ([array]$Identity.Keys)[0],([array]$Identity.Values)[0]
        $result = FindAdUser -DirectorySearcher $DirectorySearcher

    if ($OutputAs -eq 'SearchResult') {
    } else {
            [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal]::FindByIdentity($Context, ($_.path -replace 'LDAP://'))

function SaveAdUser

    $adsPath = [adsi]$adsPath
    $adspath.Put(([array]$Parameters.Attribute.Keys)[0], ([array]$Parameters.Attribute.Values)[0])

function SetAdUser


    $user = GetAdUser -Identity $Identity -OutputAs 'SearchResult'
    $adspath = $user.Properties.adspath -as [string]
    SaveAdUser -Parameters @{ AdsPath = $adspath; Attribute = $Attribute }

function Get-CompanyAdUser
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        Write-Verbose -Message "Finding all AD users in domain with properties: $($FieldMatchMap.Values -join ',')"
            $whereFilter = { $adUser = $_; $FieldMatchMap.Values | Where-Object { $adUser.$_ }}
            Write-Error -Message "Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

function GetCsvColumnHeaders
    (Get-Content -Path $CsvFilePath | Select-Object -First 1).Split(',') -replace '"'

function TestCsvHeaderExists


    $csvHeaders = GetCsvColumnHeaders -CsvFilePath $CsvFilePath
    $matchedHeaders = $csvHeaders | Where-Object { $_ -in $Header }
    if (@($matchedHeaders).Count -ne @($Header).Count) {
    } else {

function Get-CompanyCsvUser
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        Write-Verbose -Message "Enumerating all users in CSV file [$($CsvFilePath)]"
            $whereFilter = { '*' }
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Exclude'))
                $conditions = $Exclude.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { "(`$_.'$($_.Key)' -ne '$($_.Value)')" }
                $whereFilter = [scriptblock]::Create($conditions -join ' -and ')
            Import-Csv -Path $CsvFilePath | Where-Object -FilterScript $whereFilter
            Write-Error -Message "Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

function FindUserMatch


        [object[]]$AdUsers = $script:adUsers
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    foreach ($matchId in $FieldMatchMap.GetEnumerator()) { ## FieldMatchMap = @{ 'AD_LOGON' = 'samAccountName' }
        $adMatchField = $matchId.Value
        $csvMatchField = $matchId.Key
        Write-Verbose "Match fields: CSV - [$($csvMatchField)], AD - [$($adMatchField)]"
        if ($csvMatchVal = $CsvUser.$csvMatchField) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "CsvFieldMatchValue is [$($csvMatchVal)]"
            if ($matchedAdUser = @($AdUsers).where({ $_.$adMatchField -eq $csvMatchVal })) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Found AD match for CSV user [$csvMatchVal]: [$($matchedAdUser.$adMatchField)]"
                    MatchedAdUser = $matchedAdUser
                    CsvIdMatchedOn = $csvMatchField
                    AdIdMatchedOn = $adMatchField
                ## Stop after making a single match
            } else {
                Write-Verbose -Message "No user match found for CSV user [$csvMatchVal]"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "CSV field match value [$($csvMatchField)] could not be found."

function FindAttributeMismatch



    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    Write-Verbose "AD-CSV field map values are [$($FieldSyncMap.Values | Out-String)]"
    $csvPropertyNames = $CsvUser.PSObject.Properties.Name
    $AdPropertyNames = ($AdUser | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name
    Write-Verbose "CSV properties are: [$($csvPropertyNames -join ',')]"
    Write-Verbose "ADUser props: [$($AdPropertyNames -join ',')]"
    foreach ($csvProp in ($csvPropertyNames | Where-Object { $_ -in @($FieldSyncMap.Keys) })) {
        ## Ensure we're going to be checking the value on the correct CSV property and AD attribute
        $matchingAdAttribName = ($FieldSyncMap.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $csvProp }).Value
        Write-Verbose -Message "Matching AD attrib name is: [$($matchingAdAttribName)]"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Matching CSV field is: [$($csvProp)]"
        if ($adAttribMatch = $AdPropertyNames | Where-Object { $_ -eq $matchingAdAttribName }) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "ADAttribMatch: [$($adAttribMatch)]"
            if (-not $AdUser.$adAttribMatch) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "[$($adAttribMatch)] value is null. Converting to empty string,.."
                $AdUser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $adAttribMatch -Force -Value ''
            if (-not $CsvUser.$csvProp) {
                $CsvUser.$csvProp = ''
            if ($AdUser.$adAttribMatch -ne $CsvUser.$csvProp) {
                    CSVAttributeName = $csvProp
                    CSVAttributeValue = $CsvUser.$csvProp
                    ADAttributeName = $adAttribMatch
                    ADAttributeValue = $AdUser.$adAttribMatch
                Write-Verbose -Message "AD attribute mismatch found on CSV property: [$($csvProp)]. Value is [$($AdUser.$adAttribMatch)] and should be [$($CsvUser.$csvProp)]"

function SyncCompanyUser
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High')]




    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    try {
        $setParams = @{
            Identity = @{ $Identifier = $AdUser.$Identifier }
        foreach ($attrib in $Attributes) {
            $setParams.Attribute = @{ $attrib.ADAttributeName = $attrib.CSVAttributeValue }
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("User: [$($AdUser.$Identifier)] AD attribs: [$($setParams.Attribute.Keys -join ',')]",'Set AD attributes')) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Setting the following AD attributes for user [$Identifier]: $($setParams.Attribute | Out-String)"
                SetAdUser @setParams
    } catch {

function WriteLog
        [string]$FilePath = '.\PSAdSync.csv',



    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    $time = Get-Date -Format 'g'
    $Attributes['CsvIdentifierValue'] = $CsvIdentifierValue
    $Attributes['CsvIdentifierField'] = $CsvIdentifierField
    $Attributes['Time'] = $time
    ([pscustomobject]$Attributes) | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -Append -NoTypeInformation


function GetCsvIdField


    $FieldMatchMap.Keys | ForEach-Object { 
            Field = $_
            Value = $CSVUser.$_

function Write-ProgressHelper {
    param (

    Write-Progress -Activity 'Active Directory Report/Sync' -Status $Message -PercentComplete (($StepNumber / $script:totalSteps) * 100)

function Invoke-AdSync




        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
            $getCsvParams = @{
                CsvFilePath = $CsvFilePath
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Exclude'))
                if (-not (TestCsvHeaderExists -CsvFilePath $CsvFilePath -Header ([array]$Exclude.Keys))) {
                    throw 'One or more CSV headers excluded with -Exclude do not exist in the CSV file.'
                $getCsvParams.Exclude = $Exclude

            Write-Host 'Enumerating all Active Diretory users. This may take a few minutes depending on the number of users...'
            if (-not ($script:adUsers = Get-CompanyAdUser -FieldMatchMap $FieldMatchMap)) {
                throw 'No AD users found'
            Write-Host 'Enumerating all CSV users...'
            if (-not ($csvusers = Get-CompanyCsvUser @getCsvParams)) {
                throw 'No CSV users found'

            $script:totalSteps = @($csvusers).Count
            $stepCounter = 0
                Write-ProgressHelper -Message "Attempting to find attribute mismatch for user in CSV row [$($stepCounter + 1)]" -StepNumber ($stepCounter++)
                $csvUser = $_
                if ($adUserMatch = FindUserMatch -CsvUser $csvUser -FieldMatchMap $FieldMatchMap) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message 'Match'
                    $csvIdMatchedon = $aduserMatch.CsvIdMatchedOn
                    $adIdMatchedon = $aduserMatch.AdIdMatchedOn
                    $csvIdValue = $csvUser.$csvIdMatchedon
                    $csvIdField = $csvIdMatchedon
                    $attribMismatches = FindAttributeMismatch -AdUser $adUserMatch.MatchedAdUser -CsvUser $csvUser -FieldSyncMap $FieldSyncMap
                    if ($attribMismatches) {
                        $logAttribs = $attribMismatches
                        if (-not $ReportOnly.IsPresent) {
                            SyncCompanyUser -AdUser $adUserMatch.MatchedADUser -CsvUser $csvUser -Attributes $attribMismatches -Identifier $adIdMatchedOn
                    } else {
                        Write-Verbose -Message "No attributes found to be mismatched between CSV and AD user account for user [$csvIdValue]"
                        $logAttribs = @{
                            CSVAttributeName = 'AlreadyInSync'
                            CSVAttributeValue = 'AlreadyInSync'
                            ADAttributeName = 'AlreadyInSync'
                            ADAttributeValue = 'AlreadyInSync'
                } else {
                    if (-not ($csvIds = @(GetCsvIdField -CsvUser $csvUser -FieldMatchMap $FieldMatchMap).where({ $_.Field }))) {
                        throw 'No CSV id fields were found.'
                    $csvIdField = $csvIds.Field -join ','
                    ## No ID fields are populated
                    if (-not ($csvIds | Where-Object {$_.Value})) {
                        $csvIdValue = 'N/A'
                        Write-Verbose -Message 'No CSV user identifier could be found'
                    } elseif ($csvIds | Where-Object { $_.Value}) { ## at least one ID field is populated
                        $csvIdValue = $csvIds.Value -join ','
                    $logAttribs = @{
                        CSVAttributeName = 'NoMatch'
                        CSVAttributeValue = 'NoMatch'
                        ADAttributeName = 'NoMatch'
                        ADAttributeValue = 'NoMatch'

                WriteLog -CsvIdentifierField $csvIdField -CsvIdentifierValue $csvIdValue -Attributes $logAttribs
            Write-Error -Message "Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"